Lec 73 Models of the Mind Flashcards
What is freud’s view of adult psychology?
linked to unconscious mental life and childhood-developmental experiences
psych symptoms reflect imperfect attempt of ego to restore equilibrium
What are the core psychodynamic assumptions?
automaticity: unconscious mental activity directs behavior, thoughts, feelings
approach vs avoidance: parts of mind always in conflict
ongoing emotional regulation: mind modifies/disavows experiences to preserve equilibrium = defense mech
past is alive in present: relationship patterns are repeated
What is non-conscious?
mental functioning not represented in consciousness and of which one is unaware including basic physiologic drives
devoid of logic or sense of time [ex. dreams]
also called unconscious processing
What is unconsciousness?
lack of consciousness or responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli
What is subliminal?
that which is below an individual’s threshold for conscious perception
When does neural response to stimulus take place?
100s of msecs before awareness
What is the default mode network?
the brain at rest in absence of conscious awareness = certain brain regions constantly active when awake but not focused on the outside world; decrease activity when brain focuses on new task
orchestrates how brain organizes memories and systems needing preparation for future events; synchronizes parts of brain
brain probably makes constant predictions about outside environment in anticipation of receiving sensory input
How do unconscious vs conscious processess occur?
unconscious = parallel conscious = serial
What is the greatest predictor of future experience? what does this mean?
past experience –> pathways function relatively automatically under stress leading to rigid patterns and less flexibility
What is conscious vs preconscious vs unconscious?
conscious: thoughts in your mind at the moment = logical
preconscious: info not currently in awareness but readily accessible
unconscious: info not easily accessible to consciousness, including basic physio drives devoid of logic or sense of time
What is affect of subliminal stimuli in different pts?
- subliminal stimuli generate effects/actions
- these effects often related to personal meaning of that stimulus to a specific patient
these actions can be initiated with or without conscious awareness of the goal or how one’s behavior has been motivated
What is Id? When does it appear?
Id = “It” = totally unconscious = What we are born with
- unconscious primal urges: food, sex, aggression
- drives instinct, allows our basic needs to be met
- primitive processes based on pleasure principle
What is the economic model of development?
early experiences create a template for personal responses
What happens if Id gets too strong?
impulses and self-gratification can take over life
What is Ego? When does it appear?
Ego = “I”, “Me” = conscious and unconscious
appears age 3+
- mediator between Id and superego [primal urges vs acceptable behavior
- strength to satisfy needs of id, not upset superego, while considering reality of every situation
== executive of the psyche
What is superego? When does it appear?
Superego = “Above me” = conscious and unconscious
- conscious and unconscious moral values, conscience, self-criticism
- denies gratification, can lead to self-blame and attack on the ego
appears age 5+
What happens if superego gets too strong?
person may be driven by rigid morals and may be judgmental/unbending in interactions
What is updated psychodynamics about?
- unconscious processes directing behavior, thoughts, feelings, responses
- parts of mind in conflict [approach vs avoidance]
- past alive in present –> repeating relationship patterns
- mind regulates emotional experience to preserve equilibrium and avoid dissonance
What is transference?
unconscious transfer of past relationship pattern onto someone present [physician]
ex. psychiatrist is seen as parent
What is countertransference?
doctor projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient
ex. patient reminds physician of younger sibling
What is transference to medications?
transference to medications/procedures –> expectations and conditioning affect adherence and response [placebo!]
What is concordant countertransference?
doctor experiences pts feelings = empathy
= pt sad/angry so doctor sad/angry
What is complementary countertransference?
doctor has feelings similar to what other people in pt’s life have felt in response to the pt = role responsiveness = mirrored brain activations between individuals
–> pt feels victimized + doctor feels hostile
What are ego defenses?
unconscious mental processes to resolve conflict and prevent undesirable feelings =
unconsciously distort or keep out of awareness certain perceptions to preserve emotional equilibrium and protect self esteem
preserve ilusion of control and help maintain cohesive sense of self
active in anxiety/stress situations
What is pathology of defense mech?
rigidly using limited repertoire of immature defenses
What are mature vs immature defenses?
immature = appear early in development, distort reality, deal with negative arousal nonverbally, spatially, holistically
mature = cognitively complex, allow flexible adaptations to reality; based on repression
What are the highest order defenses?
altruism, humor, sublimation, suppression
What is altruism?
- alleviating guilty feelings by unsolicited generosity toward others
ex. mafia boss makes large donation to charity
mature defense
What is humor?
appreciating amusing nature of anxiety-provoking situation, dealing with unconscious distressing feeling by joking
ex. nervous medical student jokes about the boards
What is sublimation?
expressing a socially or personally unacceptable wish in an acceptable way that does not conflict with one’s value system
ex. teenagers aggression toward farther redirected to perform well in sports
What is suppression?
intentional withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness [vs repression]
ex. choosing not to worry about big game until it is time to play
What is first aid mnemonic for mature defenses?
mature adults wear a sash
- sublimation
- altruism
- suppression
- humor
What is intellectualization?
concentrating on intellectual/abstract component of situation to avoid anxiety provoking emotions
ex. we do this after a relationship breakup
1st aid doesn’t have; lecture says mature
What is rationalization?
giving logical reasons/excuses for actions performed for other reasons, usually to avoid self blame
ex. get fired, claim job is not important anyways
1st aid says immature; lecture says mature
What is displacement?
transferring avoided ideas and feelings to some neutral person or object [vs projection]
ex. mother yells at child because husband yelled at her
1st aid says immature; lecture says mature
What is isolation (of affect)?
separating feelings from ideas and events; aware of detail of event but lose connections with feelings about it
ex. describing murder in graphic detail with no emotional response
1st aid says immature; lecture says mature
What is identification with aggressor?
modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful [though not necessarily admired]
ex. abused child identifies with an abuser
1st aid says immature; lecture says mature
What is reaction formation?
replacing warded-off idea or feeling by unconsciously derived emphasis on its opposite
ex. pt with libidinous thoughts enters a monastery
1st aid says immature; lecture says mature
What is somatization?
transformation of negative feelings toward other into negative feelings toward self, pain, illness, anxiety
ex. conversion disorder
1st aid doesn’t have; lecture says mature
What is acting out?
expressing unacceptable feelings and thoughts through actions
ex. tantrums
What is denial?
avoiding awareness of some painful reality
ex. common reaction in newly diagnosed AIDS and cancer pts
What is splitting?
believing people either all good or all baad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity. seen in borderline personality disorder
ex. pt says all nurses are cold and insensitive but that doctors are warm and friendly
What is projection?
attributing unacceptable internal impulse to external source
ex. man who wants another woman this his wife is cheating on him
What is projective identification?
object of projection invokes in that person precisely the thoughts feelings or behaviors projected
= self-fulfilling prophecy
What is withdrawal?
avoiding things due to fear of being reminded of painful thoughts
What is dissociation?
temporary drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, or motor behavior to avoid emotional stress
ex. extreme forms result in dissociative identity disorder [multiple personality disorder]
What is repression?
distressing mental contents can cause problem –> blocked from entering consciousness –> reduces distress + protects self-concept
= involuntary
What are negative effects of repression?
habit forming –> inflexibility = no adaptation
- inhibit conscious access to emotions + stresses the heart and immune system