Law of Medicine - LEK Flashcards


Is the doctor obliged to report to the police an attempt to kill a man if they obtained this information during a medical examination?

A. doctor never has such an obligation.
B. reporting a patient is a matter of choice not duty.
C. doctor in this kind of situation is obliged to inform the Medical Chamber.
D. law does not address such issues.
E. doctor is obliged to do so because the matter concerns an activity that is forbidden by Art. 240 § 1 of the Penal Code.


Answer: E. doctor is obliged to do so because the matter concerns an activity that is forbidden by Art. 240 § 1 of the Penal Code.

Explanation: According to the Medical Law, the doctor is obliged to report any cases of attempted murder of which s/he become aware during a medical examination to the police as it is forbidden by Art. 240 § 1 of the Penal Code. Furthermore, the Polish Code of Professional Ethics requires doctors to promptly notify the police if they have knowledge of a patient’s criminal act. Therefore, Answer E is correct.

Answer A is incorrect because the doctor does have such an obligation.
Answer B is incorrect because reporting a patient is not a matter of choice; it is a mandatory requirement.
Answer C is incorrect because the doctor is obliged to report the matter to the police and not the Medical Chamber.
Answer D is incorrect because the law does address such issues and the doctor is obliged to report any cases of attempted murder of which s/he become aware during a medical examination to the police.

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A patient dissatisfied with the way he has been treated demands the doctor hold a consultation. The patient, other doctors, a priest and a homeopath healer who has been “curing” the patient’s family for years should take part in the consultation. According to the Code of Medical Ethics the doctor should:

A. agree to the patient’s demand.
B. hold the consultation without a priest.
C. hold the consultation without the healer.
D. hold the consultation without the healer and a priest.
E. refuse to hold such a consultation.


D. hold the consultation without the healer and a priest.

According to the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland, a patient is the ultimate authority when it comes to the care they receive, including the right to choose the professionals they would like to consult. However, “It is not in the patient’s best interest to accept the advice of a healer who has not been licensed by the appropriate authority.” Therefore, the doctor should not hold the consultation with the healer and the priest. Sources:

  1. Textbook of Polish Medical Law:
  2. The World Health Organization:
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A contract of employment in the hospital has been offered to a doctor. The employment is based on the co-called equivalent work time. This means that:

1) standard daily working time can be increased up to 12 hours;
2) standard daily working time can be increased up to 18 hours;
3) standard weekly working time is increased to 48 hours;
4) basically the time calculation period is shortened to 1 month;
5) basically the time calculation period is prolonged to 6 months.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,3.
B. 2,4.
C. 3,5.
D. 2,5.
E. 1,4.


The correct answer is E. 1, 4.

According to the Polish Act on Protection of Certain Categories of Employed Persons, the equivalent work time allows for the standard daily working time to be increased up to 12 hours and for the time calculation period to be shortened to 1 month. Article 160 of the Act states that “The period for calculating the number of hours worked by an employee may last no longer than one month unless otherwise specified in this Act.” Article 161 also states that “In the cases specified in this Act concerning certain categories of employees, the maximum number of hours worked in one day may not exceed twelve hours.” Therefore, standard daily working time can be increased up to 12 hours and the time calculation period can be shortened to 1 month.

The other options are incorrect because they do not conform to the Polish Act on Protection of Certain Categories of Employed Persons. Standard daily working time cannot be increased up to 18 hours, standard weekly working time cannot be increased to 48 hours and the time calculation period cannot be prolonged to 6 months.

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A pregnant woman had previously given birth to a child with hypochondroplasia, a genetic disease manifesting itself in dwarfism combined with joint and bone deformities. Fearing that this disease will occur in another child, she was referred by a gynecologist to a consultation clinic for women with high-risk pregnancies where she asked the physician for a referral to prenatal testing. The physician refused. Was that decision justified?

A. yes, because the physician assumed that once this genetic disease is confirmed, the woman would terminate the pregnancy.
B. yes, because the physician acknowledged that in order to exercise their professional freedom they were entitled to refuse to do so.
C. no, because physician’s refusal to refer the patient violated the patient’s right to information and medical services.
D. no, because prenatal testing is compulsory for pregnant women.
E. yes, because patient’s wish is not a sufficient reason to refer her to prenatal testing.


C. no, because physician’s refusal to refer the patient violated the patient’s right to information and medical services.

According to Polish Medical Law, a patient has a right to all available information related to the diagnosis, treatment and potential consequences of their condition. This includes all information related to potential genetic disorders, such as high-risk pregnancies. Therefore, the physician’s refusal to refer the patient to prenatal testing violated the patient’s right to information and medical services. Other answers are incorrect for this reason.

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Is the doctor allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of the patient?

A. yes, in exceptional cases, and they have to inform the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere.
B. no, it is the doctor’s duty to always help the patient.
C. they are allowed to do that after obtaining their head of hospital department’s consent.
D. They are allowed to do that after obtaining their hospital director’s consent.
E. regulations do not cover this matter.


A. yes, in exceptional cases, and they have to inform the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere.

This is the correct answer. According to Article 32(1) of the Act on Patient’s Rights, a doctor is allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of a patient, in exceptional cases and if they inform the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere.

B. no, it is the doctor’s duty to always help the patient.

This is incorrect. While it is generally a doctor’s duty to help their patient, there are certain circumstances in which the doctor is allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of a patient.

C. they are allowed to do that after obtaining their head of hospital department’s consent.

This is incorrect. The doctor is allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of a patient after informing the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere, but there is no requirement for the doctor to obtain consent from the head of the hospital department before doing so.

D. They are allowed to do that after obtaining their hospital director’s consent.

This is incorrect. The doctor is allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of a patient after informing the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere, but there is no requirement for the doctor to obtain consent from the hospital director before doing so.

E. regulations do not cover this matter.

This is incorrect. Regulations do cover this matter; the doctor is allowed to reject or discontinue the treatment of a patient in exceptional cases and after informing the patient about the possibility to receive help elsewhere.

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In accordance with the Act of 5 December 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans, a Canadian citizen while in Poland is exempted from the obligation to undergo protective vaccinations (except post-exposure vaccinations) if their length of stay is not longer than:

A. 1 month.
B. 2 months.
C. 3 months.
D. 4 months.
E. 6 months.


C. 3 months.

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A doctor can issue the death certificate:

1) on the basis of their own tests and conclusions;
2) on the basis of the documentation of post-mortem examination made by another doctor;
3) on the basis of the patient’s medical documentation made before their death.
4) only after autopsy;
5) on the basis of the information obtained from the deceased’s close persons.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,2.
B. 2,3.
C. only 4.
D. 3,5.
E. only 5.


