civil law booklet 2 Flashcards
lesson nine (36)
what is a class action?
- legal cases filed by a single representative on behalf of seven or more ppl
- the claims of the parties being rep in ca will be based around the same / sim / rel circum - these claims will gen raise subst comm factual & leg qs
lesson nine (36)
what are class actions also known as?
- representative proceedings
- group proceedings
lesson nine (36)
what is the criteria for a class action?
- 7 or + ppl claiming against the same def (s)
- claim must arise from the same / sim / rel circum
- claim must give rise to a comm issue of law / fact = meaning same issues are det my the courts for all claims = j must only refer to the 1 type of leg disp
lesson nine (36)
whilst the lead plaintiff of a class action has the same obligation as any other pplaintiff in an individual litigation, what are some additional obligations specific to class actions? (role of lead plaintiff)
- assuming the risk & $ of litigation on behalf of the entire group
- ens claim serves inter of group mem & x pursued solely for pers ben
- prov instruct to their lawyers reg conduct of the claim & making dec reg sett / neg
- filing the case under their own name
lesson nine (36)
what is the lead plaintiff solely responsible for if the class action fails?
- the $ of the proceedings & any adv $ orders
- group mem = x oblig to contrib to proce $ unless or until succ outcome is known
lesson nine (36)
how is the cost handled if the class action is successful?
- class mem = share the $ of bringing the proceedings
- $ = shared among
lesson nine (36)
what courts hear class actions?
- the SC TD of vic
- fed court of aust
- dep on nature of the claim
lesson nine (36)
what are the strenghts of class actions?
- liti funders –> incr c.a. brought in circum where indivi liti = lack $ –> incr part
- c.a. man by exp & imp j –> case cond = eff & imp
- juries = avail in SC –> allow case = det by imp / x-sect of soc
- c.a. = more eff way of dealing w/ no. of claim –> sav time & court res
- c.a. dec $ for def
- c.a. usu supp by exp lawyers –> ens case = pres in best poss light for all group mem
lesson nine (36)
how do class actions decrease the costs for defendants?
- def can respond to multiple claims, all w. sim in 1 proceeding rather than having to go through sep proceedings
lesson nine (36)
what are the weaknesses of class actions?
- lead plain = req assu risk & $ of lit on behalf –> unfair
- juries = x avai if c.a. = fed court aust –> cas = x det by imp x-sect of comm
- x lit fund obtained –> lead pl may x be willing to bear $ assoc
- dep on sett reached, share given to each after costs = min esp if large % –> lit funders
- c.a. extr $ req 3rd party to fund –> w/o x comm
- c.a. long time - heard & compl –> sev yrs due to amount of evid req t/f delaying reme & just to plaintiffs
- some group mem may not get adequ / up to date info about procee –> lim abil to part in civ just sys
lesson ten (37)
what is CAV?
- Consumer Affairs Victoria is a stat body = it was est as a result of vic parli massing legistlation
lesson ten (37)
what was the legislation passed to form CAV and allow it to be an oversee body & administer laws into society?
- Australian Consumer and Fair Trading Act (vic) 2012
lesson ten (37)
what are the purposes of CAV?
- enf compliance w/ consum law
- prov info & guid to edu ppl about consum laws / rights & resp of bus & consum
- in lim circ = prov consum / traders / ll w/ disp resolu process
- advi vic govt on consum leg
- prov access disp resol serv
lesson ten (37)
what are the most common civil matters that CAV can assist with?
- a complaint against a bus by a consum who believes that aust consum law & fiar trading act 2012 (vic) has been breached
- a complaint against a ll by ten who believes the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (vic) has been breached
- a complaint made by the consum about buying & selling of new & used cars.
lesson ten (37)
in what circumstances is CAV appropriate?
- disp falls w/n CAV jurisdiction
- parties attempted to resol disp themselves (email / phone call / face to face)
- bp willing to attend & part in concil (relat part = posi)
- parties wish to avoid $ & delays assoc w/ reso disp through courts / VCAT (student / young parent)
- part willing to settle t/f incr the likelihood of a succ resol (bus that x want neg public)
- bp = will to comply w/ the agreement reahed during concil
lesson ten (37)
in what circumstances is CAV inappropriate?
- disp = x fall under CAV’s juris
- part = x attem to resol disp themselves
- one / bp x will to att & part in concil (lack of communication)
- there is a better meth of resolthe disp, incl via an alt organ that is better suited to dealing w/ matter
- court / VCAT already ruled on the matt / case curr waiting to be heard
- disp = initi by a ll / bus
- disp = c.a
- one or more part want leg bind dec
lesson ten (37)
what are the strengths of CAV?
- quick & rel eff meth for part to res w/o delays & stress assoc w/ trial whilst also allowing imp process through concil
- CAV = free –> if party = x aff bring claim thr courts / VCAT = still able to part in just sys –> f
- uses concil = takes advt of an exp concil & able to prov parties w/ sugg –> fairer & more eff outc
lesson ten (37)
what are the weaknesses of CAV?
- CAV = x pwr to compel parties to undergo concil –> willing party to dispute = x able to use CAV’s disp reso serv if other party = x willing
- CAV = x pwr to enf any decs reached by parties in concil / unless bind agree @ concil –> 1 party ign outcome –> parties x better off
- CAV = x app for large & cpx disagr = incl diff leg qs / sev diff parties = which only resol by court or trib that has greater exp in law