Law Texts - Unit 4 Flashcards
A contarct may be defined as an agreement which is either enforced by law or recognized by laws affecting the legal rights or duties of the parties
قرارداد ممكن است تعريف شود به توافقي كه يا توسط قانون تنفيذ ميگردد يا بوسيله مقرراتي حاكم بر وظايف و حقوق طرفين است به رسميت شناخته ميشود
١- تقويت كردن
٢-تحميل كردن (با قوه اجبار)
٣-اجرا كردن قانون
٣ معني و ٢ نقش
١-اثر داشتن بر،تاثير گذاشتن بر(منجر به تغيير) تأثير هاطفي
This is beginning to affect how the law determines which of these relationships should be given legal recognition
٢-وانمود كردن به داشتن يا احساس كردن
٣-اسم در روانشناسي:اثر
Effect vs affect
Affect and effect are quite different in meaning, though frequently confused. Affect is primarily a verb meaning ‘make a difference to’, as in their gender need not affect their career. Effect, on the other hand, is used both as a noun and a verb, meaning ‘a result’ as a noun ( move the cursor until you get the effect you want) or ‘bring about a result’ as a verb ( growth in the economy can only be effected by stringent economic controls).
Break a contract
نقض توافق
An outline … Law of contract
در آمدي بر حقوق قرارداد