Lecture 1 Flashcards
Made of a semiconductive material.
Diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits (IC)
Formed when two different types of semiconductive material are joined.
PN junction
The science that deals with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in vacuum, in gaseous media, plasma and in semiconductors.
RA 5734, Sec. 21 C
The science dealing with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons or other carriers of electric charge, in a vacuum, in gaseous media, in plasma, in semiconductors, in solid-state and/or in similar devices, including, but not limited to, applications involving optical, electromagnetic and other energy forms when transduced or converted into electronic signals.
RA 9292, Sec. 3 H
Introduced by Thomas Edison and John Ambrose Fleming in 1904.
Two-electrode vacuum tube
Inventor of the first practical incandescent light bulb.
Thomas Alva Edison
Commercial TV began
First vacuum tube computer was built at the University of Pennsylvania.
Introduction of point-contact transistor by Walter H. Brattain and John Bardeen at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
December 23, 1947
Complex combination of several kinds of devices on a common base, called substrate. Invented by Jack Kilby of Texas instruments.
Integrated Circuits
This includes AM and FM radio, television, and satellite communication.
Communication Electronics
Electronics play an important role in the control and monitoring of electrical systems as in power plants, refineries, etc.
Electric Power
The circuits for digital applications operate with pulse of voltage or current.
Digital Electronics
Applied to cars for changing battery, measuring gauges and monitoring of engine performances.
Automotive Electronics
Includes control of heating and welding processes, the use of elevator’s control, operating of copying machines, automatic door openers and burglar alarms.
Industrial Electronics
Combines electronics with biology, medical research, diagnosis and treatment, all use electronic equipment.
Medical Electronics
Smallest particle of an element that possesses the unique
characteristics of that element.
All matter is composed of?
All atoms consist of electrons,
protons, and neutrons except?
Normal hydrogen
He proposed that the electrons in an atom circle the nucleus in
different obits, similar to the way planets orbit the sun in our solar
Niels Bohr
The Bohr model is often referred to as the?
Planetary model
According to this model, atoms have a planetary type of structure that consists of a central
nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons.
Bohr model
The nucleus consists of positively charged particles called
The nucleus consists of uncharged particles called
The basic particles of negative charge
The number of protons in the nucleus, which is the same as the number of electrons in an electrically balanced (neutral) atom.
Atomic number
Electrons near the nucleus have ___ energy than those in more distant orbits.
In an atom, the orbits are grouped into energy levels known as ___
The maximum number of electrons in each shell
The outermost shell of the atom is known as
Valence Shell
Electrons in the valence shell
Valence electrons
They are electrons dislodged from the outer shell of an atom.
Free Electrons
Materials capable of having many free electrons and which could carry electric current are called
Materials capable of having very few free electrons are called
Materials capable of having not so many free electrons
Based on shared electron pairs
of nonmetals.
Atomic bond
Electric charges do not flow freely in this material
Materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle
In any metal element, it contains less than __ electrons in its outer shell
Solids whose conductivity lies between the conductivity of conductors and insulators.
2 classification of semiconductor materials
Single crystal and compound
A semiconductor material that has a repetitive crystal structure
Single crystal
A semiconductor materials that is constructed of two or more semiconductor materials of different atomic structures
The difference in energy between the valence band and the conduction band is called
Energy gap or band gap
The bonding of atoms, strengthened by the sharing of electrons
Covalent bond
The atoms align to form a pattern
The outermost shell contains not more than __ electrons.
Free electrons are also called
Conduction electrons
A semiconductor material that has been carefully refined to reduce the number of impurities to a very low level
Intrinsic semiconductor
The free electrons in a material due to external causes are referred to as ___
Intrinsic carriers
Ability of the free carriers to move throughout the material
Relative mobility
It has positive temperature coefficient.
A process of adding impurities to pure semiconductor material to provide positive and negative charges.
It is added to increase the number of conduction-band electrons in intrinsic silicon
Pentavalent impurity atoms
Diffused impurities with five valence electrons
Donor atoms
It is added to increase the number of holes in intrinsic silicon
Trivalent impurity atoms
Hole current flows only in ___ semiconductors
The current in n-type semiconductors and all wire conductors.
Electron flow
It is a stable charge in the nucleus that is not free to move.