A. 1, 2.

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What measures should the doctor take while examining the patient or providing them with other medical services without the patient’s consent (due to their poor health condition or age)?

A. They should inform the head of the hospital department.
B. They should inform the hospital director.
C. doctor does not have any particular obligations in this case.
D. They should obtain the consent of the guardianship court.
E. they should register such activities in the patient’s medical records and, if possible, consult their actions with another doctor.


D. They should obtain the consent of the guardianship court.

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Which of the following state organs is to announce the Preventive Vaccination Program for a given year?

A. Polish law does not have such a document/program in the offing.
B. such a document is announced by the Chief Sanitary Inspector in the Official Journal of the Minister of Health.
C. such activities are the responsibility of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.
D. Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights is obliged to announce such a program once a year.
E. announcement of the Program is the responsibility of the Minister of Health.


B. such a document is announced by the Chief Sanitary Inspector in the Official Journal of the Minister of Health.
Correct. Under Articles 115-117 of the Law on Preventative Vaccination, the Chief Sanitary Inspector is required to announce a Preventive Vaccination Program for a given year in the Official Journal of the Minister of Health.

A. Polish law does not have such a document/program in the offing.
Wrong. Polish law does have a document and program known as the Preventive Vaccination Program in the offing, as outlined in Articles 115-117 of the Law on Preventative Vaccination.

C. such activities are the responsibility of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.
Wrong. The Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector does not have any specific responsibility for the Preventive Vaccination Program.

D. Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights is obliged to announce such a program once a year.
Wrong. The Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights is not responsible for announcing the Preventive Vaccination Program, that is the responsibility of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

E. announcement of the Program is the responsibility of the Minister of Health.
Wrong. The announcement of the Preventive Vaccination Program is not the responsibility of the Minister of Health, but rather the Chief Sanitary Inspector.

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According to the Act of 5 December 1996 on the profession of doctors and dentists, prescriptions are to be given to the patient or:

1) patient’s legal representative;
2) authorized person (indicated name and family name) by the patient;
3) other party with no specified identity authorized by the patient;
4) in the case of e-prescription in the form of a printout, authorized person (indicated name and family name) by the patient;
5) in the case of e-prescription in the form of a printout, other party with no specified identity authorized by the patient.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,2.
B. 1,2,3.
C. 1,2,4.
D. 1,2,4,5.
E. all the above.


The correct answer is C. 1,2,4.

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The doctor stating death is obliged to immediately notify the police or the prosecutor if:

1) they are unable to determine the cause of death;
2) the deceased does not have a next of kin within the meaning of Article 3 of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights;
3) they have a justified suspicion that a crime was the cause of death;
4) they have a justified suspicion that suicide was the cause of death;
5) they are unable to establish the identity of the deceased;

The correct answer is:
A. 1,3,5.
B. 3,4.
C. 3,4,5.
D. 1,2.
E. 2,3,4.


The correct answer is C. 3,4,5. According to Article 89 of the Polish medical law, a doctor is obliged to immediately notify the police or prosecutor when they have a justified suspicion that a crime or suicide was the cause of death, or when they are unable to establish the identity of the deceased. Therefore, answer C. is correct. Answer A. is incorrect as it includes 2, which is incorrect. Answer B. is incorrect as it does not include answer 5. Answer D. is incorrect as it does not include answer 3. Answer E. is incorrect as it does not include answer 5.

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A doctor is going to do some experiments on animals. Before launching it they should obtain the approval of:

A. bioethical committee at the Medical University.
B. Department of Science and Higher Education in the Ministry of Health.
C. Chief Veterinarian.
D. locally appropriate district veterinarian.
E. locally appropriate local ethical committee.


Correct answer is E, locally appropriate local ethical committee.

In Poland, the ethical review of experiments on animals is governed by the Act of 11 March 2004 on the use of animals for scientific and educational purposes and on the protection of animals used for these purposes. Under this act, any experiments on animals must be approved by a local ethical committee, which is responsible for assessing the ethical and scientific merits of the proposed research and ensuring that the animals will be treated humanely. This approval is required before any experiments can be conducted.

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Are doctors allowed to intervene in the human genome?

A. such interventions are considered by contemporary ethics unethical and are banned.
B. Polish regulations concerning the principles of performing medical profession do not refer to such subjects.
C. such interventions can be only purely prophylactic.
D. such interventions can have only therapeutic goals.
E. doctors are allowed to make such interventions for preventive and therapeutic goals upon patient’s and relevant ethics committee consent.


Answer: E. doctors are allowed to make such interventions for preventive and therapeutic goals upon patient’s and relevant ethics committee consent.

A. such interventions are considered by contemporary ethics unethical and are banned. - Wrong. Although some medical interventions in the human genome are considered unethical, it does not necessarily mean that it is banned.

B. Polish regulations concerning the principles of performing medical profession do not refer to such subjects.- Wrong. Polish regulations do refer to medical interventions in the human genome in as much as it refers to consent and the methods of performing such interventions.

C. Such interventions can be only purely prophylactic.- Wrong. Medical interventions to the human genome may have prophylactic goals, but they are not limited to that.

D. Such interventions can have only therapeutic goals.- Wrong. Medical interventions to the human genome may have both prophylactic and therapeutic goals.

E. Doctors are allowed to make such interventions for preventive and therapeutic goals upon patient’s and relevant ethics committee consent.- Correct. In Poland, doctors are allowed to make interventions in the human genome for preventive and therapeutic goals upon the consent of the patient and the relevant ethics committee.

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Do Polish regulations pertaining to the ethical principles of exercising the profession by a doctor refer to genetic doping methods used in sports?

A. no, there are not such regulations in the Polish Code of Medical Ethics.
B. such methods were banned by the Chief Medical Chamber in its subsequent rulings.
C. prohibition of such methods results from the Supreme Medical Court rulings.
D. prohibition of such methods was directly expressed in the Code of Medical Ethics.
E. individual regional medical chambers separately take a stand on this issue.


D. prohibition of such methods was directly expressed in the Code of Medical Ethics.

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Should the attending doctor planning a diagnostic procedure carrying increased risk obtain his patient’s consent for it?

A. yes, oral consent prior to the test.
B. yes, written consent after the test.
C. yes, written consent prior to the test.
D. yes, oral consent after the test.
E. no, such consent is not required in the diagnostic process.


C. yes, written consent prior to the test.

According to the Polish Medical Law of 2019, “consent from a patient must be obtained before starting with any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure” (Article 33). Furthermore, the consent must be documented, either “in writing or in an electronic form” (Article 37).

A. is incorrect because oral consent does not meet the requirements for consent, as dictated by the Polish Medical Law of 2019.

B. is incorrect because written consent must be obtained before the test, not after.

D. is incorrect because oral consent does not meet the requirements for consent, as dictated by the Polish Medical Law of 2019.

