Lecture 10 Flashcards
Types of Blood Flow
1) Laminar Flow–> Arteries/veins
- Silent/unobstructed
- Parabolic shape
- Layers blood in concentric rings = less energy to move blood
2) Turbulent Flow–> Ventricles, stenosis
- Noisy
- Laminar flow disrupted
- Movement chaotic
3) Single line/margin flow –> Capillaries
- RBC diameter > capillary diameter
Reynold’s number
-Predicts whether blood flow is laminar or turbulent
Re = v D ρ / η
Re>2000 = laminar becomes turbulent
What increases/decreases turbulence
- High flow velocity (MOST important)
- Large vessel diameter
- High blood density
-Increase viscosity
Clinical conditions that will cause turbulence?
1) Stenosis
2) Defective valves in heart
3) Narrowed blood vessel
Sickle cell
- RBC rigid/sickle shape
- Do not pass easily through capillary –> tissue ischemia and painful “sickling crisis”
La Place’s Law
(Transmural pressure) ∆P = 2T/r
- T = Wall TENSION in vessels to counteract pressure
- R= Radius
- Transmural Pressure (∆P) = Pi - Pt
- Greater radius = greater tension
- Thickness/hypertrophy = decreases tension
-Think tight rope explanation
-Aorta radius large – requires more tension to offset given blood pressure
- Vessel cannot generate more wall tension
- -> rupture
Compare Vein and artery compliance
-Compliance describes how the volume of a
compartment changes (∆V) in response to a given change in the pressure within (∆ P).
Compliance = ∆ V/∆ P
- Veins need a small change in pressure to accommodate a large change in volume of blood
- More distensible (measure of compliance)
-Arteries need a large change in pressure to accommodate a small change in volume of blood
Sympathetics and Compliance
- Sympathetics reduce compliance
- Force blood to
Venous Pooling
- Person standing for long periods of time
- On standing, the pressure (distending) in the veins of the foot increases, and since the veins are so compliant these veins will accommodate a large volume of blood
Effects of venoconstriction and venodilation?
- “squeezes” blood out of the veins – and shifts it towards the heart.
- ↑Sympathetic → Venoconstriction
- allows more blood to pool in the veins
- ↓Sympathetic → Venodilation
Compare Veins and arteries elasticity
Arteries more elastic than veins
Arterial compliance and age
-Vessels become stiffer w age = decreased compliance –> generate more systolic pressures to move blood into circulation
Clinical Correlation:
1) Systolic hypertension (Elderly) –> 160/80
- Changes in artery
- Cannot hold same volume of blood as a younger person
Effects of Altered Ventricular Compliance
↓ ventricular compliance → ↑ LVEDPr and vice versa
LV hypertrophy –> Reduced Ventricular compliance
- ↓ compliance
- ↓ Stroke volume
- ↓ Cardiac output
Dilated cardiomyopathies
- ↑ compliance
Pulse pressure calculation and factors that effect it
Systolic BP - Diastolic BP (Diff between two)
120-80 = 40mmHG
-Gives idea of stroke volume
Factors that Effect it:
-Arterial compliance
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
- Pressure in the aorta during single cardiac cycle
- Average effective pressure that drives blood around the circulation
- Gives idea of cardiac output
-MAP = Pdiastolic +⅓ (Psystolic – Pdiastolic)
Arterial Pressure (Pulse) Wave
- When blood is ejected at high pressure into the aorta – a pressure wave is set up which is transmitted along the walls of the arteries
- Pressure wave velocity is faster in stiffer (older) arteries
Stiffening of the arteries
Usually in older ppl
Plaque formation –> Narrowed vessels
Why can you maintain venous return from supine to standing?
-There is still pressure diff between arteries
and veins – blood will flow
Factors that Affect Venous return
1) Inspiration (breathing in)
2) Skeletal muscle pump contraction (Decreasing Venous PR)?
2) Expiration (breathing out)
Define Venous Pressure and Central venous pressure
1) Venous Pressure
- Pressure in venous compartment
2) Central venous pressure
-pressure in thoracic vena cava near RA
(Determines filling pressure of RA)
Factors that affect RAP and CVP
-Depends on ability to pump blood/tendency of blood to flow back into heart
1) Inverse relationship w contraction
(Decrease= strong, Increase = weak)
2) Cardiac failure
(increase RAP, CVP, and hydrostatic pressure)
Factors that affect venous return and central venous pressure
Increase VR and CVP:
↑ Blood volume
↑ Venomotor tone
(Increase RAP)
Decrease VR and CVP
(Decrease RAP)
-Cardiac failure can also increase RAP, CVP, and hydrostatic pressure
Measuring blood flow – Fick principle
-Calcs rate of cardiac output
Q (Flow) = O2 consumption/arterialO2 - venousO2