Learning Flashcards
What is associative learning, also known as conditioned learning?
Learning that certain events occur together
What is classical conditioning and who created it?
One learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events
Created by Ivan Pavlov
What is respondent behavior?
Reflexive behavior that occurs as automatic response to stimuli
What is the unconditioned stimulus (UCS or US)?
Stimulus that elicits response to something unlearned
What is the unconditioned response (UR)?
unborn, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus
What is the conditioned stimulus (CS)?
response that prior to learning was neutral
What is the conditioned response (CR)?
response to CS learned through process of classical conditioning
What is acquisition in classical conditioning?
Initial stage of learning when one links neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, so that the neutral stimulus brings triggering conditioned response
What is extinction in classical conditioning?
If the conditioned stimulus goes away, the unconditioned stimulus will deminish
What is discrimination in classical conditioning?
Learned ability to distinguish between conditioned stimulus that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus, preventing generalization
What is generalization in classical conditioning?
Tendency for stimuli similar to conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses (once a response has already been conditioned)
What is spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning?
Reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response after a period of time has gone by without it