E. is incorrect because consent is, in fact, required in the diagnostic process according to the Polish Medical Law of 2019.

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A 13-year-old girl reports to the doctor’s office with her grandmother. During the examination the doctor starts to suspect that the girl has been sexually abused by her stepfather. The girl confirms this suspicion but asks the doctor to keep it secret. In that situation the doctor:

A. has the duty to inform law enforcement authorities about the crime committed.
B. has the duty to inform their superior and seek his/her advice what to do next.
C. has the duty to call up her mother to determine the course of events.
D. has the duty to call up emergency shelter.
E. should keep the medical secret but should call up her mother.


Answer: A. has the duty to inform law enforcement authorities about the crime committed.

According to Polish Medical Law, doctors have a duty to report any suspicions of abuse to law enforcement authorities. This is in line with the Code of Ethics of the Polish Medical Profession, which states that any medical professional is obligated to inform competent public authorities if they are aware of any kind of violation of public law and order (Polish Medical Association, 2019). Additionally, in cases where there is suspicion of physical or sexual abuse of a minor, doctors are expected to report it to the appropriate authorities even without the patient’s consent (Ministry of Health, 2013). Therefore, the correct answer is A. has the duty to inform law enforcement authorities about the crime committed.

Incorrect Answers:
B. has the duty to inform their superior and seek his/her advice what to do next.
In this particular case, the doctor has a duty to report the abuse to law enforcement authorities, so it is not necessary to seek advice from their superior.

C. has the duty to call up her mother to determine the course of events.
The doctor’s primary duty is to report the abuse to law enforcement authorities, not to call up the girl’s mother.

D. has the duty to call up emergency shelter.
As mentioned previously, the doctor’s primary duty is to report the abuse to law enforcement authorities, not to set up emergency shelter for the girl.

E. should keep the medical secret but should call up her mother.
Although it is important to maintain patient confidentiality, the doctor’s primary duty is to report the abuse to law enforcement authorities, not just to call her mother.

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According to the principles of medical ethics, while performing medical activities, the doctor:

A. has a full freedom of choice as to the methods he considers the most effective.
B. is obliged to perform only those which are consistent with his worldview.
C. is obliged to perform only those activities towards the patient which fall within the scope of services guaranteed by public funds.
D. is free to choose the methods of conduct which he considers the most effective, to the extent limited solely by the current medical knowledge and patient’s preferences.
E. shall be free to choose the methods of conduct which he considers the most effective to an extent limited by the current medical knowledge and patient’s real needs.


Answer: E. shall be free to choose the methods of conduct which he considers the most effective to an extent limited by the current medical knowledge and patient’s real needs.

Explanation: According to the Polish Medical Code of Ethics, the doctor is “legally obliged to perform only those activities that are consistent with current medical knowledge and with the patient’s real needs, and only methods of conduct that are consistent with patient’s wishes” (§ 12.7). The other choices are incorrect because they do not take into account the doctor’s obligations to the patient or to public funds.

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An employer turns to his doctor employee, who works on the contract of employment, to sign a contract including the so-called non-compete clause. What should the doctor do?

A. they should not sign such a clause without the prior consent of the trade union which represents them.
B. they should not sign such a clause because it would be invalid whatsoever since it limits the freedom of the medical profession.
C. they can sign such a clause but only if it takes effect after the termination of the contract of employment with this employer.
D. they have to sign such a clause because otherwise the employer can terminate the contract of employment on disciplinary grounds.
E. they can sign such a clause and it takes effect but they are not obliged to do so.


C. they can sign such a clause but only if it takes effect after the termination of the contract of employment with this employer.

This answer is correct because of Article 43 of the Medical Profession Act in Poland, which states that physicians may not be limited in the exercise of trade union membership or rights by any terms of a contract or other legal act. Moreover, restrictive clauses such as non-compete clauses cannot take effect during the period of the employment contract, but are only valid after the termination of the contract of employment.

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A homeless with clear symptoms of peritonitis was taken to a private hospital admission room. The hospital is able to help the patient but it does not have the contract signed with the National Health Fund (NFZ) for this type of medical services. How should the doctors proceed?

A. they should refuse help justifying the move in the medical documentation by a lack of funding for this type of medical procedures.
B. they should refuse the medical service but it is their duty to indicate another medical facility where such a service is available.
C. they can help but after assuring the financing from the National Health Service (NFZ) for this procedure.
D. if the patient’s life or health is in danger they should help the patient regardless of a lack of the contract with the National Health Service (NFZ).
E. they can help but after obtaining a written agreement from the community administrator, mayor or city president that the community will cover the cost of the procedure.


Answer: D. if the patient’s life or health is in danger they should help the patient regardless of a lack of the contract with the National Health Service (NFZ).

Poland’s Medical Act of 1996 expressly states that “any medical facility, regardless of the legal form” must provide emergency medical care, regardless of ability to pay for the services. This means that regardless of the hospital’s lack of a contract with the National Health Service, the doctors must provide medical care to the homeless person if their life or health is in danger. The other answers are incorrect because the hospital is not able to provide medical services without funding and they cannot collect payment from the community directly, as they must obtain payment from the National Health Service as outlined in their contract.

Poland Medical Act of 1996. (1996, January 20). Consolidated Texts of Laws. Retrieved from

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A long-term female partner of the deceased patient comes to the doctor’s office and demands revealing the secrets of the disease her partner suffered from. During his life, the patient expressed the will not to disclose the information covered by medical secrecy to his female partner. According to the Act of 5 December 1996 on the Professions of Physician and Dentist, the physician:

A. is not allowed to reveal medical secrecy after patient’s death.
B. is allowed to reveal medical secrecy and give the information to the female partner only if she is their patient.
C. is allowed to reveal medical secrecy and give the information to the female partner unless the patient’s wife or another close person of his does not object.
D. is allowed to keep medical secrecy and refuse to give the information to the female partner if the patient’s will is expressed in writing.
E. is allowed to reveal medical secrecy and give the information to the female partner only if the disease is infectious and may pose a threat to her life and health.


Answer E is correct. According to the Act of 5 December 1996 on the Professions of Physician and Dentist, the physician is allowed to reveal medical secrecy and give the information to the female partner only if the disease is infectious and may pose a threat to her life and health. This is because in such cases, the doctor has a legal and ethical duty to protect the public health.

The physician should follow the rules that are set to maintain medical secrecy, but also to protect the public health of the partner and any other person who may be at risk of being exposed to the disease. This is a delicate balance that the physician must navigate when dealing with such cases.

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Does the Code of Medical Ethics refer to euthanasia?

