Examplify question bank 1/2 Flashcards
One complication of subarachnoid haemorrhage is blockage of arachnoid granulations. What might the effect of this be?
A. Low intracranial pressure
B. No effect on intracranial pressure
C. Raised intracranial pressure
Raised intracranial pressure
Arachnoid granulations are involved with drainage of CSF. Hence CSF would accumulate and increase the pressure within the skull
Which region on the image of midbrain is the cerebral peduncle?
A. A
B. B
C. C
C. C
Rationale: A is periaqueductal grey matter, B is substantia nigra
A region of white matter is identified in the cord which contains both ascending and descending axons. What is the correct term for this?
A. Fasciculus
B. Funiculus
C. Tract
B. Funiculus
Rationale: A fasciculus is a subdivision of a tract. A tract contains axons travelling in a single direction only (either ascending or descending)
Pure sensory loss in a single dermatome with no associated weakness suggests damage to which structure?
A. Dorsal root
B. Spinal cord
C. Ventral root
A. Dorsal root
Rationale: If the spinal cord ( part within the vertebral column) was damaged this would probably affect multiple dermatomes with associated weakness. If the ventral root was affected there would be weakness with no sensory loss. Dorsal roots contain sensory axons only
Which subdivision of the CNS contains cell bodies and dendrites?
A. Choroid plexus
B. Grey matter
C. White matter
grey matter
Rationale: Choroid plexus makes CSF, white matter contains axons
The thalamus, an important structure in the sensory system, is found in which division of the CNS?
A. Telencephalon
B. Mesencephalon
C. Diencephalon
C. Diencephalon
Rationale: The mesencephalon refers to the midbrain (meso=middle) and the telencephalon refers to the rostral most portions of the brain
Which type of neurone brings information into the central nervous system?
A. Afferent neurones
B. Efferent neurones
C. Interneurones
A. Afferent neurones
Rationale: Efferent neurones carry impulses away from the CNS and interneurones connect afferents and efferents
The hippocampus is found in which lobe of the brain?
A. Frontal lobe
B. Occipital lobe
C. Temporal lobe
Temporal lobe
Rationale: The hippocampus sits infero-medially in the temporal lobe
Which cranial nerve emerges ventrally from the ponto-medullary junction?
A. Abducens nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Trigeminal nerve
A. Abducens nerve
Rationale: The trigeminal nerve emerges from the lateral aspect of the pons. The facial nerve emerges laterally from the ponto-medullary junction
The superior colliculus is part of which structure?
A. Medulla
B. Midbrain
C. Pons
Rationale: The colliculi sit on the dorsal aspect of the midbrain (and form Mickey mouse’s chin)
A meningomyelocoele contains what?
A. CSF only
B .Spinal cord and CSF
C. Spinal cord but no CSF
B .Spinal cord and CSF
Rationale: Meningo- refers to meninges (and hence CSF) and –myelo refers to the cord. A Meningocoele has only CSF. Cord but no CSF is not possible
The CNS shares an embryological origin with which other tissue?
A. The gut
B. The skin
C. Skeletal muscle
B. The skin
Rationale: CNS is derived from ectoderm, as is skin. Gut derives from endoderm and muscle from mesoderm
Cerebrospinal fluid circulates in which space?
A. The extradural space
B. The subarachnoid space
C. The subdural space
B. The subarachnoid space
Rationale: The extradural space normally contains nothing (but can fill with blood in an extradural haemorrhage). The subdural space contains nothing normally, apart from bridging veins (but can fill with blood in a subdural haemorrhage)
Considering the motor homunculus, which region of the body is represented most laterally in the primary motor cortex?
A. The face
B. The hand
C. The lower limb
A. The face
Rationale: The lower limbs are represented medially and the hand sits in an intermediate position
Which region of cortex sits anterior to the central sulcus?
A. Premotor area
B. Primary motor cortex
C. Primary sensory cortex
B. Primary motor cortex
Rationale: The primary sensory cortex sits posterior to the central sulcus and the premotor area sits anterior to the primary motor cortex
The cuneate fasciculus contains fibres from which body region?
A. C1 - T6
B. T7 - T12
C. L1-L5
C1-T6 (upper body)
Rationale: The gracile fasciculus contains information from the lower half of the body. The head is supplied by a separate system
In the dorsal column, which population of first order fibres ascend most medially?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
A patient has a tumour compressing the left cerebral peduncle. What is the likely effect on the sensory system?
A. Loss of all modalities on the left side
B. Loss of all modalities on the right side
C. Nothing
Rationale: For our purposes, the cerebral peduncle contains motor fibres only- ventral. Sensory fibres ascend directly to the thalamus via Mickey mouse’s ‘tears’
remember dorsal= sensory, ventral = motor
A patient has a dorsal column lesion. What is likely to happen if they stand up and close their eyes?
A. Head will turn towards the side of the lesion
B. Nothing
C. They will lose their balance
They will lose their balance
Rationale: Equilibrium relies on having at least 2 out of three inputs to the brain: vision, proprioception and input from the vestibular system. Take two of these away (vision and proprioception in this case) and the patient will lose their balance.
A patient has loss of all sensory modalities in the left T3 dermatome, loss of pain and temperature sensation from T4 downwards on the right side and loss of vibration and light touch from T4 downwards on the left side. Where is the lesion?
A. Left side of the T3 cord segment
B. Left side of the T4 cord segment
C. Right side of the T4 cord segment
A. Left side of the T3 cord segment
Rationale: This is Brown Sequard syndrome caused by cord hemisection. If the left T4 segment were destroyed you would see a similar pattern, but the T4 dermatome would lose all modalities. If the right half of the cord was affected then you would see right sided loss of dorsal column modalities and left sided loss of spinothalamic modalities (below the lesion)
A patient who was involved in a road traffic accident describes how he felt no pain, despite the fact that his leg had been crushed. What is a feasible neurophysiological mechanism for this?
A. Destruction of all of the nerves supplying his lower limb
B. Increased activity of enkephalinergic neurones in the spinal cord
C. Inhibition of the somatosensory cortex
Increased activity of enkephalinergic neurones in the spinal cord
This is caused by activation of descending analgesic systems from the PAG and nucleus raphe magnus. Destruction of peripheral nerves often leads to increased sensations due to ectopic action potentials in first order neurones. Inhibition of the somatosensory cortex is not a major mechanism here.