LBJ's policy and gulf of tonkin resoultion Flashcards
when did johnson become president
nov 63
when was the next us election
nov 64
what things pressureed johnson to esclate in vietnam
LBJs belifes
hawk advisers
military members
didnt want to be 1st pres to lose a war
didnt want to negotiate resloution
what were LBJs beliefs in relation to vietnam
belief in us military supremicy
opposed communism
domino theory
Ho was new hitler
national honour
what were the pressures against esclation in vietnam
w.european allies eg france
lack of international support
what was LBJs primary aim in vietnam and what opposed this
a quick victory w/o major esclation/americanising the war
what and when was OPLAN 34A
jan 64
covert to progressivly esclate pressure
in what way did LBJ continue w JFKs approach in vietnam
increased advisors from 16,300 to 23,300
what did w europe warn lbj abt vietnam
could lead to the smae result as france
what was nutralism
s. vietnam would be nutral but this exposed them to n.vietnam/communism
who was LBJ against in the nov 64 election and what was his stance on communism
barry goldwater
STRONGLY against communism (implyed use of nukes in viet)
when was the gulf of tonkin incident/resolution
aug 64
what was the ‘trigger’ of the gulf of tonkin
ARVN launched raids on N.viet costal towns supported by us shipps in gulf of tonkin
what was happened on the 2nd aug GoT
PAVN retaliated and opend fire on uss Madox
when did the us recieve alleged attacks on the madox and turner joy
Aug 4th 64
what was the us domestic responce to the gulf of tonkin incident
outraged and pushed congress into action
when was the gulf of tonkin resolution passed and how did it pass (votes)
7rh aug
88 to 2 votes
when was the gulf of tonkin resolution drawn up
june 64
what did the gulf of tonkin resolution do
gave LBJ authority to ‘use all means nesscary’ to defend us personell in the area
what was the argument against the gulf of tonkin resolution
it was inccorect and vietnam wasnt worth the lives of us ppl
what was the result of the gulf of tonkin resolution
bombing of n.vietnam
LBJ public approval went from 42 to 72%
commitment to defending s.vietnam
what was the signig=ficance of the result of the 64 election
hilighted us oppinion of LBJ approach by public esclation in vietnam
gave LBJ electoral mandate
how much did LBJ win by in the 64 election
he won 61% of votes