Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Jean Piaget
Developmental psychologist who discussed cognitive development
What is developmental psychology?
The study of changes and transitions that a company physical growth
Sensorimotor stage
Piaget. Age 0 to 2 years old.reflexive behavior, development of object permanence, acquiring the use of representation or visualizing are putting words to objects.
Preoperational stage
Piaget. Age 2 to 7 years. Egocentric understanding. Rapidly acquiring words as symbols for things. Inability to perform mental operations such as causality or true understanding of quantity.
Concrete operational
Age 7 to 12 years. Understanding of concrete relationship such as simple math and quantity. Development of conservation, knowing changes in shape are not changes in volume.
Formal operational
Piaget. 12 years of age and older. Understanding of abstract relationships such as logic, ratios, and volumes.
Piaget theory of moral development
Three stages. 4 to 7 years: imitates real following behavior, does not question acceptance of rolls. 7 to 11 years: Understands rolls and follows them. 12+ years: Applies abstract thinking to rules, can change rules of all parties agree.
Sigmund Freud
Develop psychoanalytic theory of personality development. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage.
Oral stage
Birth to 18 months: receives pleasure or later sucking, eating, biting.
Anal stage
18 months to three years. Receives pleasure with the control and release of feces.
Phallic stage
3 to 6 years. Receives pleasure from self stimulation of genitals. Boys develop and Oedipus complex, girls develop an electric complex. Both resolve this conflict by the end of the stage.
Latency stage
Adolescence. Repressed sexuality, identification with same-sex friends, focus on school and growing up.
Genital stage
Adolescence through adulthood. Hormones reawaken sexual interest. Love object is now nonfamilial.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Developmental psychologist who studied moral development
Preconventional morals
Avoid punishment, again rewards. “If I steal the medicine, I’ll get in trouble”
Conventional morals
Should gain approval, should follow law and authority. “Stealing is against the law”
Postconventional moral’s
Beyond the black-and-white of laws, attention to write some social welfare, makes decisions based on abstract ethical principles. “It is unjust that money is an obstacle to life, it is ethical that I should save my wife”
Eric Erickson
Psychoanalyst and developmental psychologist who studied LifeSpan development.
Trust versus mistrust
Birth to 18 months. Resolution is trust
Autonomy versus shame
18 months to three years. Resolution is independence.
Initiative versus guilt
Three years to six years. Resolution his purpose.
Industry versus inferiority
Six years old to puberty. Resolution is competency.
Identity versus role confusion
Teenage years. Resolution is a sense of self.
Intimacy versus isolation
Young adulthood. The resolution is love.
Productivity versus stagnation
Middle-age. Resolution is productivity and caring.
Ego integrity versus despair
Old-age. Resolution is wisdom and integrity.
Mary Ainsworth
Started attachment. Theorize the children could be securely attached, avoidance, or ambivalent.
Diana Baumrind
Study the relationship between parenting style and personality development. Authoritarian parents, permissive parents, authoritative parents.