Lecture 1 (SET) Flashcards
SET doesn’t explain what?
firms profits in the long run, diversity of strategy, firm’s structure
SET: why firms exist?
(Coarse) firms reduce transaction costs, which cannot be reached through market transactions
For long-term transactions, when going to the market would be too bothersome
Coarse Firm description
a firm can be seen as an exchange place (as markets) where resources are exchanged, coordination is not done by prices but using authority.
6 coordination mechanisms (organizational configurations) of Mitzberg
- Direct supervision
- Standardization of work processes
- Standardization of outputs
- Standardization of skills/knowledge
- Standardization of norms
- Mutual ajustment
Direct supervision (organizational mechanism)
-One person gives orders to others, one step at a time
-Owner directs production and allocation of resources
-Authority as direct supervision
-Inefficient as organization grows
[Entrepreneurial organization]
Standardization of work processes (organizational mechanism)
- “How to work” tutorials
- production routines (leads to standard inputs)
[Machine organization]
Standardization of outputs (organizational mechanism)
- Specifies results but not the way they should be achieved
- Output expectations for divisions but autonomy in how to reach these goals
[Diversified organization]
Standardization of skills (organizational mechanism)
-Work coordinated by standard related training
-Well trained individuals
[Professional organization]
Standardization of norms (organizational mechanism)
-Norms (ideology) and same beliefs shared across organizational members
-Standardization of norms. Strong values and culture
[Missionary organization]
Mutual adjustment (organizational mechanism)
-informal communication, flexible structure, incouraged creativity and innovation
-trust-based organiozations
[innovative organizations]
Downside of organizational specialization
Silo effect
Silo effect
Consequence of overly specialized company.
Internal competition and asynchronized information on progress and actions
Coordinator between agents
Price system
What solves information problems?
Place that gives buyers and sellers possibility to trade
Many small buyers and sellers
Economic problem
situation where needs are not met as a result of scarcity of resources
Optimal allocation
Best use of scarced resources
Economic aspect
any situation where (optimal) use of resources is considered
Division of labour
splitting a task into seperate tasks
Economies of specialization
cost efficient economy in which division of labour takes place
Transfer of the right to use goods or services
Sufficient statistic
all information delivered for a transaction to be made
context of trade offs between market and organizational coordination
SET stands for, and assumptions
Standard economic theory
ideal markets, economic transactions between agents are coordinated by prices
buyers and sellers
Why agents are price takers?
They use an externally fixed price (demand=supply)
Market price fairness
Market prices are by nature fair for all agents
Agents behaviour in the exchange contract
Agents always behave as agreed. (otherwise costly penalties)
Control of contracts
No cheating. no need for quality, delivery, conditions control