Lecture 1 Flashcards
Minority Decision Making
Listening to those who vote out of the majority vote to see if something was overlooked and give respect to those who are not in the majority
Majority Decision Making
The majority wins and then moves on to other business
Types of consensus
Consensus by abstention
False consensus
Delayed consensus
Abandoning consensus
All members have private acceptance of the decision
Consensus by abstention
No member votes against the decision, although one or more may abstain at the moment of decision.
False consensus
All members voice acceptance, but one or more does not have private acceptance
Delayed consensus
At least one member cannot endorse the decision – and chooses not to abstain in the vote.
Abandoning consensus
The final option available to consensus-based groups is to abandon consensus decision making and accept a non-consensus decision via voting or negotiation
Reflective decision making: criteria-based process
- Problem Defined
- Criteria set
- Brainstorm solutions
- Rank solutions against criteria,
- Finalists: Wholistic discussion to reduce the list, and select finalists
- Decision: Compare, seek consensus
Nominal group technique to neutralize power
1.)Silent generation of ideas
2.) Round-robin sharing, one per turn
3.)Serial Discussion for clarification
4.)Preliminary vote on item importance
5.) Discussion of the Preliminary vote
6.) Final Vote
Decision Theory
1.) Reverence towards all
2.)Resolutness and openness
3. Integrity
Reverence towards all
Minority decision making
Resoluteness and openness
Fundamental principals to balance stubborn people and people who are quick to decisions
A group member has the responsibility for defending the policy decisions of groups in whose deliberations he or she participated. If the participant cannot, he or she must make the refusal of support clear at the time of deliberation