lecture 1 Flashcards
first major tenant of natural selection
everyone is born with slight variation
2nd major tenant of natural selection
the variation can be neutral, advantageous, or harmful
3rd major tenant of natural selection
animals with advantageous trait will breed successfully and pass trait to offspring
4th major tenant of natural selection
those most fit for their environment will survive while others that cant keep up die off
5th major tenant of natural selection
the variations, as they occur over many generations, will give rise to new species
stimulus from an animal to another which causes a particular response
proximate causation
immediate cause of a behavior such as hormones, muscles, nerves, or stimuli which causes a certain reaction
ultimate causation
overarching reason why a behavior is an advantage to an animal and may be an evolutionary benefit
a behavior that appears in its full form on its first expression often triggered by a releaser
gene based behavior
Nikki Timbergen
studied instinct
found gull chick pecks at red spot on bill to induce feeding
Konrad Lorenz
studied instinct and founded imprinting
raised geese chicks like a mother and they thought he was their mother
Von Frisch
studied honeybees and how they found honey and a way home
won Nobel Peace Prize in 1973
ability for an animal to survive, mate, and pass on genetic material 1
Supernormal releaser
artificial stimulus that causes a stronger response in an animal than a natural stimulus it resembles
function and evolution of a behavior