Lawyering as business Flashcards
Limitations on partnerships with nonlawyers
parnterships with nonlawyers prohibited if any of the activites of the partnership consist of the practice of law (Bsp. nicht “John Real Estate & Legal Services”)
Firm name: Bsp. Anwalt wird Bürgermeister, seinen Namen weiterbenutzen?
prohibited from using the name of a lawyer holding public office in the name during substantial period in which the lawyer is not actively and regularly practicing with the firm
Soliciting, lawyer bietet seine services an
Grds. prohibited by live person-to-person contact
1. solicitation made to a lawyer
2. solicitatoin made to a family, close personal, friends, business relationship
3. solicitation made to person who routinely uses for business purposes the type of leagl services offered by the lawyer
Aber Ausn. it is known to the lawyer that they do not wish to be solicited!!
Liability of partnership
Ja, auch Haftung der anderen Partner, aber auf andere partner kann erst zurückgegriffen werden, wenn partnerships assets exhausted sind
Sale of practice
- seller stops practice entirely within geographic area/jurisdiction
- proper given notice to clients (1. right to seek other counsel, 2 consent presumed within 90 days with no action)
- sold to lawyer or firm
- no fee increase because of sale
Group legal service plan
darf nicht operated by organisation owned or dierected by lawyer sein
darf aber mit group legal services plan representative sprechen ohne dass es verbotene solicitation zu den zugrundeliegenden clients wäre
Advertisementes, Unternehmen generiert client-leads für law firm?
Ok, wenn:
1. generator does not recommend lawyer
2. paid in accordnace with rules for fee divsion & professional independence
3. follows rules concernign communications about lawyers service (insb. Diskretion)
Grds. lawyer dürfen selbst nichts geben um empfohlen zu werden
Ausn. proper reciprocal referral agreement (lawyer empfiehlt & wird empfohlen), wenn:
- non-exclusive
- doesn’t interfere with professional judgement
- hast definite duration
- client informed
- wirklich nur Empfehlung, lawyer darf zB nicht noch dazu verplichtet sein Werbung zu machen oder so
Lawyer macht Statement zu media
no statement that is likely to disseminated in public if likelihood of materially prejudicing
Wann sind ads misleading
a) unsubstantiated and specific fee comparison of his fees with others when comparison lacks reasonable factual foundation but is presented with specificity (Bsp. meine fees sind 50% günstiger als Konkurrenz, obwohl man das gar nicht weiß)
Name von verstorbenen weiterbenutzen?
Nur, wenn continuously weiterverwendet
Certified specialist
- accredited organisation ABA
- und NAME der certifying Stelle!