Lecture 03 Understanding the context Flashcards
How is behaviour generated?
C for?
Cue, Inattentional blindness, Confirmation bias, External/internal cue, External cues are vital for habit forming
External cue
Something in the environment
Internal cue
Our minds can drift into thinking about the action on its own
R for?
React, Strongly social, Linked by similarity, Shaped by familiarity, Trained by experience (conditioning)
System 1
Reactive thinking, Intuitive, blazingly fast, automatic
System 2
Deliberative thinking, Conscious, slow, focussed, self-aware
(first) E for?
Evaluate, Highlighting benefits, Minimising costs, Downplaying alternatives
A for?
Ability, Action plan, Resources, Skills, Belief in success (self-efficacy), AVOID DECISION POINTS
T for?
Timing, External/internal urgency, Specificity, Consistency to commitments
(second) E for?
Experience, First experiences are intensely relevant. Don’t make the initial learning curve too steep. Make sure the experience is rewarding
How to intervene? DECIDE:
Define, Explore, Craft, Implement, Determine, Evaluate
What is the outcome?
What is the context? Behavioural map, Diagnosis of the problems
What should the intervention do?
An ethical review, create the product
Is the intervention succesfull
How can we improve outcomes
Exploring the context
- Understand the user
and how they feel about
the outcome and action - Evaluate the list of
possible actions and
select the best one for
them - Express the action as a
series of micro-steps - Diagnose why the action
is not occurring already
Relevant user properties:
- Previous experience with the target action
- Previous experience with similar products
- Relationship with the product (trust)
- Existing motivation
- Existing obstacles (physical, mental, economic)
Stages of change:
Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance
- There is a problem, but
no awareness of it - No serious intention to
change behaviour - Clearer view of problem
by outsiders - Most of the time, others
encourage ‘doing
something about it
- Aware of problem
- Motivation to do
something about it - No commitment yet
on the action - Procrastination before
taking action
- People have tried to
change before (without
success) - Usually, small tentative
steps - Intention to act in the
short term - Problem may have been
reduced, but real
change has not yet
- This is where the
change begins - Commitment of time
and energy - Successful change of
behaviour or
- A substitute was
found for the problem
behavior for at least
six months - Consolidate it and try
not to fall back