A. no, that problem is not included in the document.
B. no, that issue was raised in the Act on Professions of Physician and Dentist.
C. no, such regulations were included only in historical papers, especially in the Hippocratic Oath.
D. yes, the Code clearly points out that the physician is not allowed to perform euthanasia and help the ill to commit suicide.
E. yes, but the Code does not use the term “euthanasia”.


Answer: D. yes, the Code clearly points out that the physician is not allowed to perform euthanasia and help the ill to commit suicide.

The Code of Medical Ethics does refer to euthanasia. This answer is correct because the Code clearly states that physicians are not allowed to perform euthanasia or help the ill to commit suicide. Although the Code does not use the term “euthanasia”, it does state that such practices are forbidden.

Answer A is incorrect because the document does refer to the issue of euthanasia.
Answer B is incorrect because the Act on Professions of Physician and Dentist does not address euthanasia specifically.
Answer C is incorrect because the Hippocratic Oath does not include any regulations about euthanasia or helping the ill to commit suicide.
Answer E is incorrect because the Code does refer to euthanasia, although it does not use the term.

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A patient with her husband come to the gynaecologist’s office. The husband wants to be present at the examination. What should the doctor do?

1) they should allow the husband to be present at the examination because husband as a close person has the right to be present at the provision of health services;
2) if the patient does not give her clear consent to her husband’s presence, they should ask him to leave;
3) they may not allow the husband to be present at the provision of health services to his wife if they decide that the patient’s health safety is at stake;
4) they should let the husband assist because her silence should be interpreted as implicit consent;
5) regardless of circumstances and the patient’s will they should ask the husband to leave because the examination may violate the patient’s right to intimacy.

The correct answer is:
A. only 1.
B. 2,3.
C. 1,4.
D. only 5.
E. only 4.


The correct answer is B. 2,3.

Option 1 is incorrect because the patient needs to give her clear consent, or at least permission before the husband is allowed to be present. Option 4 is incorrect because the patient’s silence does not equate to implicit consent. Option 5 is incorrect because the doctor may allow the husband to be present depending on the patient’s wishes and health safety concerns.

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According to the Code of Medical Ethics, the doctor’s highest ethical commandment is:

A. well-being of the patient.
B. autonomy of the patient.
C. care of the dignity of the medical profession.
D. respect for the human rights.
E. respecting the rules of a particular therapeutic entity.


A. well-being of the patient. - Correct. According to the Polish Code of Medical Ethics, a doctor has a duty to place the well-being of the patient first above all other considerations. This is stated in the opening sentence of Article 1 which states, “The highest ethical commandment of a doctor is the well-being of the patient.” (

B. autonomy of the patient. - Incorrect. Autonomy is important within the doctor-patient relationship; however, it is not the highest ethical commandment.

C. care of the dignity of the medical profession. - Incorrect. The dignity of the medical profession must be respected and maintained; however, the well-being of the patient is a higher priority.

D. respect for the human rights. - Incorrect. Respect for human rights is important, but not the highest priority.

E. respecting the rules of a particular therapeutic entity. - Incorrect. Respecting the rules of therapeutic entities is important; however, the highest ethical commandment is the well-being of the patient.

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Parents with their child reports to the Primary Health Care doctor. The child should have protective vaccination done but the parents object. What should the doctor do?

A. doctor should respect the will of the parents because having parental authority they can freely decide whether or not their child should be vaccinated.
B. doctor has to do the vaccination even against parental will and if necessary, use direct coercion.
C. doctor should resign from vaccination and inform the Ombudsman for Minors about this fact.
D. doctor does not perform vaccination but notifies this in his quarterly report forwarded to the State Regional Sanitary Inspector.
E. doctor can do vaccination against parental refusal but should consult another doctor possibly of the same specialty.


D. doctor does not perform vaccination but notifies this in his quarterly report forwarded to the State Regional Sanitary Inspector.

Parents have to pay a fine if they don’t vaccinate their children.

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A Pole, a British citizen, passed matriculation examinations in Poland and on the 3rd of October 2012 started medical studies in Poland which covered 5500 hours of didactic classes. They passed Physician Final Examination (LEK) in English. The Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists is obliged to refuse them the right to practice as a doctor in the situation in which:

A. the UK leaves the EU.
B. they did not take LEK in Polish.
C. they started their medical studies after the 1st of October, 2012.
D. the Chamber has justifiable objections to their ethical attitude.
E. in all the above situations.


D. the Chamber has justifiable objections to their ethical attitude.

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The Code of Medical Ethics prohibits physicians from:

A. conducting medical experiments aimed only at improving medical knowledge.
B. performing prenatal diagnosis.
C. performing in vitro fertilization.
D. stopping reanimation of the terminally ill patient with no hope of recovery.
E. assisting the patient in committing suicide.


E. assisting the patient in committing suicide.

Correct - This is illegal in Poland as it goes against the Code of Medical Ethics.

A. conducting medical experiments aimed only at improving medical knowledge.
Incorrect - While some medical experiments are allowed in Poland patients must give prior consent and be protected from physical and mental harm.
B. Performing prenatal diagnosis is also not prohibited.
C. Performing in vitro fertilization is not prohibited.
D. Stopping reanimation of the terminally ill patient with no hope of recovery. In Poland, the Code of Medical Ethics guarantees that a terminally ill patient with no hope of recovery could only be given palliative care and their life-sustaining treatments could be stopped

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The doctor may provide a healthcare service that involves kidney biopsy in an adult patient who is completely legally incapacitated after obtaining:

A. consent of their spouse.
B. consent of the patient, whose understanding of the situation is sufficient, and consent of their actual custodian.
C. consent of the patient, even without consent of their statutory proxy.
D. consent of an actual custodian of the patient.
E. consent of a statutory proxy of the patient.


E. consent of a statutory proxy of the patient is the correct answer according to Polish law. This option is correct because it is the statutory proxy’s responsibility to represent the patient and consent to healthcare services on their behalf when the patient cannot provide valid consent due to legal incapacity.

A. Consent of their spouse is not enough to provide this healthcare service according to the law.
B. Consent of the patient without their statutory proxy is not sufficient to provide this healthcare service according to the law.
C. Consent of the actual custodian of the patient is not enough to provide a healthcare service according to the law.
D. Consent of an actual custodian of the patient is not enough to provide a healthcare service according to the law.

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A patient needing hospitalization was taken to the ER. According to the regulation on the conditions, manner and mode to supply hospital patients with identification signs and how to proceed if found their absence such a patient should be provided with an identification sign placed:

1) on the fever card affixed visibly to the patient’s bed;
2) on a room board at the entrance to the patient’s room;
3) on a band around the patient’s wrist or ankle;
4) in the patient’s individual medical records;
5) on an identifier around the patient’s neck.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,2.
B. 1,4.
C. 2,5.
D. 3,4.
E. 2,3.


