LE Flashcards
LE: Intro
acetabulum - ant (1) pos (1), fossa shape
ilium - crest ends ant (1) pos (1), tubercle where/palpate, AIIS PIIS level, greater sciatic notch where
ischium - tuberosity (name), spine between + for (2), OF (for), ramus (attach), what converts sciatic notch to foramen (2)
pubis - body ant (1), sup ramus & inf ramus (attach)
- ant (symphysis pubis), pos (sacrum via SIJ)
- fossa: horseshoe
- crest: ends anteriorly at ASIS & posteriorly at PSIS
- tubercle: 2in behind ASIS
- AIIS (L4) PIIS (S2/dimple)
- greater sciatic notch: above behind acetabulum; converted into foramen via sacrotuberous & sacrospinous ligament
- tuberosity/sit bone
- spine: between greater & lesser scatic notch; for pelvic opening & ligament attachment
- obturator foramen: passage
- ramus: attach to inf pubic ramus
- body: ant (symphysis pubis)
- sup ramus: with ilium ischium
- inf ramus: with ischial ramus
LE: Intro
sacrum - lat + joint, promontory (level), what forms sacral canal + contents (3), sacral hiatus (formed by)
coccyx - shape, only has what part, cornu (made of 2 + faces)
femur - head (shape/size), fovea capitis (what + 2 content), AOI (birth & normal & LOM), intertrochanteric line (for & what attach), shaft (ant vs. pos), linea aspera (attach 2), gluteal tuberosity (where), epicondyle (where), condyle (separated by)
- lat (ilium via SIJ)
- promontory (S1)
- sacral canal: formed by vertebral foramina; has lumbosacrococcygeal roots
- sacral hiatus: unfused lamina of S4 or S5
- triangular, only body
- cornu: superior articular facet + pedicle; faces sup
- head: 2/3 sphere
- fovea capitis: depression; ligamentum teres & obturator artery
- AOI: 180 > 125-135, LOM in ABD & IR if vara
- intertrochanteric line: separates trochanters; iliofemoral ligament
- shaft: smoother ant
- linea aspera: muscles & intermuscular septum attach
- gluteal tuberosity: below GT
- epicondyle: above condyle
- condyle: separated by intercondylar notch
LE: Intro
patella - shape, apex where, connect + via, pos (1)
tibia - sup (1), shaft shape, tuberosity (2 attach)
fibula - connection to knee/ankle, what nerve pass, head (surrounded by + attach), malleolar facet (where), triangular facet (2 attach)
- triangular, apex below, pos (femur)
- connect with tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
- sup (femoral condyle), triangular shaft
- tuberosity: has patellar ligament & quads tendon
- no connection to knee, yes ankle; peroneal n.
- head: surrounded by styloid process; articulate with tibial lat condyle
- malleolar facet: behind & below articular facet
- triangular facet: has ankle joint & talus
LE: Intro
calcaneum - sup (1) ant (1) pos (1), sulcus calcanei (what & for), sustentaculum tali (where & for), peroneal tubercle (where & for)
talus - ant (1) inf (1) sup (2), body (shape), head vs. body x navicular vs. tibia
navicular - what attaches (1)
- sup (talus, ant (cuboid), pos (achilles tendon)
- sustentaculum tali: at medial surface for talus support
- sulcus calcanei: groove separating two articular facets for talus
- peroneal tubercle: at lat surface for separating brevis & longus tendon
- ant (navicular) inf (calcaneus) sup (TF), turtle shape
- body: cuboidal
- head x navicular, body x tibia
- has pos tibial tendon
LE: Gluteal Region
sup (1) inf (1)
deep fascia - what to enclose what, thicken to form what (+ for & from to)
greater sciatic foramen (5), lesser (1)
sacral plexus - where
trochanteric anastomosis - supply (1), (4)
cruciate anastomosis - supply (1), (3)
- sup: iliac crest
- inf: gluteal fold
- split to enclose glutmax
- thicken to form iliotibial tract (for TFL; from iliac crest to lat tibial condyle)
- greater sciatic foramen: piriformis, sciatic n., pos cutaneous n., sup & inf gluteal a., pudendal n.
- lesser: pudendal n.
- sacral plexus: in front of piriformis
trochanteric anastomosis
- supply: femoral head
- med & lat femoral circumflex a., sup & inf gluteal a.
cruciate anastomosis
- supply: LT
- lat femoral circumflex a., inf gluteal a., profunda a.
