Lecture 1 Flashcards
Consciousness conclusion
We still dont know what consciousness is or how it works. It seems to involve a host of neural processes and some magic or something we dont get.
Definition consciousness
the state or quality of awareness - awareness of your thoughts, perceptions, memories and feelings
Why do neuroscientists believe that consciousness and the mind arise from neural processes?
Do we have an answer?
Consciousness can be changed by physical or chemical changes within the brain (damage or drugs).
Studies have not been conclusive but have taught us some things
The frontal lobotomy
Cot of parts of the prefrontal cotex with a giant pick
Same rational as gangrene; cut out the affected part
Makes people docile
Was popularized by travelling doctors
Nobel prize awarded
20000 done in the USA
Generalized epileptic seizure
Uncontrolled excitement on both sides of the brain
Split-brain operation
Designed to lessen epilepsy
cut corpus callosum and the posterior and anterior commisures
Generally works for epilepsy but unacceptable sides
Cerebral hemispheres are important for
ability to consciously process sensory information, purposefully move our bodies
contralateral arrangement
Eye organisation
right visual field to left brain
left visual field to right brain
Corpus callosum
bridge between two hemispheres
allows for each to know what the other is doing
if cut, cannot
can still send signals down to midbrain, hindbrain and spinal chord to control muscles
History of the spit-brain surgery
in 1939, 10 patients had surgery in Rochester, NY
Doc said this was an amazing success
Scientists re evaluated them
1 - claims exagerrated
2 - Corpus callosum not impoirtant for anything
Roger Sparry at Caltech did not agree as he had done this to animals and they produced characteristic effects. He thought there was probably still some bridges intact.
He was invited to do pre and post surgery investigations at Caltech when a surgeon there was going to do it.
Split-brain patients reported
feeling the same after
but having their left hand misbehaving as if it were not under their conscious control. This implies the right hemisphere is acting out
Right hand did not
issues with right hand fighting her in supermarket and when getting dressed. After a year got better. Common for these patients
Split-brain patients - touch
Cannot ID objects in left hand by touch alone
Did not bother them as very rare that this happens so might go unnoticed.
Split-brain patients - vision
When shown object in their left visual field only, cannot verbalize what they have seen. They are unconscious of what their right brain deals with
They compensate behaviorally and their hemispheres adapt
Motor is coordinated at the subcortical level so with practice can do it
Language and brain
right not sophisticated with language
Can understand simple qs directed to right brain - it retains a small dictionary and can understand simple letters. The left hand can sometimes over write simple words.
Can still draw though