Lec 1-2 Flashcards
In the experiment with drumsticks, which had easier transfer? Contralateral mapping where sticks are crossed, or ipsilateral mapping where sticks are crossed
Salient feature coding principle
Stim and response can be coded in terms of salient features. Translation is faster when salient features are mapped together
Salient feature
Features that make something more distinct wiouthout changing it???
e.g. add a joystick to the left makes it seem more right, or make associated colour for stim and response.
Poffenberger paradigm
studies the time it takes to transfer info between brain hemispheres.
Left field of view respond with left hand = both processed in right hemisphere
If do Left field of view and respond with Right hand, then must cross hemispheres. Contralateral.
If cross hands and response is on left side, then respond with right hand, then is ipsilateral mapping, but still has to cross hemispheres.
If stimulus is received on the left field of vision and right hand responds on the left side (crossed hands), is this contralateral or ipsilateral mapping?
Ipsilateral - because response is on left side and stim is on left side.
describe the theories of Neuroanatomical and Cognitive coding affects on reaction time, and which one has a greater effects on reaction time with crossed hand placement.
Neuroanatomical - contralateral = faster, ipsilateral = take longer
Cognitive coding - contralateral = take longer, ipsilateral = take shorter
cognitive coding is responsible for spatial compatibility effects
if have drumsticks and cross them, describe what contralateral and ipsilateral mapping would look like
contralateral - space being affected is on different side than visual mapping
ipsilateral - space being affected is on same side as visual mapping
(even though sticks are crossed, it focusses on where the actual effect is taking place, not on what hand does the movement)
It happens that spatial compatibility depends on the response goal, therefore ipsilateral mapping would be faster
Does spatial compatibility depend on the response effector (limb) or the response goal (where you are pressing)?
the response goal.
if hold drumsticks crossed, ipsilateral will still be faster than contralateral.
To make the other statement true, contralateral would have to be faster when crossed. (meaning that it depends on where your hand is rather than where drumstick presses).
orthogonal spatial mappings
and what configuration gives fastest result
mapping where stimulus is 90degrees from response
e.g. vertical stim, and horizontal response (may have clockwise mapping)
both same results
what is the dual process model how relate to compatibility
theory you have two systems to process info.
Fast automatic unconscious
Slow deliberate conscious
if auto process matches intentional process, they are congruent, you get to initiate an automatic response. If incongruent, must abort and reinitiate.
relates to compat because compat uses the auto making it faster, incompat must abort (incongruent)