LE: Gluteal Region - Hip Joint
capsule attach to (1), retinacula (for)
iliofemoral lig - name, from to, against (4)
pubofemoral - shape, from to, against (3)
ischiofemoral - shape, from to, against (3)
ligamentum teres - shape, strength, attach (3), against (1), for (1)
transverse acetabular lig - where, purpose (1=1)
bursa - where, purpose
- capsule: attach to intertrochanteric line
- retinacula: passage of vessels
- bursa: between bone & soft tissue to lessen friction
iliofemoral ligament/y ligament of bigelow
- from ASIS to intertrochanteric line
pubofemoral ligament
- triangle; from sup pubic ramus to intertrochanteric line
ischiofemoral ligament
- spiral; from ischial body to GT
ligamentum teres
- triangle, weak, against ADD; for passage
- attached: acetabular notch, femoral head, transverse acetabular lig
transverse acetabular ligament
- at acetabular rim
- deepens fossa = passage
LE: Gluteal Region
SIJ - type, purpose, nerve (1), ligament (6)
symphysis pubis - type, ligament (1), nerve (3)
sacrococcygeal joint - type, nerve, motion
- plane joint; transmit weight from vertebra to pelvis
- nerve: sacral spinal roots
- ligaments: antpos sacroiliac ligament, sacrotuberous, sacrospinous, interosseous, iliolumbar
symphysis pubis
- cartilaginous
- nerve: pudendal, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal
- ligament: pubic family
sacrococcygeal joint
- cartilaginous
- nerve: pudendal
- movement: forward & back
LE: Gluteal Region - Ant Compartment
femoral triangle - where in thigh, sup (1) lat (1) med (1) floor (3), content (3.1.1)
subsartorial canal - name, from to, antmed (1) pos (2) lat (1), content (
femoral sheath - cont (2), compartment content (1.1.2)
femoral artery - root & become, enters
great saphenous vein - drains what region
femoral triangle
- below inguinal ligament
- sup (inguinal lig) lat (sartorius) med (adductor longus) floor (longus magnus iliopsoas)
- content: femoral nerve artery vein, femoral sheath, deep inguinal lymph nodes
subsartorial/adductor canal
- from femoral triangle to adductor magnus
- antmed (sartorius) pos (longus & magnus) lat (vasmed)
- content: femoral artery vein, obturator nerve, deep inguinal lymph nodes, saphenous nerve
femoral sheath
- cont with transversalis & ilium fascia
- compartment: lat (femoral artery), intermediate (femoral vein), medial (femoral canal & lymph)
femoral artery
- external iliac artery > femoral > popliteal
- enters inguinal ligament
great saphenous vein
- drains medial
LE: Gluteal Region - Med/Pos Compartment
medial compartment - nerve (1), artery (2), obturator nerve (from to) (ant vs. pos branch supply)
pos compartment - nerve (1), artery (1)
- nerve: obturator n.
- artery: profunda & obturator
- obturator nerve: from psoas to obturator foramen; ant supply medial thigh, pos supply knee
- nerve: sciatic n.
