Lecture 1 - Evidence and Judgement Flashcards
What is the basic process of how we make decisions?
Give an example of how this process can be demonstrated.
We gather evidence to make a judgement which then leads to a decision.
Evidence - The information we have from the world that we get through our senses
Judgement - What is the quality of this information? What would it lead me to believe
Decision - The decision made from these judgements.
(See page 1 in my G doc lecture notes)
Everything involves judgement based on evidence…
… whether we’re aware we’re doing it or not!
Distinction between hypothetical state of the world and the evidence you have about it
> We don’t have direct access to the “real world”!
Evidence is probabilistic
> i.e., nothing is absolutely certain to us
Reliability/relevance: Some sources/types of evidence more/less reliable or informative than others
Base rates: Some things, events, outcomes, etc. more/less likely than others. Some things are so common that we discount it.
Utility: Some outcomes are more consequential than others. How important or consequential a decision is is critical to that decision. If a consequence of a decision is large, we might avoid it.
Adaptive/rational process should weigh and integrate various sources of evidence to arrive at optimum judgement to base decision on.
How good are we at weighing up evidence to make decisions?
Describe (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) study that investigates this.
Describe base rate fallacy.
Describe conjunction fallacy.
See page 2 + 3 of my G doc lecture notes.
Define the representativeness heuristic.
“Representativeness Heuristic”: Judging the likelihood that a particular instance comes from a particular category of things or events based on how representative it is of that category
Read blue writing on page 4 of G doc notes.
How do we judge how likely something is to occur?
How common is something? How likely is a particular event?
See page 4 of my G doc lecture notes.
Lecture Summary:
Appropriate judgements have to be based on evidence
People seem to deal with evidence in a way that leads to biases/fallacies
> Base rate neglect
> Conjunction fallacy
> Over- and under-estimation of frequencies of events
Suggestion that people don’t weigh up evidence, but rather use “heuristics” to make judgements
> Representativeness
> Availability
These seem to lead to irrational behaviour (or at least they seem to distort judgments)
> i.e., judgments aren’t based on sound appraisal of all available evidence
Lecture Summary: