law reform U4AOS2 booklet two Flashcards
lesson seven
define royal commissions
- the most formal process into an issue of public concern
lesson seven
what are the features of royal commissions?
- can occur on state or cth lvls
- ets thr the executive branch of govt - govt that gen initi r.c
- r.c = indep of parl
- a letter patent must be issues by the GG
- public (leg chg = certain sessions = private)
- investigatory pwrs e.g. compel ppl to attend hearings
lesson seven
why are royal commissions independent of parliament?
- as they may be req to investigate controv matters
lesson seven
what does the letter patent specify for royal commissions?
- issued by the GG, specifies the person / persons who are appointed to chair the commission - usu a judge
lesson seven
why are they called royal?
- b/c the Cr’s rep (GG) must 1st issue a letter patent (decree / permiss / affirm) allowing the roy comm to proceed
lesson seven
what is the act associated with royal commissions?
- they have stat auth - Royal Commission Act 1902 (Cth) and Inquiries Act 2014 (Vic)
lesson seven
what are the roles and process of royal commissions?
- undertake res & peop consul papers
- seeks submissions from the comm
- conduct hearings
- engage in coercive pwrs of invest
- pres a final rep to parl w/ recomm for law ref
lesson seven
explain - undertake research & prepare consultation papers
- bef engaging in disc w/ comm
- memb of r.c must prep a consul pap = outlines matts being invest & poss ref that could be imple
- this est = parameters & prov guid for mem of comm to make submiss to the inquiry
lesson seven
explain - seek submissions from the community
- r.c will seek subs / feedb / inform from the comm to ensure that recomm for law ref = refl v’s of soc
- r.c prov opp for comm mem & stakeh to share vs & inform = iniv & organ express their recomm / experts = opinons & res findings & int grps = express stace on issues where seek law ref
lesson seven
explain - conduct hearings
- r.c = cond hearings = occur pub / priv
- hearings = cond over sev days
lesson seven
during hearings what is the royal commission required to do?
- listen to evidence
- cross-examine indiv
- rev written subms
lesson seven
explain - engage in coercive powers of investigation
- issue a summons ordering a person to app bef the comm
- req indiv to give evid under oath
- req indiv, bus, org to prod evid under oath
- prov pen of up to 2yrs impris for those who fail to comply w/ summs or intent prov false / misleading evid
lesson seven
what doe the coercive powers of the royal commission ensure?
- enures r.c. have gr abil to det the trth, gain insight into issue & rev all evid
- –> gr underst of soc / leg issue being invest can be prov –> allowing law refs to be recomm that would most effect resol issue
lesson seven
explain - present a final report to parliament with recommendations for law reform
- after the concl of the invest r.c. prod a rep of the invest’s findings & prov recomm for law ref
lesson seven
what are the strenghts of royal commissions?
- r.c. able to comprh invest part inci / area of pol / soc / leg / pol iss in their res –> prov insight recomm for l.r = acc & adqu add iss
- r.c = indep of govt –> invest = x infl by pol biases
- r.c = est by govt –> parl may be more likely to act on & imple law ref based on findings of the comm
- r.c. allw govt of day to det amount of pub supp for a conten l.r mtt –> if parl observes there is broad supp for a part chg –> may initi l.r to rem pop w/ pub & gain re-ele
- r.c = coerc pwrs of invest = compel wit give evid oath –> whole truth emerge –> parl better underst issues –> fac eff l.r
- hearings = oft pub & subm = made by comm –> prov indirect way for pub to infl law ref & put conc bef parl
- rep dev r.c = tab parl –> ens iss dir pres bef mem of parl –> enc deb the recomm –> pot prompt l.r
lesson seven
what are the limitations of royal commissions?
- r.c = highest form of inqu = only est in rare & excep circ
- r.c = v $ b/c res req (staff & experts) e.g. robodebt r.c = $30 mill budget
- govt = x oblig to fllw the sugg rec by comm –> inqu could consid waste of time & $
- r.c = time-cons due to extens use of exp, hearings, exam of wit, reading thr subm & cons comm –> l.r = slw to resp to iss in soc
- lack of pwr if there are breaches of the R.C.A 1902 (Cth) = aust law ref comm lacks the pwr to invest breaches of the act & pen fr mis-compli often inadeq
- while r.c = indep = still dep on govt willing to have iss invest = govt must dec to initi r.c & est its t.of.r t/f = may lim / x intro r.c = pol damning or prod recomm x want imple –> lim l.r in areas govt want avoid
lesson seven
why may royal commissions be rare?
- r.c = x good look for govt b/c issue of invest occured under their leadership = x good refl
lesson eight
why was the Disability Royal Commission established?
- est in April 2019 in resp to comm conc. about widespread reports os viol. against & the neg, abuse & exploit. of ppl. w/ disab.
lesson eight
what did the Disability Royal Commission investigate?
- prev & better prot ppl w/ disab from experi. viol, abuse, negl, & exploit.
- achiev best pract. in repor, invest & resp to viol abuse, neg & exploit of ppl w/ disab
- prom ore incl soc that supp ppl w/ disab to be indep & live free from viol, abu, neg & exploit
lesson eight
what settings and contexts did the Disability Royal Commission investigate and report on?
- schools
- workplaces
- jails & detention centres
- sec disab or boarding houses ‘family homes
- hospitals
lesson eight
how expensive was the disability royal commission investigation?
- 5 yr period (2019 –> fin rep sub parl sept 2023) = $ = $527.9 million dollars
lesson eight
how many recommendations did the disability royal commission make?
- in final rep DRC made in 222 recomm to parl in law reform
lesson eight
what are examples of the recommendations that the DRC made?
- intro of an Aust Disab Rights Act to str prot of the rights of ppl w. disab 7 meet austr’s obligs under the Conven on the Rights of Persons w/ Dis
- comm recomm aust govt consid the est. of a nat sys for rep & invest & elim viol, abuse & negl of ppl w/ disab –> elem best imple thr the est of nat. indep, stat prot, watchdog = broad fncts& pwr to prot / invest / enf findings rel to sit of viol / sb / neg of ppl w/ disab
- use of restr. pract against child must be elim as nat prior. –> rec aust gvt work w/ st & territ govts to imple 0 toler appr to restr pract in school’s cxt.