Leadership and culture/behavioural change Flashcards
distinguah between amangement + leadershipp
tjeroes + leadership style
how manae change sysatematically useing change meangement frwameork
impact of culture wculutre assessment
k 3.04
hospitals w higher rate management practices
higher qul care
bewteen clinical outcoe
lower mortality rate
hgiher pt satidisaxn
idnlancial performance
drwell being = less burnout+ higher satisfaxn
leadership d
infl act organsied group
on efforts towards goal setting + acheivement
management d
plan organise corodinate surpervise negotitiate evaluate integrate
useing resourcesfrom organisaxn
maanagers f
ensure orgs objectives acheived
all acts coordinted
main goal m + l
achieve goal org
key diff m + l = focos on
m focus on resources
l= pep
m aim
m=monit + emasure past amounts against pre determined care outcomes
answer policy +procedires, maximise output + producticit
l aim
show way forward
develop indivs
leadership theroeis
behavioural + style ‘
leaders born not made
personality tratirs of leaders
charismatic l
leaders most imp tak = ensure everything neeeded procieded
leaders success- contibute to efficacy of org
-basically success of tema = success of leader
axn centreed leadership
3 things leader focus on
= team, task indiv
behavioural + style
leadersho- behaviours idenity leaderhip style
how weell behaviour match group that lead
kurt lewin leaderhop style
authoritarian or autocratic
democratic or parcipitatice
permissive or laissez faire
decixn wouldnt change bc of input
motivaxn not affected whether were or not invovlved in decixn
use disicipline + control lots
focus on post not person
low control
freedom+ creativity high
lots invovled in decixn making
democratic -ve
hard when lots opinions
permissive or laissez faire
minimise leaders invovlve in decixn make
allow make own decixn
permissive or laissez faire works best when
motivated make own decixin
in criis s best eladership style
make decixns quickly on own
managerial grid
task vs pep orientated behaviour
each pt on axis =low to hgih - concnern for pep vs concern for prod
transaxnal + trnasformaxnal leadership
2 main leadership style = transformaxnal + transaxnal
ill give u this if u give that
trasnformaxnal purpose
shared higher
no shared purpose other than may= maintain status quo
morality f vs s
f= mroal aspect
no explici moral
f= long term more dif aims
s= shortterm needs
contemporary theoreies
listen to team
empathise + care for team
act to help + support them
set aside egoistic old
focus on needs of tohers
hcp invovle pt service users + carers in redesign sercices
change management
structured approach to ove org from curren state to desirred duture state
cm guides how
preppare equip + support indiv to successfully adopt change > drive organisaxnal success + utcomes
> chnage
reaxn to int or ext stimuli
ways change executed
intro adter brie discis
evlovle gradually over time
self direted (lifestyle or beheavour
nhs chane mod
lshared purpose = considered when planning + implement change =
eaderhip by all
spread + adopxn
improvement tools
prokect + performance managemenen t
system drivers
motivate + mobilise
compliance goals
mim performance standrad eberymone musc achieve
use hierarhy sys + starndard procedures for coorinaxn + control
deliver thru pgrmal commant + control s
thread of penalties, sanxns or shame creates moemmentum for deliver
based on organisanal accontaibility (if i font meet performance obective
commitment goal
colelctive improvement goal severyone aspire ot
based on shared goals values _ sense of prupose for coordinaxn _ cotnrol
deliver thru voluntary connexns + teams
commit to common purpurose > en for delvivery
based on rellaxnal commitment = id let group or prpose fown
complainance goals conectted to
commitment goal conncected to l
shared goal focus on visixn
cultural assememnt f
assess how culuter affected by change
2 ways ca
aulitative or quantiitiative
dimenxns of culture
qualit rule
no formula
change goal definied concnecretely in behavioural terms
once culure exists cant be change directly
period of unlearning = phsycholgoigically painful
chajge process continuous cycle