- artery: profunda
LE: Knee
joint - type, what
patellar ligamant - part of what
oblique popliteal lig - part of, purpose
cruciate lig - where, purpose
ACL vs. PCL - strength, supply, prevent (3), taut/slack, most important stabilizer
menisci - purpose
coronary lig - purpose
medial vs. lat - shape, strength/prone, movable, size
unhappy triad of o’donoghue
- PFJ: plane; biggest
- patellar ligament: part of quads tendon
- oblique popliteal lig: part of semimembranosus, strengthens posteriorly
- cruciate ligament: at center of joint; main stabilizer of tibiofemoral
- ACL: weaker, less supply, prevent hyperextension + pos displaced femur + ant displaced tibia, taut in EXT
- PCL: most important knee stabilizer
- menisci: shock-absorb during WB
- coronary lig: connects menisci to knee
- med menisci: C, larger, more prone
- lat menisci: circle, smaller, movable
- unhappy triad of o’donoghue: lat force = ACL, med meniscus, MCL
LE: Knee - Bursa
suprapatellar - where, held by (1), compressed in (1)
prepatellar - where, medical condition, MOI
superficial/deep infra - where, separated from capsule via, medical, MOI
popliteal - where, between, compressed (1)
semimembranosus - between, size, medical
pes anserine - muscle (3), MOI
suprapatellar bursa
- in quads tendon, held by vas intermed
- compressed in FLEX
prepatellar bursa
- between skin & patella; kneeling/friction (housemaid)
superficial/deep infrapatellar
- superficial: above patellar tendon; deep: below
- separated from capsule via fat pad
- d/t kneeling = clergyman
popliteal bursa
- at popliteal tendon, between MFC & gastrocs
- compressed in EXT
semimembranosus bursa
- between MFC & gastrocs; largest; baker’s
pes anserine
- sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus
- d/t running
LE: Knee - Lower Leg
popliteal fossa - shape, med (3) lat (2) floor (2), content (
popliteal artery - branch (1.2) + supplies (2.1)
arterial anastomosis of knee (3)
popliteal vein (become), node (deep is with 2)
tibial nerve - palpate/where
ant compartment - artery (1) nerve (1)
lat compartment - artery (1) nerve (1)
pos compartment - artery (1) nerve (1)
popliteal fossa
- diamond
- med (semimembranosus semitendinosus med gastrocs) lat (biceps lat gastrocs) floor (capsule & popliteus)
- content: saphenous vein, popliteal artery vein node, geniculate nerve (obturator), tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, pos cutaneous nerve
popliteal artery
- ant tibial = dorsalis pedis; back of knee
- pos tibial = plantar & peroneal artery; lower leg
arterial anastomosis
- popliteal artery, ant & pos tibial
popliteal vein
- becomes femoral vein
popliteal node
- deep is with ant & pos tibial artery
tibial nerve
- medial to popliteal a.
- ant compartment: ant tibial artery, deep peroneal n.
- lat compartment: peroneal artery, superficial peroneal n.
- pos compartment: pos tibial & artery, tibial artery
LE: Leg
proximal tibiofibular joint - between, type, nerve (1)
DTFJ - between, type, nerve (2)
ankle joint - talo mortis (4), type, nerve (2), inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament (between & for)
subtalar joint - type, between, action (2), medlat vs. interosseous ligament (for)
- between fibula & lat condyle of tibia; plane
- nerve: common peroneal nerve
- between fibular notch of tibia & fibula; hinge
- nerve: common peroneal, tibial
- talus & calcaneus !
- talo mortis: tibia, medlat malleoli, talus
- hinge; DF PF
- inferior transverse TF lig: between lat malleolus & talus; deepen joint socket
LE: Leg
midtarsal joint - name (1), which joints (2), action (2)
TCNJ - type, plantar CN ligament (from to)
CCJ - type, bifurcated ligament (shape), long vs. short plantar ligament (from to)
cuneonavicular, cuboidonavicular, intercuneiform, cuneocuboid, intermetatarsal, MTPJ, IPJ - type
tarsometatarsal - type, name
talocalcaneonavicular joint
- plane
- plantar CN lig: sustentaculum tali of calcaneum to navicular tuberosity
calcaneocuboid joint
- plane
- bifurcated lig: Y-shaped
- plantar ligaments: long (til lat 3 metatarsals), short (just calcaneus & cuboid)
other joints
- all plane except fibrous (cuboidonavicular )
- MTPJ: condyloid
- IPJ: hinge
- tarsometatarsal/lisfranc
LE: Leg
anterior content (, pos (2)
med arch - (5) + keystone, ligament (1)
lat arch - (3) + keystone, ligament (2)
transverse arch - (3) + keystone, ligament (1)
pes planus - structure, forefoot (2)
cavus - d/t
calcaneal gait, quads, steppage
quiet standing vs. walk vs. run (weight)
- anterior ankle: saphenous nerve, saphenous vein, superficial & deep peroneal, ant tibial artery
- posterior ankle: pos tibial artery, tibial nerve
- med arch: calcaneus, talus, navicular, 3 cuneiform, medial 3 metatarsal; plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
- lat arch: cuboid, calcaneum, lat 2 metatarsal; short plantar ligament
- transverse arch: metatarsal, cuboid, cuneiform; deep plantar ligament
- pes planus: medial arch; forefoot EV
- pes cavus: d/t muscle imbalance
- calcaneal gait (weak PF), quads (no locking), steppage (foot drop)
- quiet standing (weight equal), walking (weight on lat metatarsal), run (weight on forefoot & heel)