Learning Flashcards
Albert Bandura
Researcher who conducted the Bobo Doll experiment
What is scaffolding learning?
Occurs when a teacher encourages a student to learn independently and only provides assistance with concepts which are beyond the students capability.
What is modeling?
Social learning. Think about Bobo Doll experiment.
The removal of conditioning. The goal is the get the organism to stop a behavior.
Negative reinforcement
The removal of a negative stimulus when a reinforcer is present. The removal of something negative.
Positive reinforcement
A reward or positive event acting as a stimulus. Increases the likelihood of a particular response.
Secondary reinforcement
A learned reinforcer. Like money.
Primary reinforcer.
A natural reinforcer which is reinforcing on it’s own. Like food or drink.
Simultaneous conditioning
The UCS and the CS are presented at the same time.
Conditioned response CR
The response which the CS elicits after conditioning.
Unconditioned response UR
The naturally occurring response to the UCS
Conditioned stimulus CS
Neutral stimulus once it is paired with the UCS
Unconditioned stimulus US
The “no so neutral” stimulus
Ie food ~> dog salivating
Neutral stimulus NS
Stimulus which does not produce a response on its own.
B. F. Skinner
Operant conditioning. Conditioning which involves reinforcement.
John. B. Watson.
Founded school if Behaviorism. Believed that everything could be explained by stimulus response chains. Conditioning is the key to these chains.
Ivan Povlov
Classical conditioning. Organism responds to a neutral stimulus when paired with a not so neutral stimulus.
E. L. Thorndike
Law of effect ~> precursor of operant conditioning. Cause and effect between behavior and reinforcement. People do what rewards them and stop doing what doesn’t.
Kurt Lewin
Theory of association. Grouping of things based on place and time.
Higher order conditioning
Second order conditioning
When previous CS are used as UCS, following an initial conditioning. If you condition a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, using the bell to condition the dog to salivate at the sight of a light.
Forward conditioning
Pairing of the CS and the UCS such that the CS is presented before the UCS.
Delayed conditioning
A type of forward conditioning. The CS is presented. Then the UCS is presented. Then the CS is removed.
Trace conditioning
A type of forward conditioning. The CS is presented and removed before the UCS is presented.
Backward conditioning.
The CS is presented after the UCS is presented.
Partial reinforcement schedule
Conditioning schedule where not all correct responses are met with reinforcement. The strategy requires a longer learning time, but once learned, these behaviors are more resistant to extinction. There are four distinct types.
Continuous reinforcement schedule
Every correct response is met with some form of reinforcement. This type of reinforcement strategies facilitates the quickest learning, but also the most fragile learning. As soon as the reward stop coming, the animal stops performing.
Fixed ratio schedule
A type of partial reinforcement schedule, reinforcement is delivered after a consistent number of responses. If the ratio is 6:1, and after every six correct responses there is a reward.
Variable ratio schedule
A type of partial reinforcement schedule, reinforcement is delivered after a variable ratio. Instead of always being 6:1, it could be 3:1, or 10:1.
Fixed interval schedule
A type of partial reinforcement schedule, fixed interval schedule provide rewards after a passage of a certain amount of time, rather than the number of correct behaviors.
Variable interval schedule
A partial reinforcement schedule, in the variable interval schedule rewards are delivered after different periods of time.
Token economy
An artificial many, many were individuals in the environment are motivated by secondary reinforcers, often considered tokens. Desirable behavior reinforced with tokens which can be cashed in from our primary reinforcers such as candy, privileges, or cigarettes
The Permack principle
The idea that people are motivated to do what they do not want to do by rewarding themselves afterwards with something they do like to do.
Stimulus discrimination
The ability to discriminate between different but similar stimuli
Stimulus generalization
The opposite of stimulus discrimination. The inability to discriminate between different but similar stimuli.
Aversive conditioning
Uses punishment to decrease the likelihood of the behavior
Spontaneous recovery
The reappearance of an extinguished response even in the absence of further conditioning or training
Superstitious behavior
Occurs when someone learns that a specific action causes an event, when in reality the two are unrelated.
The act of linking together a series of behaviors that ultimately result in reinforcement