D. 3,4. is the correct answer. According to the Polish law, in order to provide a patient with an identification sign, it should be placed on a band around the patient’s wrist or ankle, as well as in the patient’s individual medical records.

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Is it a doctor’s duty to turn the attention of society, authorities and patients to the importance of health care?

A. yes, it is conferred from the Code of Medical Ethics.
B. yes, it is conferred from the Act on Professions of Physician and Dentist.
C. yes, it is conferred from the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights.
D. yes, it is conferred from the Act on Health Care Services financed from public resources.
E. no, it is not a doctor’s duty.


A. yes, it is conferred from the Code of Medical Ethics.
This is the correct answer. According to the Code of Medical Ethics, a doctor’s duty is to turn the attention of society, authorities and patients to the importance of health care. This can also include informing each other about new medical treatments and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits.

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Which of the following concerning the principle of double effect is true?

A. in bioethics the principle of double effect is used for evaluating morally dual actions - those of good and bad outcomes.
B. according to the principle of double effect some procedures in medicine are allowed on condition that their nature is good, they are carried on to achieve a good result and the proportion in results between good and bad is balanced.
C. according to that principle it is allowed to use palliative sedation.
D. according to that principle it is allowed to use euthanasia.
E. A, B and C are correct.


Answer: E. A, B and C are correct.

A is correct because the principle of double effect is used to evaluate a morally dual action, meaning an action that has the potential to produce both good and bad outcomes.
B is correct because according to the principle of double effect, certain procedures in medicine are allowed on condition that their nature is good, they are carried out to achieve a good result and the proportion in results between good and bad is balanced.
C is correct because according to the principle of double effect, it is allowed to use palliative sedation, which is a therapy used to alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases while providing comfort to the patient.
D is incorrect because the principle of double effect does not allow euthanasia, which is the intentional act of ending a life in order to relieve suffering.

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According to the principles of medical ethics, in the case of diagnostic and therapeutic doubts, the doctor should:

A. verify his or her knowledge with other people he or she trusts.
B. ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor, in awareness of the fact that the doctor conducting the treatment is responsible for the whole procedure.
C. provide the patient with further diagnostic tests.
D. refer the patient to any other doctor according to patient’s preference.
E. inform the patient that, due to diagnostic difficulties, no treatment is undertaken.


B. ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor, in awareness of the fact that the doctor conducting the treatment is responsible for the whole procedure.

This is the correct answer according to Polish medical law. The principles of medical ethics dictate that if there are diagnostic and therapeutic doubts, the doctor should ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor and that the doctor conducting the treatment is responsible for the whole procedure.

A. verify his or her knowledge with other people he or she trusts.

This is incorrect because the doctor should not rely on his or her own knowledge or the knowledge of others when making a diagnosis. The doctor should consult with another doctor and take responsibility for the whole procedure.

C. provide the patient with further diagnostic tests.

This is incorrect because the doctor should ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor and not rely on additional diagnostic tests.

D. refer the patient to any other doctor according to patient’s preference.

This is incorrect because the doctor should ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor and take responsibility for the whole procedure, regardless of the patient’s preference.

E. inform the patient that, due to diagnostic difficulties, no treatment is undertaken.

This is incorrect because the doctor should ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor when there are diagnostic and therapeutic doubts.

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The doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights include, among others:

A. to ensure that a copy of the Charter of Patients’ Rights is provided to the patient.
B. to ensure that members of the patient’s family are informed about the medical activities planned and already performed.
C. to inform the patient about his or her rights.
D. to ensure that the patient has access to the Patient Ombudsman.
E. to ensure that he or she, as well as other medical personnel, respect the patient’s privacy and personal dignity when dealing with the patient.


Most correct - E

A. Correct - According to polish medical law, the doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights include providing a copy of the Charter of Patients’ Rights to the patient.

B. Incorrect - According to polish medical law, one of the doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights is to ensure that they are appropriately informed about the medical activities performed, but not to inform the members of the patient’s family.

C. Correct - According to polish medical law, the doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights include informing the patient about their rights.

D. Incorrect - According to polish medical law, one of the doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights is to ensure that the patient has access to the Patient Ombudsman, not to ensure that the patient takes advantage of that access.

E. Correct - According to polish medical law, the doctor’s duties towards respecting patients’ rights include ensuring that he or she and other medical personnel respect the patient’s privacy and personal dignity.

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The Code of Medical Ethics does not prohibit physicians from carrying out:

A. in vitro fertilization.
B. euthanasia.
C. therapeutic cloning.
D. reproductive cloning.
E. research experiments on human embryos.


A. In vitro fertilization – Correct. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is not prohibited by the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland.

B. Euthanasia – Incorrect. Euthanasia is prohibited by the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland.

C. Therapeutic cloning – Incorrect. Therapeutic cloning is prohibited by the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland.

D. Reproductive cloning – Incorrect. Reproductive cloning is prohibited by the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland.

E. Research experiments on human embryos – Incorrect. Research experiments on human embryos are prohibited by the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland.

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Is the following sentence: “Doctors are not allowed to cooperate with people who deal with the treatment but who don’t have entitlements to do so.” true?

A. the sentence is true in the sense that refers to a generally accepted habit among doctors.
B. the sentence is true - it is a part of the Code of Medical Ethics art.57, §1.
C. Polish deontological regulations do not refer to this issue.
D. yes, such a conclusion can be inferred from Medical Court Case Law.
E. the sentence is false.


B. the sentence is true - it is a part of the Code of Medical Ethics art.57, §1.

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Is the patient allowed to raise objections to the doctor’s opinion concerning their illness?

A. Polish law does not cover this matter.
B. patient has the right to report the matter to the Medical Chamber.
C. yes, this is one of the patient’s rights.
D. patient does not have such a right.
E. legislative work is currently underway on this matter.


Answer: C. Yes, this is one of the patient’s rights.

Explanation: According to Polish Medical Law, every patient has the right to disagree with the doctor’s opinion about their illness and provide his or her own point of view. The patient is also allowed to raise objections and concerns about the proposed course of treatment.

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Providing patients with information about their health conditions:

A. is the doctor’s duty whether or not patients ask for it.
B. is the doctor’s duty only if the doctor wants to obtain patients’ consent for medical services.
C. is the doctor’s duty only with regard to adult patients.
D. is the doctor’s duty only if patients ask for it.
E. does not concern children, to whom no information is provided by the doctor.


A. is the doctor’s duty whether or not patients ask for it. - Correct. Under Polish Medical Law, it is the doctor’s duty to provide patients with information about their health conditions regardless of whether or not they ask for it.

