Learning Flashcards
What is learning
change in behaviour due to experience
3 examples of social learning
- imitation
- mimicry
- emulation
4 examples of non social learning
- habituation
- conditioning
- rational learning
- statistical learning
What is habituation
reduction of reaction to a repeated stimulus
What is dishabituation
increase in response when stimulus changes
2 types - 1. linear - the greater the difference in stimulus the greater the response
2. categorical - failure to discriminate between the habituated stimulus and a similar stimulus
What did Vouloumanos& Werker (2007) do and find to do with habituation
infants alternatively presented with speech and non speech sounds. sucked more to listen to speech compared with non speech
What is classical conditioning
earning a new behaviour via the process of association. two stimuli are paired together to produce a newly learned response
What did Fifer et al (2010) do and find to do with classical conditioning
attached an EEG to the infant while asleep. presented with a tone and then a puff of air on to the eyes. learned to associate the tone with the puff of air while asleep. an eye response was conditioned
What is operant conditioning
modify behaviour through the use of positive and negative reinforcement.
What is the still face experiment
mother does not react to baby and shows no emotion. when baby points mother does not look etc. baby becomes agitated. Babies of depressed mothers have less of a reaction
What is statistical learning
extract statistical regularities from the world around them to learn about the environment
What did Kirkham et al. (2002) do and find to do with statistical learning
habituated infants to a sequence of visual stimuli. then shown novel sequences. infants looked longer when the novel stimulus appeared compared to the habituated sequence
What is rational learning
Integrating the learner’s prior beliefs and biases with what actually occurs in the environment
What is rational constructivism
When infants are given prior constraints, they can integrate them into beliefs they already have. This can be used to make predictions and guide actions.
What did Xu & Garcia (2008) do and find to do with rational learning
infants shown balls being taken out of a box. 4 were the red and one white. infants were then shown a probable outcome, where more of the balls were red and the improbable outcome where more balls were white. looked longer at the improbable outcome
What is imitation
Recognition and reproduction of the goal of the observed behaviour, as well as the specific actions that brought about that goal
What did Meltzoff& Moore (1977) do and find about early imitation
less than 3 days old. infants imitated facial gestures such as sticking tongue out and opening mouth
What is emulation
learning about the environment
What did Horner & Whiten (2005) find to do with emulation
Children copied both relevant & irrelevant actions, even when clear - overimitation
What is mimickry
replication of a model’s actions in the absence of any insight into why those actions are effective, or even what goal they served