Lecture 1 - Introduction to ARM assembly language Flashcards
What is an embedded system?
A device that includes a programable computer, but is not itself a general purpose computer.
A computing system, specialized for only few applications with none (or few) end user programmability, embedded into a larger product
The main purpose of embedded systems are not computing
Name a few examples of embedded systems
Washing machine
a car
smart homes
air craft
Define Cyber-physical systems
A term that defines there being a physical world and a digital one.
How are embedded systems connected to the term Cyber-physical?
An embedded system observes something in the physical world, and processes information and does computing in the digital one, and based on computation deside how to influence the physical world
What are the key design objectives when designing embedded systems
Define predictability as a design objective for embedded systems
It is essential to predict how the CPS (cyber-physical system) will behave under any circumstances and conditions, before the system is deployed. This is due to the fact that the system will influence the physical world, and thereby needs to be safe in any situation.
Define efficiency as a design objective for embedded systems
CPSs should be energy and run-time efficient, and weight and cost efficient.
Define dependability as a design objective for embedded systems
CPSs must operate dependable, safely, securely, efficiently in real time. They must operate as you would expect in any situation.
Name properties of embedded systems
Time constrained
Define reactive-ness as a property of embedded systems
As the physical world constantly changes, an embedded system must be highly reactive to these changes.
Must react to stimuli for environment.
The rate of reaction is defined by the rate in which the environment is changing, and the embedded system should be able to keep pace with this rate
Define time constraint as a property of embedded systems
Embedded systems must do computation and action within a certain real-time constraints.
As embedded systems does computations based on real world observations, if the answers arrives too late they would already be wrong as they are would no longer be useful.
Define specialized as a property of embedded systems
Embedded systems are sepcialized towards a few applications or domains, and does little less.
Domain knowledge helps optimize design and resource use, maximize predictability etc.
What are the differences of embedded- and general purpose systems
Embedded systems are specialized and have few applications (these are known at design time). General purpose systems have a broad range of applications. You might not know in advanced what the general computer will be used for, but it should still be able to execute applications and programs as they arrive.
Embedded systems are not programmable by the end user, where as general purpose systems are.
Embedded systems have fixed performance requirements. Additional performance is not necessarily useful. High performance in general purpose systems are useful to allow additional new applications.
Both embedded- and general purpose systems have cost and power consumptions as design criteria. However, when it comes to speed, what matters in embedded systems are the worst case speed, and in GPS are the avarage speed. Embedded systems also need to take into account size, weight and dependability.
Name the 5 stages in the design flow of embedded systems
Specification (technical details)
Architecture (what are the components, and how are these connected)
Components (design of individual components)
Integration (Connect all components and make them work together)
Define a top-down design
When starting at the requirements and working the way to integration.
Define a bottom-up design
When implementing a system, sometimes you might realise that the system does not meet the requirements astablished in the beginning.
At this point it is necessary to step through the previous stages to see where an error might have occured. This is a bottom-up approach
What happens during the requirement stage of designing embedded systems
Functional and non-functional requirements
Functional: What will the system do
Non functional: cost, size, battery life, power
What happens during the specification stage of designing embedded systems
An unambiguous technical description derived from the requirement. Needs to be detailed enough to design the architecture.
Will be used by the engineer and designer.
What happens during the Architecture stage of designing embedded systems
A high level overview of the system structure in terms of components needed and their interaction.
What happens during the components stage of designing embedded systems
Choose or build the components to implement the architecture and meet the specifications.
Can use standard components such as CPU, memory and software libraries.
Custom components such as printed circuit boards, software modules
What happens during the integration stage of designing embedded systems
The components are put together to make the system work.
What are a key challenge during the architecture phase of embedded system design
Distributing functionality between software and hardware to meet the competing requirements of cost, performance, power, etc.
What are a key challenge during the integration phase of embedded system design
Handling unforseen bugs that pop up during integration.
Requires debugging.
Helps using careful component design
Name hardware components often used in embedded systems
I/O devices: because of interaction with physical world
BUS: connects these components
Operating system: not all embedded systems needs an OS
Compiler, assembler, optimizer
Assembly/C code software: Usually used because of performance benefits
What is Instruction set architecture (ISA)
The interface between hardware and software. Abstracts the hardware implementation details from the programmer.
Defines the processor’s recognizable machine instructions
Defines architecure state, memory management
What are micro architectures
The same ISA may have different implementations. These implementations are called microarchitectures.
What are machine instructions
String of binary numbers.
Difficult for humans to understand
What are assembly instructions?
Symbolic representation of machine instructions.
Easier for humans to understand.
One-to-one mapping between machine and assembly instructions (one assembly instruction usually has only one binary representation).
What is a load-store architecture?
An ISA where instructions for accessing memory, and operating on data is seperate.
No single instruction can do both memory access and computation
What does it mean if an architecture is 64-bit?
The majority of instructions operate on 64-bit operands. The operands for an ADD instruction would be represented with 64 bit.
What does it mean that instructions are represented using 32-bit?
32 bits are used to encode what operation is being performed (the nmemonic, opcode?), where the source operands are and where the result should be put.
What are registers?
Storage locations within the processor that hold program variable and control state.
Very fast to access.
What is endianness?
Given a memory address, endianness tells where to find the first byte of a word.
Big-endian: Most significant byte goes to the smallest memory address.
OA: address a
OB: address a + 1
OC. address a + 2
OD: address a + 3
Little-endian: Least significant byte goes to the smallest memory address.
OD: address a
OC: address a + 1
OB. address a + 2
OA: address a + 3