Lec 2 Sinus Lift Kinga Flashcards
Variation al sinus-lift Depends on?
1- variation of Technique
2- Variation of grafts
Mention different condition al sinus_lift?
Heigh of alevolar rifge correct by sanaz
if <1mm No opportunity for sinus_lift
if 1-5mm only open sinus without implantation)
if 5- 8mm sinus-lift (open_close) & implantation
if 8- 10mm Closed sinus_lift I implantation
if > 10mm No need for sinus lift
If :1-5 mm
(fekonam yani lateral bad without imp yani inke bayad bezarim bemone badana behesh implant bezanim hamon moghe riskie
Mention diff Technique ?
1- Traditional_ lateral_opened (with drill or piezo
2- Cresta/ -closed (with osteotome)
3- with balloon (closed • Cresta)/ opened.-lateral)
Traditional_lateral-opened. explain?
1- window preparation
2- Preparation’ of membrane_folding of window
3- placing graft & membrane
4- transformation at graft (blood and…)
5- building up New implant
Lateral hast dge pas az baghal bayad vared shim pas wondow opening mikonim
Indication of Traditional?
-when vertical bone between 4-5mm or Less
- wide exploration (Wasmund flap)
- Deepest part al Lateral 3mm above the alveolar Ridge
should smatter than 20×15
Wasmund application
Wasmund - Trapezoidal, 4 Corner:
ASA (Antral cystotomy-Apicoectomy-Sinus closure)
Wasmund- Rehman:
Radix in Antro_sinus closure
Elevation of sinus membrane done with ?
Advantage of Traditional technique?
Good view
Opportunity for larger grafts
Indirect manpiulation in the sinus
Correction during surgery is easier
Disadvantage of Traditional technique ?
- Relative or non-invasive
- Complicated at only one tooth loss-
(Key:بازده قديمي ها كم ) - wide exploration
Relative Contra. indication is
presence of septum.
Relative contraindication of Traditional is ?
presence of Septum.
Indication al method: Cresta/ -opened sinus lift
with osteotome?
I_Cresta bone height 5-8mm
2- Class ∞ (3) and iv (4) (dense bone drill are
اينا فكنم همون كلاس بون پارسال
sinus_lift with balloon: beginning & After that
beginnings : only with lateral window
After : Cresta exploration also Balloon Lift control
What is balloon Lift control system?
makes sinus_lift safer & widens in indication
Advantage of balloon system?
minimal in Vasile (ARE khodai)
publication about 1-0 M
Less intra ¢ between) and postoperative complication
safer in case I 1. one tooth loss
(يه بادكنك دارم دوسش دالم)
Disadvantage al balloon_Technic
balloon Rupture
premolar absence
No direct view
Difficult observe membrane perforation
Corriation of mambrane perforation is limited
Benign paroxysmal positional Vertigo (BPFV)-use of osteotome