Lecture 1(2019) Flashcards
The branch of philosophy concerned with
what is Right and what is Wrong
Moral Dilemmas
occur when: ______
- It is not clear what moral rule to apply
- Two or more moral rules conflict
Ethical Principles
Tools used to think through difficult ethical situations
Computer Ethics
Deals with moral dilemmas and ethical principles that apply for computer professionals
Criteria for a Job
to be considered a Profession
(8, not comprehensive)
- Initial Professional Education
- Accreditation of Education
- Certification
- Evaluation of readiness
- Licensing
- Legal right to practice
- Professional Development
- Skills Development
- Professional Society
- Code of Ethics
Two Main
Professional Societies
Computer Professionals
Association for Computing Machinery
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Perspective Areas
analyzing a Scenario
- What are acceptable rates of failure?
- How accurate should software be?
- How dependent on computer systems are our ordinary activities?
- How useful are computer systems to our ordinary activities?
Risk and Progress
- How do new technologies become safer?
- Can progress in software safety keep up with progress in technology?
Phases and Steps for
Analyzing a Professional Scenario
Brainstorming Phase
- List Risks, Issues, Problems and Consequences
- List all Stakeholders
- List Possible Actions
Analysis Phase
- Identify the responsibilities of the Decision-Maker
- Identify the rights of the Stakeholders
- Consider the Impact of actions on Stakeholders
- Consider the Ethical Merits of each option, then choose one
Analyzing a Professional Scenario:
Brainstorming Phase
Brainstorming Phase
- List Risks, Issues, Problems and Consequences
- List all Stakeholders
- List Possible Actions
Analyzing a Professional Scenario:
Analysis Phase
Analysis Phase
- Identify the responsibilities of the Decision-Maker
- Identify the rights of the Stakeholders
- Consider the Impact of actions on Stakeholders
- Consider the Ethical Merits of each option, then choose one