Lecture 1: Drug craving & Neural basis Flashcards
hoeveel nederlandse volwassenen drinken alcohol
4 redenen dat mensen alcohol en verslavende middelen gebruiken
- to feel good
- to feel better (anxiety/stress)
- to do better
- to explore
from use to abuse =
at some point after continued repetition of voluntary drug-taking, the drug user loses the voluntary ability to control its use. at that point, the drug misuser becomes drug addicted and there is a compulsive, often overwhelming involuntary aspect to continuing drug use and to relapse after a period of abstinence.
% substance abuse
17% of people in the Netherlands suffer from substance abuse at some point in their life.
(alcohol 12.2%, drugs 6.6%)
sociodemographics of SUD
- younger age
- men
- living alone
- being unemployed
- high degree of urbanization
waar is SUD niet aan gerelateerd
- inkomen
- afkomst (country of origin)
individuele risico & protective factors
(-) early aggressive behaviour in childhood
(-) early drug use (importance of prevention!)
+ self efficacy
+ academic performance
family risico en protective factors
(-) lack of parental supervision
(-) substance abuse of caregivers
(+) parental monitoring and support
peers risico & protective factors
- low refusal skills
- poor social skills
+ positive relationships
school protective & risico factoren
- drug availability
+ school anti-drug policies
community protective & risico factors
- community poverty
+ neighbourood resources
welke drug routes zijn het meest verslavend
- smoking
- injecting
- snorting
- ingestion (slow)
personality traits that are risk factors
- sensation seeking
- impulsivity
- difficulty with self-regulation
mental health issues, comorbidity =
- depression
- early childhood trauma
- anxiety
- adhd
belangrijk als we het hebben over risicofactoren
- geen single factor kan het ontstaan van een verslaving voorspellen
- interplay tussen genetic/environment/development is belangrijk
- meer risicofactoren is meer kans dat het uit controle gaat
- hoe meer beschermende factoren hoe groter de resilience
wat is de vicieuze cirkel in SUD
the negative consequences of alcohol/drug abuse maintain or worsen the abuse.
wat is een barriere bij mensen met SUD behandelen
deze mensen maken het minst vaak gebruik van mental health services, vergeleken met andere mentale stoornissen
barriers to seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder
- attitudinal (ik dacht dat ik het zelf wel kon)
- readiness for change (ik dacht dat het niet echt een probleem was)
- stigma (te beschamend om over te praten)
- financieel (bv als geen verzekering)
- structural (ik wist niet waar ik heen moest)
relapse rates SUD
3 most common triggers into relapse
- returning to a place or seeing a person associated with drug use
- stressful circumstances that trigger drug or alcohol use
- pre-existing emotional or mental health challenges
societal impacts of drug abuse
- healthcare resources
- lost productivity
- the spread of diseases
- crime
- homelessness
national institution of drug abuse
wat zegt het brain disease model over drug abuse
addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease. it is similar to other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
centrale factoren in brain disease
- hyperactive reward system, sensitized to drug rewards (craving & habits)
- cognitive dysfunction
genetic contribution of addiction
- CYP2A6 (nicotine metabolism)
- FAAH (cannabinoid regulator)
- Mu-opioid receptor (heroin)
environmental contributions to addiction
- early abuse
- violence witness
- stress
- peers who use drugs
- drug availability