Lecture 1: Intro To Pharmacology Flashcards
What did the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 do?
New drugs had to have the FDA predicated demonstrated safety on them
What did the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 do?
The act that established the FDA
- also required listing on the label the presence and amount of certain dangerous drugs.
What did the Kefauver-Harris Amendment of 1962 do?
Required drugs to show proof of efficacy and safety
What is Thalidomide?
A drug marketed for morning sickness that resulted in many babies to have birth defects (missing limbs)… Spurred the Kefauver Harris Amendment
What percentage of new drugs make it through the approval process?
In 1992, what new legislation required review of what?
The grandfathered drugs for the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1962
What is the component of a cell or organism that interacts with a drug and initiates the chain of events leading to the drugs observed effects?
What is the way in which drugs im exhibit their effects and their mechanisms of action on the target?
What is the amount of time in which the drug is in contact with the target. (Includes drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
By inhibiting an enzyme that breaks down a neurotransmitter (like neostigimine inhibiting acetylcholinesterase) this is considered a _______.
An antagonist that functions like an agonist
What is the time required to change the amount of drug in the body by one half during elimination?
What is USAN?
United States Adopted Names Council
Whenever possible, the USAN Council will assign substances to existing stems or nomenclature schemes that describe the substance, it’s use.
It’s just a fact!
If you see -stat as a stem what class of drug is it?
A lipid lowering agent
If you see -prazole as a stem what class of drug is it?
proton pump inhibitor
If you see -olol as a stem what class of drug is it?
Beta blocker agent
If you see -afil as a stem what class of drug is it?
Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors
If you see -pril as a stem what class of drug is it?
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
The drug 3-trimethylchickenwire stimulates acetylcholine receptors in the heart causing bradycardia. This is an example of what type of drug action?
It takes the kidneys 1 hour to clear one half of the 10 mg dose of 3-trimethylchickenwire. What is this?
Half life
How long would it take for the patients heart rate in the question above to return to normal after the administration of 3-trimethylchickenwire?