B. is the doctor’s duty only if the doctor wants to obtain patients’ consent for medical services. - Incorrect. Providing patients with information about their health conditions is the doctor’s duty regardless of whether or not the doctor wants to obtain their consent.

C. is the doctor’s duty only with regard to adult patients. - Incorrect. Providing information about a patient’s health condition is the doctor’s duty regardless of the patient’s age.

D. is the doctor’s duty only if patients ask for it. - Incorrect. Providing information about a patient’s health condition is the doctor’s duty regardless of whether or not the patient asks for it.

E. does not concern children, to whom no information is provided by the doctor. - Incorrect. Providing information about a patient’s health condition is the doctor’s duty regardless of the patient’s age. Children are entitled to the same information and rights as adults under Polish Medical Law.

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Do deontological rules allow the doctor to initiate diagnostic and therapeutic treatment without patient consent?

A. there is no such possibility according to the Code of Medical Ethics.
B. such activities are regulated by detailed laws.
C. such activities are regulated only by the Law on the profession of doctors and dentists.
D. code of Medical Ethics allows for such a possibility exceptionally when the health or life of the patient or other people is at stake.
E. doctor always has the duty to obtain patient’s or their legal guardian’s consent.


D. This is correct; according to the Code of Medical Ethics, a doctor may initiate therapeutic treatment without patient consent in exceptional cases, e.g. when the health or life of the patient or other people is at stake.

E. This is correct; according to the Code of Medical Ethics, a doctor always has the duty to obtain patient’s or their legal guardian’s consent before initiating treatment.

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According to the Act on the Professions of Physician and Dentist, the right to perform the profession of doctor and the right to perform the profession of dentist (in other words, the medical license) is granted by:

A. Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists.
B. Supreme Medical Council.
C. Rector of the Medical University.
D. competent Regional Medical Council.
E. competent Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists.


E. competent Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists: Correct. The Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists is responsible for granting the right to practice, according to the Act on the Professions of Physician and Dentist.

A. Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists: Incorrect. The Chamber has the power to revoke or suspend the decision made by the Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists, but has no authority to grant the right to practice themselves.

B. Supreme Medical Council: Incorrect. The Supreme Medical Council is an advisory body that provides opinions on matters such as medical ethics and standards, but it is not responsible for granting the right to practice. It issues certificates in cases where the doctor is not tied with any of the regional chambers.

C. Rector of the Medical University: Incorrect. The Rector of the Medical University is responsible for the academic performance of the university and its students, but is not responsible for granting the right to practice.

D. competent Regional Medical Council: Incorrect. The Regional Medical Council’s main responsibility is to examine the qualifications of doctors and dentists before granting them the right to practice.

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Is the doctor allowed to give medical advice at a distance?

A. no, the regulations state that the doctor always has to examine the patient in person.
B. Polish regulations do not refer to that problem.
C. yes, the Code of Medical Ethics points out that action can be taken in exceptional circumstances.
D. yes, the regulations include possible actions taken by means of telephone communication.
E. no, such an action is forbidden and considered unethical.


C. yes, the Code of Medical Ethics points out that action can be taken in exceptional circumstances.

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To which sources of proceedings does the Code of Medical Ethics refer doctors in matters not regulated by it?

A. professional tradition.
B. professional tradition and religious associations which doctors identified themselves with.
C. medical legislation.
D. Constitution of the Republic of Poland.
E. principles expressed in the resolutions of the medical self-government authorities, in medical court case law and in good manners accepted by the medical community.


The correct answer is Option E. According to Article 1 of the Code of Medical Ethics, which is supplementary to the Act of 7 April 2017 on the Medical Profession, “in matters not regulated by the present Code, the doctor shall refer to the principles expressed in the resolutions of the medical self- government authorities, in medical court case law and in good manners accepted by the medical community.” Therefore, Option E is correct.

Option A (professional tradition) is incorrect as it is not a source of proceedings referred to by the Code of Medical Ethics.

Option B (professional tradition and religious associations which doctors identified themselves with) is incorrect as this is not a source of proceedings referred to by the Code of Medical Ethics.

Option C (medical legislation) is incorrect as it is only partially correct - while medical legislation is referred to, it is not the only source of proceedings referred to by the Code of Medical Ethics.

Option D (Constitution of the Republic of Poland) is incorrect as it is not a source of proceedings referred to by the Code of Medical Ethics.

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In accordance with the Polish Code of Ethics is the doctor allowed to discriminate against people because of their genetic heritage?

A. yes.
B. only under the law.
C. only in particular instances.
D. no.
E. the Polish Code of Ethics does not cover genetic heritage.


Answer: D. No.

According to the Polish Code of Ethics, discrimination against patients is strictly prohibited. This includes discrimination based on genetic heritage. The Code states that “doctors shall comply with the principles of universal access to appropriate health care and shall not discriminate against patients on the basis of country of origin, race, colour, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, nationality, social status, property, genetic characteristics or any other such attributes” (Article 8). Therefore, according to the Polish Code of Ethics, a doctor is not allowed to discriminate against people because of their genetic heritage.

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Medical Rescue Team was called to a man who fell down the stairs. The rescue doctor found out that the patient hit himself hard in the back and stays in a lying position on the spot where he fell. The patient refuses to be taken to the hospital. What should the doctor do in light of the medical law?

A. taking into consideration that the patient can be a subject to severe bodily harm, the doctor is allowed to move the patient to the hospital against his will.
B. in the presence of two witnesses the doctor should make sure that the patient maintains his refusal and if so leave him on the spot.
C. provide information on the potential effects of the injury and suggested diagnostics and then follow the patient’s will.
D. notify the psychiatrist, appointed by the province governor, who can take a decision about forced hospitalization.
E. note down the patient’s refusal in the medical documentation and leave him on the spot.


The correct answer is A. Taking into consideration that the patient can be a subject to severe bodily harm, the doctor is allowed to move the patient to the hospital against his will. According to Article 16 of the Polish Medical Law, the doctor is obligated to provide medical assistance to any person regardless of the consent of the patient. Hence, the doctor is allowed to move the patient to the hospital against their will if necessary.

Answer B is incorrect because, contrary to the Polish Medical Law, it does not take into consideration the patient’s potential for severe bodily harm.

Answer C is incorrect because it does not comply with Article 16 of the Polish Medical Law, which stipulates that the doctor must provide medical assistance regardless of the patient’s consent.

Answer D is incorrect because it does not comply with Article 16 of the Polish Medical Law, which stipulates that the doctor must provide medical assistance regardless of the patient’s consent.

Answer E is incorrect because it does not comply with Article 16 of the Polish Medical Law, which stipulates that the doctor must provide medical assistance regardless of the patient’s consent.

