law reform U4AOS2 booklet one Flashcards
lesson one
define law reform
- a change or amendment in the law to align it with modern societal needs & values
lesson one
what are the three reasons law reform is needed?
- chg in comm beliefs, val & attit
- chgs in tech, also known as techno advancement
- the need for comm prot
lesson one
expain the reason for law reform - changes in community beliefs, values & attitudes
- in any soceity, bel, val & atti chg over time.
- comm val chg as knowledge increases & soc bec more educ & aware.
- as a res, if the law is to remain relevant & accep to the maj of ppl, it must keep up w/ & refl the views, val & ethical princ in the wider comm
lesson one
explain the reason for law reform - changes in technology / technological advancement
- techno is const improving & opening up possibilities that have x prev been imagined.
- this incring range & use of mobile devices & equip have created the potential for people to be harmed through the misuse of tech, for inst thr cyber-stalk
- as tech dev & improv, laws need to be alt & upd to refl the dev, reg use & prt those who may be vuln
lesson one
explain the reason for law reform - need for community protection
- law ref must continually occ to make sure indiv & diff grps w/n comm are prot & feel safe
- one of maj roles of law is to prt indiv from harm, to which can incl phys, emot or econ harm
- laws tlf need to be chged in order to try & overc this threat to the wider commun as a whole
lesson one
explain the reason for law reform - changes in social conditions
- as aust’s pop grows & chgs, some laws need to chg to ensure all can live together & maintain basic stan of living.
- social chgs over 25 yrs incl pop. will grow & that the ave life expect. will incr to 87 yrs. –> implic for law ref in areas incl health care, taxat., & environ.
- incr pop –> incr crime & need for improv. law enform.
lesson one
explain the reason for law reform - changes in economic conditions
- aust eco = contin chging
- govt need to monitor & chg laws that reg. the buying, selling & prod of gs & ss across diff areas of the eco = banking / fina / min / agric
lesson one
explain the reason for law reform - changes in international conditions
- chging int circ or glb events often infl law reform
- e.g. incr global vio & thr of terr att
- ano = int confl = wars –> rise is glb ref& can plc press on glb supp of good = oil
- cth govt monit bth so it can alt laws if nec = anti-terr & migr laws
lesson one
what is an example of changes if social conditions?
- prompting law reform –> online gambling
- = using the internet to place bets, incl. websites, apps, online games & poker machines & sports betting
lesson one
what is an example for a need for community protection?
lesson one
what is an example of changes in technology / technological advancement?
- incid at BM highsch in which alt images of num. female students were made and transmitted w/o consent
- as a result leg on the use of deep fake images was addressed thr amend. being made to the Criminal Code Act 1995
lesson two
what are the methods used by individuals & groups to signify their desire for change?
- petitons
- demonstrations / protests
- the use of courts
lesson two
define petition
- a document consisting of a collection of sig. from indiv demanding an action or legislative reform is given to parliament
- only way indiv can directly put their conc / compl bef parl
lesson two
what are the rules for formal petitons to be presented in parliament?
- the pet. add the house in which it’s being pres.
- states the action being req for legisl chg & reas
- cont the det of the person who init / org the pet
- has at least 1 sig
lesson two
what happens if a petition meets the rules?
- it will be certif & pres in the house
- once pres bec prt of parl offic rec –> min have a certain time to resp
lesson two
what are e-petitions?
- electronic petitions = alws indiv to sign their name to show supp for a cause via an onli platf
- most cmm meth of gath sig used today
- to be eff still needs to make its way to parl
lesson two
what is an example of a petition?
lesson two
what is an example of an e-petition?
lesson two
what are the strengths of petitions?
- convient & free meth of collating supp for action = partic e-pet
- rel min = reqto resp to all e-pet in pet rep = tabled every few weeks in parl
- pet w/ many sig can succ raise awarness about issue w/n med & comm even if leg chg = x act
- pet w/ hundr of thous sig = seen be more rep of the comm & t/f gain att of parl due to ntr of rep govt
- art of creating pet & gath sig = gen pub awar on iss –> incr supp for des leg chg = reinf thr soc med camp
lesson two
what are the limitations of petitions?
- parl = unlk to call for law ref if pet x have many sig / high lvls of comm supp = diff to attain enough sig on a pet to conv parl law ref is req
- ulti up to rele min to det if dem of pet = actioned or x
- pet gen need to be about leg issues = curr agenda for parl to pay suff attention to the pet dem
- priv reas = ppl rel put name & addr / email on pet
- to be pres in parl = must adh to cert rules
- parl rec hundreds of pet each yr & x guara / compul for sugg law ref to be adopt
- oppo pet & multi pet on same top –> red / dil imp of issue
lesson two
define demonstrations / protests / rallies
- large gathering of indiv / grps to prt a law or call for parl to undertake legisl ref usually conducted in a pub space (e.g. steps of parl)
lesson two
what are the features of demonstrations?
- a coord & org meeting of ppl to show supp / push for leg chg over a cause
- the gath gen occurs in pub
- inv a sp that addr the med to decri what chg is needed
- design to draw pub atten / cause inconven
- can be viol
lesson two
what are the strengths of demonstrations?
- have abil to cause disrup
- can be eff tool for ppl to have their dem met swiftly –> workers strikes = train drivers / teachers
- given rep ntr of parl = parl shld theo pay close att to demon as a no. of their constit are clearly comm their des for chg
- lrg peaceful dem attend by thous / hundr of thous of ppl may demon to parl that the maj of ppl supp chg in the law
- dem = alert & edu memb of soc bout soc / eco / pol / leg inj & need for law cchng –> event bring chg over time
lesson two
what are the limitations of demonstrations?
- if succ demon x imm fllw by further action –> momen for a cause will oft fade
- disrup caused –> oft res in neg med att part if issis consid ‘extreme’ by the med & is against pol int
- dem = diff to org & tim-cons b/c req large mass of ppl in same plc at same time
- no of ppl = attend demon may aff abil to infl law ref e.g. few ppl –> x gen int / awar / med atten
- if dem causes widespr inconv for the comm (blocking roads) or trns viol –> turn many ppl against the cause
lesson three
how do courts influence change in the law?
indiv & grps w/ st can infl law ref by bringing their cases to court as this may lead to the est of new prece
lesson three
what are the requirements for individuals & groups to bring their case to court & help the courts to influence law reform?
- st
- parties must have res = time & $ to access courts
- court hearing the mtt must be able to est. a prece & t/f must be a sup court or parties can consid appealing if they have leave
- outcome res from case either be cod / abro by parl which can imp whether the prec remains