Lecture 1 - Introduction, Classification Flashcards
Classification in the context of Transportation Technology
Freight and Passenger transport, traffic engineering, technical equipment and transport means
What is a Traffic System?
Is an inter-corporate transport system with technical and organizational facilities for the purpose of modifying the location of passenger or goods. (Bicycles, car or buses, ships, railway vehicles)
Types of Traffic System
The most important traffic systems are railway system, automotive system, airplane system and the ships
Individual Transport – Passenger transport (car, yacht, airplane), Freight transport doesn’t exist, only luggage transport
Individual and Public Transport – Passenger transport (buses, airplane, ship, railway) and Freight transport (railway, trunks, airplanes, ship).
Subsystems of Traffic System
- Transport means: Vehicles, airplanes, ships
- Infrastructure: Tracks, transport hubs, maintenance plants.
- Organization: Structural Organization (staff), Procedural Organization (Operational and maintenance processes)
Transport means
Technical system (vehicle) or mechanism that allows or supports the movement of person and/or goods. (Airplanes, cars, bicycles, trains, etc.)
Classification of means of transport
Can be classified as:
• Accessibility – public (generally accessible) and non-public (private)
• Transported items –passengers or freight transport
• Traction – motorized and non-motorized transport
• Motion Space – land, sea or air
• Degrees of freedom – space, surface, line.
• Distance – Regional or long-haul traffic (short/long distance traffic)
Classification acc. degrees of Freedom
Space Transport – 6 (X, Y, Z and the moment of each) Spaceship, airplane, submarine
Surface Transport – 3 (X, Y and the moment respect Z) ship, automobile
Line Transport – 1 (Track-guided vehicle)
What is a degree of freedom?
Number of independent movements that a rigid body can have
Basic function of vehicles
1. Support Supporting the vehicle weight and the payload in the vertical direction (z) 2. Guidance Keeping direction on straight track (y) 3. Driving and Braking Transmitting the necessary forces
What is the major difference between the railway and an automobile
The steering.
Because of the shape of the wheels, the rail wheels will steer themselves during the track. The railway vehicle or the train steer itself, that is the reason why we don’t have a steering wheel. Track guidance occurs “automatically”
Classification acc. track guidance
Wheeled vehicles: Flanged and flangeless vehicles
Wheeless vehicles
What are wheeless railways and name them
Railways in where the rails transport without the necessity of wheels.
Aerodynamic glider, permanent magnet glider, electromagnetic glider, electrodynamic glider
Aerodynamic glider
Vehicle supported withouth wheels. Supported and guided by air pressure (air cushion)
D/B: cable
Systems: Aerotrain, U-Bahn Serfaus
Permanent-magnet Glider
Vehicle supported withouth wheels. Supported mostly permanent-magnetic
G: horizontal roller wheel, D/B: electromagnetic
Systems: M-Bahn (S: 85% permanent-magnetic, 15% bearing rollers, Guiding: lateral rollers)
Electrodynamic Glider
Vehicle supported withouth wheels. Supported and guided by electrodynamic forces
D/B: electromagnetic
JR Maglev (S: electrodynamic forces, super conductor until 120 km/h, D/B: laterally mounted linear drive) Erlangen Test Vehicle: (S: v< 150 km/h w bearing rollers, v> 150 km/h electrodynamic, Guidance: Electrodynamic D/B: laterally mounted electromagnetic linear drive)