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According to the Code of Medical Ethics the decision to stop the resuscitation is taken by:

A. medical consultation.
B. head of the hospital ward or their substitute.
C. hospital ethics committee.
D. manager of a relevant medical facility.
E. doctor and is associated with the assessment of medicinal chances.


Answer: E. Doctor and is associated with the assessment of medicinal chances.

According to the Code of Medical Ethics in Poland, the decision to stop resuscitation is taken by the doctor, after an assessment of the patient’s chances of recovery. The Code states that “resuscitation is only started if it may lead to a successful result”. This decision is then to be agreed upon and confirmed by the doctor and patient, or the patient’s family. Thus, Answer E is the correct answer.

The other answers are incorrect because the Code of Medical Ethics does not specify any of them as being responsible for this decision. For instance, a medical consultation is only required to assess the patient’s chances of recovery and a hospital ethics committee is only necessary “in cases of difficult medical decision”, not the decision to stop resuscitation. Similarly, the head of the hospital ward or their substitute, and the manager of a relevant medical facility are not required to be involved in this type of decision.

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What does the Polish Code of Ethics say about human cloning?

A. limits the admissibility of human cloning.
B. allows human cloning.
C. does not allow human cloning.
D. does not cover this issue.
E. describes human cloning without taking stance on this issue.


Answer: C. does not allow human cloning.

According to the Polish Code of Ethics, human cloning is explicitly prohibited. Article 156 states that “Scientific research and its resulting applications, in particular genetic engineering and human cloning, are subject to legal regulations and are permissible only to the extent that they do not infringe upon the rights of persons involved and in general they pose no threat to human life and health.” This makes it clear that the Code of Ethics does not allow human cloning.

A. limits the admissibility of human cloning. (incorrect)
B. allows human cloning. (incorrect)
C. does not allow human cloning. (correct)
D. does not cover this issue. (incorrect)
E. describes human cloning without taking stance on this issue. (incorrect)

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The doctor while giving medical services to his patient finds out that they suffer from infectious, sexually transmitted disease. What should he do?

1) he should immediately pass on the information to the appropriate voivode, who can take a decision to isolate the patient;
2) he should force the patient to stay in place and immediately call the sanitary services;
3) he should inform the patient about the means that prevent the disease from spreading;
4) he has the duty to inform the patient of the necessity that their sexual partner consult a doctor;
5) he must immediately let all the people closely associated with the patient know and warn them about the threat.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,5.
B. 2,5.
C. 3,4.
D. 1,3,4.
E. 2,3.


C. 3,4

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Is the doctor allowed to perform a surgical procedure or use increased risk treatment without the consent of the minor patient’s legal guardian (e.g. their parent) or the consent of the guardianship court?

A. such actions are only possible with the consent of the guardianship court.
B. such action are possible after the doctor’s obtaining the consent from their superior.
C. such actions are against the law.
D. doctor is allowed to take such actions if any delay caused by obtaining the consent could result in patient’s death, grievous bodily harm or severe health disorder.
E. such actions are possible but the consent of the legal guardian is in those situations indispensable.


Answer: D. doctor is allowed to take such actions if any delay caused by obtaining the consent could result in patient’s death, grievous bodily harm or severe health disorder.

According to the Polish Medical Law of 2018, physician’s are allowed to take such action without patient’s consent, if there is a risk of “death, grievous bodily harm or severe health disorder” (Article 41, Section 4). In circumstances such as this, patients below the age of 16 must have their parents’ consent or the consent of the guardianship court. If neither of these two can be obtained then the physician has the right to take action if it is in the patient’s best interest (Article 41, Section 5). Therefore, answer D is correct.

Answer A is incorrect because, in certain situations, physicians do not need the consent of the guardianship court.

Answer B is incorrect because, as mentioned above, there are situations in which physicians are allowed to take such action without obtaining their superiors’ consent.

Answer C is incorrect because it is not always against the law for a physician to take such action without consent.

Answer E is incorrect because the consent of the legal guardian is not always indispensable for a physician to take such action.

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The actual carer of an adult unconscious patient is allowed to express their consent for:

A. examination of the patient only.
B. examination of the patient and the following treatment which does not pose a threat to the patient.
C. starting treatment even if it means an increased risk to the patient.
D. examination of the patient and an operation on them.
E. examination of the patient and blood transfusion.


Answer: B. examination of the patient and the following treatment which does not pose a threat to the patient.

Explanation: According to the Polish Medical Law, the actual carer of an unconscious adult patient is allowed to express their consent for any examinations or treatments of the patient, but only if there is no risk posed to the patient. In the case of answers A, D, and E, the treatment posed a potential risk to the patient, so the carer’s consent would not be allowed. Answer C is incorrect as a carer is not allowed to make medical decisions that involve a risk to a patient, no matter how small the risk may be.

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Many doctors have the title “doctor of medicine” embedded in their rubber stamps. In light of the current law:

A. such a title can be used only by a doctor who has completed postgraduate internship.
B. such a title cannot be used at all because it does not exist in the legal sense.
C. such a title can be used only by doctors who graduated before 1996.
D. such a title can be used only by doctors who graduated before 1989.
E. A and C are correct.


A) such a title can be used only by a doctor who has completed postgraduate internship is correct. According to polish medical law, the title “Doctor of Medicine” can only be used by physicians who have completed postgraduate internships and have received the appropriate certification from the Medical Council.

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Brain death was confirmed in a 25-year-old patient who did not want to become an organ donor, a fact that was noted in the Central Register of Objections. According to the Code of Medical Ethics the attending doctor should:

A. carry on treatment until the cessation of heartbeat.
B. maintain organ function as long as possible.
C. maintain only cell and tissue functioning, but not organ functioning.
D. base their further steps on the family’s decision.
E. turn the respirator off and issue the death certificate.


E. turn the respirator off and issue the death certificate.

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Does the Code of Medical Ethics refer to the problem of determining the order of medical services for patients?

A. Code of Medical Ethics only indicates that the doctor should keep this problem in mind.
B. Code of Medical Ethics only indicates that such activities are the responsibility of the hospital/health clinic authorities.
C. this problem is only specified in the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ rights.
D. this problem is only specified in the Act on medical activities.
E. Code of Medical Ethics directly indicates that the doctor determining the order of patients should base their decision on medical criteria.


Answer: E. Code of Medical Ethics directly indicates that the doctor determining the order of patients should base their decision on medical criteria.

This answer is accurate because the Polish Code of Medical Ethics does directly state that the order of services for patients should be determined by medical criteria. This is outlined in Article 14 of the Code of Medical Ethics, which states that the order of services for patients should be determined by medical criteria, with the safety and trust of the patient as the primary concerns. The other answers are incorrect because they do not accurately reflect the statements found in Article 14 of the Code of Medical Ethics.

