lec 2 Flashcards
facial nerve
retromandibular vein
external carotid ( superficial temporal, maxillary )
medial relations of submandibular gland superficial part
hyoglossus m. , mylohyoid m.
lingual, hypoglossal n.
inferolateral relations of submandibular gland superficial part
investing facia , platysma m. , skin
crossed by facial v. + cervical part facial n.
submandibular LN
deep part of submandibular relations medial + lateral+above + below
inferolateral -> mylohyoid
medial –> styloglossus . hyoglossus
above lingual n.
below hypoglossal n.
submandibular duct runs btw
genioglossus, sublingual gland
medial relations of sublingual gland
genioglossus m. , lingual n. , submandibular duct .
nerve supply of parotid gland
inferior salivary nucleus ( medulla oblongata)Glossopharyngeal tympanic tympanic cavity tympanic plexus lesser petrosalenter otic gangelion
Post ganglionic fibers join 2 aureculutemporal roots ganglionic branches parotid
nerve supply of submandibular + lingual
pons –> facial –> chorda tympani–>walks with lingual ->submandibular gangelion –> postgangelionic–> glands
the ducts are made of
cuboidal epithelial cells
intercalated ducts join to form
striated ducts
cells type
ducts - interlobular- more distally
cuboidal - stratified cuboidal - stratified columner + mucos secreting cells
mouth proper is made of which type of cells
stratefied squamous
keratinized dorsal surface of tongue 2/3 + hard palate
non keratenized the rest + opening of the gland ducts to the mouth
what type of glands is the parotid
branched acinar
what type of glands is submandibular + sublingual
branched tubuloacinar
what does the acinar part -tubular part secrete in submandibular gland
tubular mucin