Learning Flashcards
Process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in behaviour or capabilities (Knowing how).
John Watson and Little Albert explained learning solely in terms of directly observable behaviour.
Personal adaption
Interactions with immediate and past environments. Involves learning.
Species adaption
Involves natural selection, adaptions passed in through genes, and become apart of a species nature.
Classical conditioning
When a neutral stimulus produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response; first studied by Ivan Pavlov.
Studied salivary responses in dogs and found that it is a natural response with no learning involved.
Learning to associate two stimuli (principles of classical conditioning)
One stimulus elicits a response that was originally elicited only by the other stimulus.
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Elicits a reflexive or innate, unconditioned response (UCR) without prior learning.
Unconditoned response (UCR)
Response elicited by the UCS without prior learning.
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Through association with the UCS, comes to elicit a conditioned response similar to the original (UCR)
Conditioned response (CR)
Response elicited by a conditioned stimulus.
Process in which CS is presented in the absence of an UCS. Causes the CR to weaken and eventually disappear.
Spontaneous recovery
After a rest period without any new learning trials there is a reappearance of previously extinguished CR.
Period during which association is being learned.
Stimuli that are similar to the initial CS elicits a CR and aids in survival.
CR occurs to one stimulus but not to another. Weaker responses as stimuli become less similar.
Exposure therapy
Extinction of CR through exposure to CS without presence of an UCS.
Systematic desensitization
Muscular relaxation paired with gradual exposure to fear-inducing stimulus.
Throndike’s Law of effect
Response followed by a satisfying consenquence more likely to occur. Response followed by a unsatisfying consenquence less likely to occur
Operant conditioning
Skinner, reinforcement, punishment
faciliates personal adaption
Response strengthened by outcome that follows.
Response weakened by outcome that follows.
Operant conditioning def
Behaviour changes as a result of consequences that follow it.
Positive reinforcement
Response is strengthened by presentation of a stimulus (the positive reinforcer) that follows it.
Negative reinforcement
Response strengthened by removal (or avoidance) of an aversive stimulus (negative reinforcer)
Reinforce successive approximations toward a final response
Reinforce each response with opportuntiy to perform the next response. Develops a sequence of behaviors.
Continuous reinforcement
Every response of a particular type is reinforced.
Partial reinforcement
Only some responses are reinforced
Biological preparedness
Biologically prewired to learn behaviours related to survival
Edward Tolman
saw operant conditioning as a means-ends relationship.
Observational learning
Learning that occurs by observing the beahviour of a model