Lecture 1- cell theory and methods to study cells Flashcards
A larger version of a image
The ability to tell apart different parts of an image
Light microscopy: bright field
Absorption of visable light
Light basorbing stains on thin specimen
Live cells:no
Fixed cells: yes
Light microscopy: Phase contrast
Variations of thickness and refractive index in specimen
Requires relatively flat cells
Live cells: yes
Fixed cells: yes
Light microscopy: differential interference contrast (DIC)
Gradient of refractive index
No specific requirements
Live cells:yes
Fixed cells: yes
Light microscopy: Fluorescence microscopy
Emmision of light by fluorescent molecule
Cellular molecules labelled with fluorecent dyes
Live cells: yes
Fixed cells: yes
Producing sections for microscopy
Approx10 micrometers depth
prepared by fixation, embedding, sectioning and staining
Light microscopy: confocal scanning microscopy
Allows examination of thicker specimens approx 300 micrometers
Laser beam scans successive single points
Treated with fluorscent stain
Then reconstruct 3D images
Good for living cells
Freeze fracture
Requires heavy metals
Revals internal structure
Electron microscopy: Transmission electrom microscopy (TEM)
Electrons pass through very thin specimens
Differential absoption of electrom beams
Magnification up to 1,000,000x
Specimens fixed, sectioned, dehydrated and stained with heavy metals
Reveqals internal cell surfaces
Done under vacuum
Electron microscopy: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Electron beam scanned over specimen
Back scatter strikes a detector
Produces 3D image
Resolution 10nm
Samples fixed, dehydrated and coated with a thin layer of metal
Cryo-electron microscopy
Less harsh
Deepfrozen molecules
Gentle electrom beams
Super-resolution microscopy
Fuorescence based
allows resolution 100nm
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Visualise surfaces at molecular scale
Fine pointed tip linked t cantilever arm
Moves across surface
Movement detected by laser beam
Size of a typical cell
2-200 micrometers
3 parts of cell theory
- All organisms composed of 1 or more cells
- Cells are smallest unis of life
- Cells arise by division of a pre-existing cell