Lecture 10: UE Treatments Flashcards
Glenohumeral Joint SD BLT
Indicated for: subdeltoid bursitis or frozen shoulder
SC joint Abduction is associated with () glide and () shoulder
SC joint Adduction is associated with () glide and () shoulder
SC joint flexion is associated with () glide and () shoulder
SC joint flexion is associated with () glide and () shoulder
Inferior; elevated
superior; depressed
posterior; protracted (FPP)
anterior; retracted (EAR)
SC Elevated/ADducted SD Still’s
SC Depressed/ABducted SD Still’s
How would you dx the AC joint?
Inspect and palpate for asymmetry (step offs)
Motion screening: Cross arm adduction test
Spring inferiorly to see preference
Spring posteriorly to see preference
AC Joint Separated SD Still’s
AC Joint Direct Seated ART
Ulnar Adduction is associated with () motion and wrist ()
Ulnar Abduction is associated with () and wrist ()
varus; abduction
valgus; adduction
Ulnar Abduction SD HVLA
Ulnar Adduction SD HVLA
Anterior radial head is associated with ()
Posterior radial head is associated with ()
Anterior Radial Head HVLA
Posterior Radial Head HVLA
Interosseous Membrane MFR