Lecture 1/2 Flashcards
What is one MET?
( __mLs of O2/kg/min)
Two definitions:
3.5 mLO2/kg/min
How many MET-hr/week of leisure physical activity are there diminishing returns for years of life gained after age 40?
21 MET-hr/weeks is where returns are diminished, just after 4 years of life gained
How many kcal is 1lb of fat?
3,500 kcal
List a few uses of fat
-Energy storage
-Physical/cold protection
-Vitamin absorption
-Maintain cell membranes
Desirable health body fat % for men and women
Men: 7-18%
Women: 18-27%
Respiratory quotient (RQ)
Ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed
Triglyceride structure
3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol
True or False: All substrates can be converted to fats or used as energy
Metabolic substrate conversion:
-Fatty acids
Fatty acids ->Acetyl CoA
Glucose -> Pyruvate
Proteins -> Amino acids
All then to C.A.C.
1g of urinary nitrogen (N) excreted represents:
__ g of protein metabolized
__ L of O2 consumed
__ L of CO2 produced
6.25 g of protein metabolized
6.0 L of O2 consumed
4.8 L of CO2 produced
Glucose metabolism formula
C6H12O6 +6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
What does an RQ above 1.0 mean?
More CO2 is being produced than oxygen consumed, indicating anaerobic exercise
RQ: CHO vs. Fat Vs. Protein
Fat: 0.7
Protein: 0.8
Carbs: 1.0