Lecture 10: Volcanic Eruptions Flashcards
A mountain constructed by the eruption of molten rock from Earth’s interior and are a direct consequence of plate tectonics and mantle convection
Tallest mountain on earth
Mauna Kea
What do eruptions provide?
Provide highly productive solid to feed a civilization
What are the products of volcanic eruptions?
Volcanic gases
Pyroclastic debris
Lava flows
What is volcanic gas?
Expelled vapour and aerosols
What is pyroclastic debris?
Fragments blown out of a volcano
What is lava flow?
Flowing molten rock with various viscosities
What affects the viscosity of lava?
Due to its composition specifically its silica content
Gas content
Runny lava (name, viscosity)
Basaltic lava (low viscosity)
Thick lave (name, viscosity)
Rhyolite lava, high viscosity
Lava in between thick and thin (name?)
Andesite lava
Basaltic lava
Runny-low viscosity, low silica, very hot, long flow distances, rapid speed
Rhyolite lava
Thick-high viscosity, has highest SiO2 content, it rarely flows and plugs the vent creating a lava dome
Andesitic lava
A viscous lava, that flows slower and has a higher silicon oxide content than a basalt. They lava hovers around the vent and its outer crust will fracture into rubble after cooled
Lava tubes
Conduits for basaltic lava, where overtime flow is entirely contained within the tube. Lava tubes are often miles long. Tubes prevent cooling, facilitating flow for miles. After volcanic episodes, lava tubes become caves that can transmit water.
Hawaiian word for describing basalt with a glassy, ropy, twisty texture.
A basalt with glassy, rope, twisty texture skin which forms when a hot basalt forms a skin.
Hawaiian word describing basalt that solidifies with a jagged, sharp, angular texture.
A basalt that solidifies with a jagged, sharp, angular texture that forms when hot flowing basalt cools and thickens. With flow the lava crumbles into sharp, jagged shards and fragments that solidify into hard solid rock.
Columnar jointing
Solidified flows that contract with vertical fractures that have cross sections that are hexagonal
Where is columnar jointing most common?
Basalt and other igneous rocks
Pillow basalt
Blobs of basalt that cooled rapidly by quenching in water.
Pillow basalt are a common feature of the
Mid ocean ridge
Mound of pillow basalt
A repeating process of lava pressure rupturing a pillow basalt
Basaltic vs andesitic vs rhyolitic
SiO2 content, viscosity, pyroclastic debris, difficulty of gas escape:
Rhyolitic lava flows
It has the highest SiO2, and is the most viscous. Their lava rarely flows
Lava domes/ volcanic domes
Bulbous mass of congealed lava which are associated with explosive eruptions of gas-poor magma
Explosive eruptions
Occur mostly in rhyolitic and andesitic magmas due to high gas content, they end up creating huge volumes of debris including volcanic ash
Pyroclastic flow
An avalanche made of hot ash, gas, & debris that develops from volcanic eruptions where the ash cloud/column/dome collapses and races down at very high deadly speeds
Volcaniclastic deposits
Large quantities of fragments for volcanic eruption