Lecture 10- Basal ganglia, cerebellum and movement disorders Flashcards
basic function of the basal ganglia is to
analyse motor plans produced by the primary motor cortex
key components of the basal ganglia
- Key components
- Thalamus
- Internal capsule
Lentiform nucleus
- Putamen- superficial
- Putamen and caudate nucleus (C shaped) closely related
- Connected to each other- same ancestral nucleus together referred to as the striatum
- The striatum receives input from the cortex
- Globus pallidus- further subdivided
- External
- Internal
- Sends output back to the cortex via the thalamus
- Putamen- superficial
Substantia nigra (part of the midbrain)
- Dopaminergic neurones which sends axons up to striatum (putamen)via the Nigro striatal pathways
which structures are reffered to together as the striatum
putamen and caudate nucleus
Substantia nigra
(part of the midbrain)
Dopaminergic neurones which sends axons up to striatum (putamen)via the Nigro striatal pathways
location of the cerebellum
- Sits dorsal to the pons
- Forms the roof of the fourth ventricle
- Separated from the occipital love by the tentorium cerebeli
basic anatomy of the cerebellum
- Sits in the posterior cranial fossa
- 3 major components
- 2 laterally placed cerebellar hemispheres
- 1 midline cerebellar vermis
- Connected to the brainstem by Cerebellar peduncles
cerebellar peduncles
3 pathways
- Superior medulla peduncle- connecting cerebellum to midbrain
- Middle -connecting cerebellum to pons
- Largest
- Huge amount of input get to the cerebellar from the motor cortex via the corticoponto cerebellar pathway –> passes through middle peduncle
- Inferior- connecting cerebellum tomedulla
superior surface of the cerebellum
- Top of cerebellum flatter and bottom more irregular
- Vermis= midline structure
- 2 lateral hemispheres
- Topography
- Vermis- trunk musculature
- Hemisphere- distal muscles
inferior surface of the cerebellum
- Triangle shape next to the vermis= cerebellar tonsil
- If ICP increases- tonsils (herniation) can be forced down through foramen magnum causing compression of the medulla
- Can see forth ventricle
- Can see cerebellar peduncles
normal function of the basal ganglia and cerebellum can be thought of as
- Looping circuits going from the cortex to the basal ganglia and back to the cortex and the cortex to the cerebellum and back up to the cortex
- Loops – analysis of motor programs produced by the primary motor cortex
Basal ganglia function
Takes an idea or motor plan decided by the prefrontal cortex and determines the most appropriate set of movements for a task
- Direct pathway
- Facilitates appropriate movements
- Indirect pathway
- Inhibits inappropriate movements
Dopamine from SNcircuit can be thought as a ‘kick starter’ and finer tuner
Cerebellum function
Looks at the position of limbs currently and determines an appropriate sequence to conduct the motor plan
basal ganglia pathway
When thinking about normal functions of the basal ganglia, start at the putament and ignore dopamine…. outline the direct pathway
Facilitation of appropriate movements- net excitatory to motor cortex
- Putamen communicates with the internal segment of the globus pallidus- inhibitory (GABA)
- Globus pallidus normally inhibits the thalamus (GABA)
- Thalamus excites the cortex (glutamate)
- Therefore we have inhibition of a normally inhibitory pathways (-ve + -ve = +Ve)
- Therefore we decrease amount of inhibition on thalamus, therefore we get a net increase in activity of the motor cortex
When thinking about normal functions of the basal ganglia, start at the putament and ignore dopamine…. outline the indirect pathway
inhibits inappropriate movements- net inhibitory to motor cortex
- Putamen sends inhibitory neurones down to the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) (GABA)
- GPe is normally inhibitory on the subthalamic nucleus (STN) (GABA)
- Therefore if the putamen is inhibiting the GPe, then there is inhibition of inhibitory effect of GPe on the subthalamic nucleus (STN)
- Therefore STN can provide more excitatory stimulation the internal segment of the globus pallidus
- when stimulated GPi will give more inhibitory stimulation of the thalamus
- Therefore inhibition of the thalamus even more
- Therefore inhibitory on the motor cortex
parkinsons caused by
degeneration of dopaminergic neruones present in the susbtantia nigra
When thinking about Parkinsons disease in relation to the basal ganglia circuit start at the…..
–> substantia nigra
Normal dopamine action on the basal ganglia pathway