Lec 8 Flashcards
Which is more commonly to being a research study design Quant, or qual?
What is the difference between Quant and quali?
- well structure, valid, reliable, specific, recognizable and explicitly defined.
- the measurement and classification are more rigid and fixed and predetermined and well structured to ensure accuracy in measurement and classification
- able to replicate for reassurance and verification as enough details are provided.
- less specific and precise do no have the same structural depth
- little attention is paid into the study design and method so it is impossible to replicate the study
- the distinction between the study design and the method is less clearer
- the adherence of the concept of respondent concordance
- the power gap between the study population and the researcher is smaller
differenced of the philosophical perspective combined with the aim of the study determines the focus and the approach and mode of enquiry which determines the structural aspects.
Another difference in the designs in qualitative and quantitative studies is the possibility of
introducing researcher bias, because flexibility and lack of control is more difficult in
qualitative studies.
Three perspectives from which we can classify quantitative studies?
1 number of contacts with the study population
2- the reference period of the study
3-the nature of investigation
The three types of studies based on the number of contacts with population?
- Cross sectional study
- most common
- very simple and cheap, easy to analyze
- finding out the prevalence of a phenomenon by taking a cross section of the population at one time.
- gives an overall picture
-decide what you want to find out, identify a population, take a sample, and contact the respondents
Disadvantage: Cannot determine the change
Before and after studies
- measures the change and the impact and effectiveness of a program
- same as cross sectional but with two sets at different periods
- most common in evaluation studies
- more expensive and more difficult to implement and requires long period of time
- the time lapse between the two contacts would cause attrition of the study population or if the study population is Young and the period of time is long this would cause changes in study population as they mature.
- it measures the total change so you can’t ascertain whether the independent or the extraneous variables are the cause of change for the dependent variables
- sometimes the instrument educates the respondents( reactive effect of the instrument )
- sometimes the population may change their attitude in between the two contacts ( regression effect )
Longitudinal studies
- useful to determine the pattern of change over a long period of time, regular intervals that may vary in length
- the type of information gathered each time is identical.
- obtain factual information, which require regular collection of information over long period which enhances the accuracy
-many as the before and after studies
- would have a higher degree of conditioning factors
- the population will get used to it and would answer without thought or interest.
The three types of studies based on the reference period?
This classification refers to the time frame of which a study is exploring a phenomenon
1. Retrospective
The situation happened in the past
- on the basis of respondents recall of the situation
- on the basis of data available for that period
2. Prospective study
- study the prevalence of a situation in the future
-the researcher must wait until the intervention happens to register its effect on the study population
- attempt to establish the outcome of the event or what is likely going to happen
3. Retrospective - prospective study
- when you measure the impact of a study without a control group
The three types of studies based on the nature of investigation
Non experimental
Quasi or semi experimental
Experimental study
- either in controlled or nature environment
- further classified based on whether or not the study population is assigned to different treatment groups
- a problem, in comparing to groups we are not sure that these different group had the same treatment conditions and the are no other external conditions affecting
- so to ensure that the groups are comparable we apply randomization . So the study population and experimental treatment are not predetermined but randomly assigned
- random assignment in experiments means that any individual would have equal and independent chances of being part of the population or control group
The after only experimental design?