Lecture 04 Flashcards
prokaryotic cell exist
eukaryotic cell exist
photosynthetic cyanobacteria appear
great oxidation event
5 consequence of O2 production
aerobic metabolism
change ocean chemistry to S& N
allow formation of ozone layer, protection from UV
poisoned environment for anaerobic organism
mechanism need to detoxify noxious by-product such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide
3 function of liquid water
50%-90% of body mass
chemical reaction
4 function of energy
metabolism, replicate, move, acquire other resources
4 limitation of energy
external: shortage, food quality
internal: digestion, enzyme catalysis
3 general principle of energy
organism respond in such a way to maximize rate of energy intake
trade off
2 classification based on energy
autotroph, heterotroph
phototroph, chemotroph (chemoorganotroph& chemolithotroph)
3 eg. for use of element
cellulose, C, CW of plant
hydroxy-apatite, Ca& P, bone of vertebrate
cytochrome, Fe& N, electron carrier protein
2 Se deficiency result
human: Keshan disease
diatom: lipid damage and death
general principle of element
organism concentrate and extract element from environment
concentration of essential element various among different environment& over geological time
availability affect organism’ ecology and evolution
5 early organism features
environment: hot spring& hydrothermal environment
hyperthermophilic& halophilic
how early organism obtain energy and C from inorganic source
H2 energy source, Fe& S electron acceptor