Lecture 11 Flashcards
Lecture 11:
What is Multiple Regression?
Study with multiple predictors (more than 1 Independent Variable) & a single dependent variable
Lecture 11:
What is an example of Multiple Regression?
Predicting muscle fibre type from;
1.) rate of fatigue during 30sec cycle test (“wind gate test”)
2.) rate of force development maximal isometric contraction
Lecture 11:
What are 3 reasons to choose a Multiple Regression?
1.) more than 1 (>1) independent variables will better predict the dependent variable
2.) total variance explained by >1 independent variables is greater than any single variable
3.) leads to a greater r^2 (explained variance)
Lecture 11:
What is an example sentence where you would use multiple regression?
Using pre injury isokinetic strength (X1) & post surgical range of motion (X2) to predict time until running after ACL repair (Y)
Lecture 11:
What is the letter sign for Multiple Correlation Coefficient & its range?
R = multiple correlation coefficient (not r for bivariate correlation)
- ranges from 0 to 1.0 *cannot be -‘ve
*0 = no relationship
*1.0 = perfect relationship
Lecture 11:
What is Multiple Correlation Coefficient Squared & what does it explain?
R^2 & explains variance in the model
- eg; if R^2 = .72 than 72% of the variance in the DV (Y) accounted for by the IV (X1, X2,…)
Lecture 11:
What is the optimal multiple regression?
The best model has the fewest independent variables (X1, X2,…) to predict the dependent variable
eg; 2 IV would be better predictors than 4 IV
Lecture 11:
What are the 3 steps in the Forward Selection Method of Multiple Regression?
1.) start with a table with r between all X & Y variables (called correlation matrix) *wont have to perform one
2.) first X variable added to the model is the one with the highest correlation with the Y variable
3.) Further additions of X variables are added to the model in order of how much each variable can increase the R^2 value (maximize the explained variance)
Lectrue 11:
What is an important thing to consider when choosing your variables for correlation matrix (multiple regression)?
Important to choose variables that are not highly correlated as it will not add enough information to the model & increases error if too correlated