Learn & Retain First Flashcards
What are the two most common sUAS frequencies in GHz and what is the chief limitation?
5.8 GHz for aircraft control
2.4 GHz for video and photos
They are line-of-sight and barriers can lead to loss of control link.
If a flyaway happens in “open airspace” what must the PIC do?
Contact ATC immediately by …
List 10 “Hazardous Attitudes” that can negatively impact operations.
- Falling behind on progress of aircraft
- Operating without adequate fuel
- Loss of positional awareness
- Operating outside of the flight envelope (aircraft performance limits)
- Failure to complete all flight planning & checklists
- Anti-authority attitude
- Impulsiveness
- Invulnerability
- Machoism
- Resignation “What’s the point?”
What services does www.1800wxbrief.com provide?
The Flight Service Pilot Web Portal provides:
- Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)
- Online preflight briefings
- File flight plans
- Get automatic notifications and alerts
- Search and rescue initiation
- Aircraft emergencies
“The Flight Service Pilot Web Portal 1800wxbrief.com allows pilots to receive online preflight briefings, file flight plans and get automatic notifications and alerts, including flight plan closure reminders. Registering for automatic notifications and alerts keeps pilots informed when new or adverse conditions arise, such as a severe weather forecast or observation, an airport closure, NOTAM or temporary flight restriction.”
What publication are pilots required to check prior to flight?
1) What does CTAF stand for?
2) Why/when is it used?
3) What 3 type of frequencies can it be and how do you know?
1) Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
2) Used when communicating at an airport without an operating control tower for air-to-air (pilot to pilot) communication.
3) The CTAF may be a
MULTICOM (199.9 or 122.95)
or tower frequency and is identified in appropriate aeronautical publications.
List the 3 cloud clearance limitations for drone flight.
Cloud clearance:
> 500 feet below the clouds
> 2,000 feet horizontally from the clouds
Cloud ceiling
What are the FAA daylight rules for UAS pilots.
“You can fly during daylight (30 minutes before official sunrise to 30 minutes after official sunset, local time) or in twilight if your drone has anti-collision lighting.”
What is the minimum weather visibility from your control station required by the FAA?
“Minimum weather visibility is three miles from your control station.”
How close to a structure do you have to be in order to have a maximum altitude 400 feet above the structure?
400 feet of a structure radius
Secure external payloads must weigh less than how many pounds.
55 pounds
Your drone can carry an external load if it is securely attached and does not adversely affect the flight characteristics or controllability of the aircraft. You also may transport property for compensation or hire within state boundaries provided the drone (including its attached systems), payload, and cargo, weighs less than 55 pounds total and you obey the other flight rules.
What damages does the FAA require to be reported and when?
- Type of injury
- Cost of damage
- Reported within how many days
“You must report any operation that results in serious injury, loss of consciousness, or property damage of at least $500 to the FAA within 10 days.”
1) What does LAANC stand for?
2) When is it needed?
1) LAANC = Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability
2) “LAANC only applies to FAA ATC facilities”
In drone mapping, what is absolute accuracy?
Absolute accuracy gauges the alignment of a map with real-world geographical coordinates.
In done mapping, what is relative accuracy?
Relative accuracy focuses on the consistency of a map based on how specific points on the map relate to each other.
In drone mapping, what are Ground Control Points and how are they helpful?
GCPs are physical markers placed on the ground at known positions. When drones capture images of a site, these markers can be identified and used to improve the accuracy
What is ADSB?
Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast is an aviation surveillance technology and form of Electronic Conspicuity in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation or other sensors and periodically broadcasts its position and other related data, enabling it to be tracked.
sUAS have a limit of what groundspeed per the FAA?
87 knots
100 moh
1) sUAS cannot be flown higher than how many feet above a structures immediate uppermost limit?
2) At what radius (in feet) may you exceed the AGL limit?
400’ above a structure
400’ radius
Define Visual Line of Sight
- Seeing the aircraft with vision unrated by any device other than corrective lenses.
And - Able to see the unmanned aircraft in order to determine its location, altitude, attitude, and direction of flight, observe the surrounding airspace, and determine the unmanned aircraft does not endanger persons or property.
At what distance from clouds can you fly a sUAS per the FAA?
The minimum distance from clouds must be no less than
500 feet below
a cloud and
2000 feet horizontally from the cloud.
What are “night operations” per the FAA?
Flights after evening civil twilight and before morning civil twilight.
- Evening civil twilight is the period of sunset until 30 minutes after sunset.
- Morning Civil Twilight is the period of 30 minutes prior to sunrise until sunrise.
- All civil twilight operations require anti-collision lighting visible for at least 3 statute miles.
What airspaces require prior authorization from ATC?
(lateral boundaries of E)
When is ATC authorization needed per the FAA?
Any operation in Class
(Lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport)