civil law 1 (1st term) Flashcards
lesson one (28)
what are civil disputes?
- a disagreement b/w 2 or more indiv whereby 1 groupparty makes a claim againnst another usually, claiming a loss
lesson one (28)
what are the purposes of civil law?
- enable party to enforce their rights
- det whether the def is liable
- award a remedy & return the plan. to their o.g position (as much as possible)
lesson one (28)
define sue
- to take civil action against another person claiming that they have infringed some legal right of the plan. or did something wrong that neg affected the plan
lesson one (28)
define litigation
- commencing a civil actions in court - normally begins by seeking leg rep & filling of a writ
lesson one (28)
define liable
- finding that one party is resp for the other’s loss / infringement
lesson one (28)
define remedy
- orders made by a court or tribunal to address a civil wrong or breach - desig to restore the plan. back to their o.g post
- in from of injun or dam
lesson one (28)
what are some types of civil disputes?
- negligence (breach of duty of care)
- defamation (def comm flase claims t/f dam plan rep
- breach of contract (failure of oblig w/n ccontract terms
- family law (matters inv par / child / fam mem)
- tresspass to land (unlaw interf w/ land)
lesson one (28)
who is the plantiff?
- the party who commences the civil action & claims their rights have been infringed or a wrong has occurred
- also known as aggrieved party / wronged party
lesson one (28)
who is the defendant?
- the party who is alleged to have infringed the plaintiff’s rights or is alleged to be responsible for the wrongdoing
- the party that is defending themselves against a claim by another person, the plain. for an alleged breach of law
lesson one (28)
who can the parties to a civil dispute be?
- an indiv. being sued in their own name / group of indiv. being sued or suing together
- corp. (company) - sep leg entity from the dir. can be sued = Pty Ltd or Ltd
- Cth / state / govt agency or body –> e.g suing vic police for false arrest
lesson one (28)
suing employers
- if employee infrin a person’s rights whilst acting in the course of their employment –> injured person may be able to sue the employer via vicarious liability
lesson one (28)
what is vicarious liability?
- the leg resp of a 3rd party for the wrongful acts of another e/g an employers’ liability for what their employees did
lesson one (28)
why may a person sue the employer not the employee (vl)?
- employ / comp = $
- teach comp respon. & expect
lesson one (28)
who does the burden of proof rest upon in civil law?
- the plantiff
lesson one (28)
what does the burden of proof mean in civil law?
- follows the principle that the party who brings the case must satisfy the decision maker (usually the judge) that their claim is supported by facts
lesson one (28)
in what instances may the burden of proof rest upon the defendant?
- def may choose to file a countercl. –> def has burden to prove their claim
- def raises def (e.g def = contrib neg)
lesson one (28)
what does the standard of proof mean?
- refers to the strength of evidence required to prove the case
lesson one (28)
what is the standard of proof in civil law?
- the plain. must prove their case based on the bal of prob
lesson one (28)
what does the balance of probabilities mean?
- that it is more probable / more likely than not that their (plain.) claim is true
- less strict standard than brd
lesson one (28)
what are the avenues available in civil law to resolve matters (disp reso bodies)?
- complaints bodies
- tribunals
- courts
–> whether or not dispute reso bodies are able to resolve a dispute will depend of their juris & powers
lesson one (28)
what are complaints bodies?
- govt funded, stat bodies that exists to invest compl from ppl about the conduct of other parties
- regulated / have their powers through parl passing leg.
–> cons aff vic / vic ombud - hear compl about councils / prisons / vic roads
lesson one (28)
what are tibunals?
- operate like a court in that they resolve broad range of disputes
- e.g. VCAT (+stat body) –> operate w/n jurisd to hear matters such as consumer disputes, ten, discrim, neighb disp
- gen cheaper & quicker in res disp
lesson one (28)
what are the courts?
- either vic / fed courts
lesson one (28)
what are the common stages of civil proceedings?
- parties att to reach an o-of-c sett
- plain. commences a civ proc in court
- part prep their case for trial
- j may order parties = att med –> enc early det of case
- if sett X reached part = pres case at trial
- j & j make dec as to whether def = liable
- if def = liable –> rem = awarded to plain
lesson two (29)
what is the factor of costs?
- in a civ disp, it is the part that will gen bear he costs of resol the disp. since civ law is about upholding rights of indivs, the state will X get involved to fund proceed.
lesson two (29)
although a party has suffered an infringement or loss due to a breach of their rights, what are three factors which should be considered prior to intiating a civil claim?
- costs
- limitation of actions
- enforcement issues
lesson two (29)
what are the costs associated with civil proceedings?
- legal rep
- disbursements
- adverse court orders
lesson two (29)
what are the costs associated with legal representation?
- dep on complex of leg iss party = choose engage in services = sol / barr / both
- some cases –> sol = seek leg adv / draft & file leg doc
- complex cases –> barr = rep client in pre-trial hearings / pres case in court
- $ leg rep = dep on compl of case = exp of leg rep / aven matter being heard (court / trib)
- sen barr = $600 p/h w/ KC = $1000 p/h
lesson two (29)
what are disbursements?
- other expenses incurred as part of prep for the case outside leg rep
- monies paid to 3rd parties for preparation of the case
lesson two (29)
what are examples of disbursements?
- payment for collection of report, fin statement, video footage
- photocopying
- liasing w/ other ext. org outside of leg rep
- witten statements from exp wit
lesson two (29)
what are adverse court orders?
- the legal req that one party pays for the other party’s leg costs.
- if plain = unsucc in their claim –> court may order they pay some of the def leg $
- gen rul = succ party should have their leg costs paid by the losing party in addition to rem
lesson two (29)
what are limitation of actions>
- a restriction on the time limit in which a plain. must commence a civil action in court, after which time, the plain is unable to bring an action relating to the civil wrong against the def
lesson two (29)
what is the legislation that refers to the limitation of actions?
- Limitations of Actions Act 1958 (Vic)
–> outlines the time frames within which different types of civil actions must be commenced
lesson four (31)
what are the other dispute resolution methods alngside courts (can be w/n)?
- mediation
- conciliation
- arbitration
lesson four (31)
what is mediation?
- least formal meth for res dis
- inv parties willing to coop in order to reach a sol
- through assis of imp 3rd party = mediator = facilitate
- X strict rules of evi & proced
lesson four (31)
through assistance what do the parties do in mediation?
- sit down to discuss the issues involved
- consider options
- try to reach an aggreement through neg & compromise
lesson four (31)
is legal representation involved in mediation?
legal rep = gen X used to promote a sense of inform h/w can be used
if med = used in sup court as pre-trial proced leg rep = pres
lesson four (31)
where are some specific places mediation be conducted?
- in private office
- in court
- dispute resolution centre of vic
lesson four (31)
define terms of settlement
- a legally binding document that outlines the terms that the parties have agreed to after mediation which can be enforceable through courts if one party does X comply
lesson four (31)
is the decision of mediation legally binding?
- dec reached = X leg bindng unless a deed of settlement is signed by both parties
lesson four (31)
what are the key basic features of mediation?
- two disputing parties w/ possible respresentatives
- 3rd party = role to FACILITATE communication b/w parties
- resol made by parties, voluntarily
- resol may be eforceable if t.of.s entered into
- used extensively in vic courts & VCAT
lesson four (31)
when is mediation used?
- before court
- during court
- as an alt to court
lesson four (31)
why may parties used mediation before court?
med may be used by parties before engaging in the courts to resolve disputes in particular, if it is important to maintain an ongoing relat & $ cost may be an issue
lesson four (31)
what type disputes may / who may use mediation before court?
- disagreements b/w neigh
- disp b/w landlords & ten
- disp among fam mem
lesson four (31)
who may order parties to attend mediation?
- the mag / cc / sc = order parties to attend med once the case has been initiated in the court as part of a pre-trial proed
- can be ordered w/o consent of parties
lesson four (31)
how is mediation in the courts payed?
- $ for med usually split b/w parties
lesson four (31)
who mediates during mediation in court?
- associ judges can also mediate –> ref to as judicial med
lesson three (30)
what does fairness refer to?
- impartiality
- open processes
- participation
lesson three (30)
how does civil law uphold impartiality?
- plaint = have indep & imp adj preside over their case (j/med/con/arb)
- should plaint = wish to have a jury –> entit to having a jury of 6 decide the outcome of their case & award rem should matter be heard in cc or sc
- j & j must reach dec based upon applying the facts & evid prest in the case rather than their own opin or bias
- Civil Procedure Act (Vic) ensures the rules of prep & pres a case is applied to both sides –> reg aspects = narr leg issues disp, disclosure during discov, case man powers of judge
lesson three (30)
how does civil law uphold open processes?
- disp that utilises the courts = open to pub = court’s judgem –> prom transp over judicial dec & acc of leg prof
lesson three (30)
how are open processes not achieved in civil law?
- should parties choos med / con as method to resolve diputes = may be held in private –> lack of open processes
- jurors when reaching a dec = X req to provide a reason for their decision t/f dep on matters discussed during delib dam & rem = may X = consist
lesson three (30)
who may desire a private resolution to a civil matter?
- bus that may X want their name / image disclosed
lesson three (30)
how does civil law / legal system uphold participation?
- after consid of all fact –> all plaint have right to lodge a claim against a def b/c of a loss or if they believe that the matter is X worth pursuing then they can ‘cut their losses’ = CHOICE
- plaint can engage in sev aven to have their issue resolved = courts/med/con/arb/trib/compl bod = depending on nature of disp
- some aven of resol = X req leg rep –> prom plaint abil to part in leg sys more easily
- through a series of pre-trial civ procedures = pleadings / disc of docu & directions –> def = gain infor about the case against them & prep
- bp = same opp to pres their case / side to j & j during trial
lesson three (30)
how does a letter of demand uphold the feature of fairness - participation?
- LOD = easy to write t/f x req leg rep –> allows plaint to part or become involv in resolv their disp w/o need or $ of leg rep
- rec this letter allows def to make a dec as to how they wish to become involved w/ the disp e.g pay the $ or resp to disp
lesson three (30)
how does a letter of demand uphold the feature of fairness - transparency / open processes
- LOD allows def to be made aware they they will be involv in a leg disp, what the claim is & how much theur need to pay –> x surprise for def
lesson three (30)
what does equality aim to ensure?
- ensure uniform treatment of all indivs in the civil justice sys h/w should this cause disp / disad, extra measure should be implemented to allow everyone to engage w/ the just sys
lesson three (30)
how is the feature of equality - same treatment (formal) - upheld in civil disputes?
- all part can intitate a claim if they can demon an infring of their rights & loss
- all parties can have indep adj preside over their case
- all part must engage in the same pre-trial proc to ensure adeq prep & pres of their case in court
- all part can & are enc to neg prior & during trial & resolve their disputes w/o proceeding to a trial
- all part have their matter heard in supe courts can request to have j if can pay
- all part can engage in leg rep to provide them w/ leg assist
lesson three (30)
how is the feature of equality - different treatment (substantive) - upheld in civil disputes?
- if party x afford leg rep & must self-rep –> judge / mag may need to take steps to explain certain rights & processes e.g. what is means to cross exam wit
- org = VLA & CLCs = prov extra supp to indiv who do x have res to uphold their civ rights –> more equitable outcomes
- interp may be req for ppl w/ lim eng to assist w/ trans
lesson three (30)
what is a writ?
- a formal leg doc that is filed by the plaint w/ the rel courts (usu sup) to inform them that lit (the process of suing in courts) has commenced
lesson three (30)
what does the writ outlines?
- names & leg rep of both parties
- where the matter is being res (which court)
- the claims made by both sides
- timelines for adhering to certain req e.g. settling the claim
lesson three (30)
what does access aim to ensure?
- ensure that everyone can engage in the civ just sys & it proceedings w/ adeq knowledge
- crucial b/c allows plaint to comrpeh theur leg entit & diff steps involv in their civil disputes
lesson three (30)
how is the feature of access - engagement - enhanced in civil disputes?
- unlike crim = range of dispt res meth = avail to parties to util –> ranging from = ADRs, trib, CAV & courts
- tech dev –> disp resolved via online vid link or conf e.g. trib hearings can be conducted online w/o req phy pres of either party
- fin access = CAV & hum rights (discrim) matters heard by VCAT = free of charge
- class act / group proc –> group mem = share $ when taking leg act against large corp
- VCAT = discount for pens cards when charging app fee –> allow more afford app to resol civ disp
- leg rep = x often needed unless part eng in courts
- range of disp res aven also means courts = less likely to be clogged & exp delays
lesson three (30)
what does infored basis refer to?
- for ppl to engage w/n civ just sys should be able to get inform & use procedures / meth / instit that resol civ disp = courts / trib / instit that can provide leg adv to parties
lesson three (30)
how do specialist CLCs uphold the feature of access - informed basis?
- can assist certain groups w/ vul in society
–> e.g. AED = est to spec assist indiv w/ disab reg civ matters arising from unlaw term / bull / harr / wages / working cond
lesson three
how is the feature of access - informed basis - upheld in civil disputes?
- specialist CLCs
- complaints bodies
- online websites
lesson three (30)
how do complaints bodies uphold informed basis?
- comp bod = consum affairs vic = prov free inform online to educate consum on their rights but also used concil to resolve free of charge
lesson three (30)
how do online websites enhance informed basis?
- one web = VCAT / vic leg aid / wom leg / vic omb = provide inform & guid for part on their rights in some civ matt & where to take their disp to be res –> most rec / req part to engage in s-h 1st