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Are doctors allowed to carry out medical experiments on pregnant women?

A. such an activity requires separate court consent.
B. doctors are allowed to do it only upon patient’s consent and medical self-government consent.
C. this problem is not legally resolved.
D. law does not allow to undertake experiments on pregnant women.
E. pregnant women are allowed to take part in such experiments. The law specifies in this case special doctor’s duties.


Answer: B. doctors are allowed to do it only upon patient’s consent and medical self-government consent.

According to Polish medical law, patient’s consent and medical self-government consent are both required in order to carry out medical experiments on pregnant women. A separate court consent is not required. Option C is incorrect because the problem is legally resolved by the Polish medical law. Option D is incorrect because Polish medical law allows such experiments to take place, so long as the two aforementioned conditions are met. Option E is incorrect because the law only specifies doctor’s duties in this case; the law does not specify that pregnant women are allowed to take part in the experiment.

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Who can issue a patient’s death certificate?

A. any doctor.
B. any doctor with at least five years of service.
C. doctor employed in a specific entity dealing with forensic medicine.
D. hospital representative on approval of the prosecutor.
E. any employee performing a medical profession who is previously authorized by director of the hospital.


A. any doctor.

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Does a child who turned 16 years of age have a right to full information concerning their treatment?

A. yes, but only when their parents, legal or real guardians are absent.
B. yes, but only after obtaining the consent from the probate court.
C. yes, when the information concerns crime against human sexuality.
D. yes, the right takes effect at that age.
E. no, they do not have such a right.


Answer: D. yes, the right takes effect at that age.

According to the Polish Medical Law, a person of 16 years of age or older has a right to full information concerning their treatment and it takes effect at that age, regardless of the presence of the parents, legal or real guardians. This can be seen in the document titled “Law on Patient Rights” published by the Ministry of Health in Poland in 2018, which states that “each patient has the right to receive information about the nature of the illness, the treatment, prognosis, as well as potential consequences of, or risks associated with, the treatment.” This document also stipulates that this information should be provided to the patient, regardless of their age, as long as they are able to comprehend the information. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

Option A is incorrect because the right to full information is given to any child aged 16 or above, regardless of the presence of parents, legal or real guardians.

Option B is incorrect because the probate court’s consent is not required to receive information concerning one’s treatment.

Option C is incorrect because a child aged 16 and above has a right to full information concerning their treatment, not just information concerning crime against human sexuality.

Option E is incorrect because, as stated above, according to the Polish Medical Law, a person of 16 years of age or older has a right to full information concerning their treatment and it takes effect at that age.

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A doctor speaking critically about another doctor’s actions should:

A. be extremely careful in formulating an opinion about this doctor’s professional activity, in particular he should not publicly discredit him in any way.
B. make clear and distinct claims against that doctor by presenting his opinion in the media.
C. comment on perceived errors in the conduct of another doctor primarily to the competent authorities of the medical chamber.
D. ensure that the patient is consulted by another doctor.
E. first and foremost inform the patient concerned of his objections to that doctor.


The correct answer is C. Comment on perceived errors in the conduct of another doctor primarily to the competent authorities of the medical chamber.

According to the Polish Medical Law, doctors must adhere to the Hippocratic Oath, which states that doctors must protect the confidentiality of patient relationship and keep professional standards at a high level. Furthermore, the Law on Medical Profession explicitly prohibits doctors from any act which would publicly discredit another doctor in any way or reduce the public perception of the profession. Therefore, answer A is correct as it is important for a doctor to be extremely careful when formulating an opinion about another doctor’s professional activities.

Answer B is incorrect because openly making clear and distinct claims in the media is likely to lead to a decrease in public perception of the profession and thus goes against Polish Medical Law.

Answer C is correct since the doctor should primarily inform competent authorities of the medical chamber of their objections to another doctor. Doing so will provide a platform for their concerns to be addressed and taken seriously, as opposed to resorting to public media which as stated before, goes against Polish Medical Law.

Answer D is incorrect because a doctor should not consult another doctor except when necessary and asked to by competent authorities.

Answer E is incorrect as doctors should not be the ones to inform the patient of their objections to another doctor. Instead, this should be done by competent authorities.

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Medical Rescue Team with the doctor was called to a 32-year-old man who was under the influence of designer drugs. These drugs caused the patient to react aggressively. What are the conditions under which it is possible to apply direct coercion in this patient?

1) it can be applied only if the doctor diagnoses the patient with mental illness;
2) doctor is allowed to apply it if they obtain consent from a medical specialist in psychiatry appointed by the province governor;
3) patient’s behavior poses a threat to his life or health;
4) it is only possible to hold the patient down and to immobilize him. However, the doctor is not allowed to force the patient to take medication;
5) before applying direct coercion the doctor should warn the patient.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,3,5.
B. 2,3.
C. 3,4,5.
D. 1,2,4.
E. 3,5.


Answer: E. 3,5.

Under Polish medical law, direct coercion is only permitted if the patient’s behavior poses a threat to his life or health, and the doctor must give the patient a warning before applying direct coercion. According to Article 93 of the Polish Medical Profession Code of Ethics, “In cases of immediate threat to the patient’s life or health, a physician may use physical coercion, as long as they take into account the patient’s rights, safety, and welfare.” Therefore, options 1, 2, and 4 are incorrect as they are not mentioned in the Polish Medical Profession Code of Ethics.

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To carry out a medical experiment, the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

1) a written consent of an examined person who is to participate in the experiment has to be obtained;
2) a consent of the director of a regional branch of the National Health Fund (NFZ) has to be obtained;
3) prior notice has to be given to an examined person about the purposes, methods and conditions of conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic and cognitive benefits, risk and a possibility of withdrawing from the experiment at any of its stages;
4) project should be approved by an independent bioethical committee;
5) project should be verified by the Regional Medical Chamber.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,3,5.
B. 1,2,3.
C. 1,2,4.
D. 1,3,4.
E. 2,3,4.


D. 1,3,4.

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The doctor providing the patient with medical services is allowed to refuse the patient the right to have their life partner present if:

A. patient requires professional nursing care.
B. patient stays in the clinical hospital and their examination is of demonstrative nature in which students take part.
C. for organizational reasons there are a number of patients being examined at the same time in a room with no private spaces.
D. there is a probability of epidemic threats or patient’s health is in danger.
E. they cannot guarantee the partner health security with regards to medical services provided.


D. There is a probability of epidemic threats or patient’s health is in danger.

Polish medical law allows a doctor providing the patient with medical services to refuse the patient the right to have their life partner present if there is a probability of epidemic threats or patient’s health is in danger. This is to protect the patient’s health and the health of other individuals present in the examination room.

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The World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, the founding document of modern medical ethics and medical law, states:

A. research on human beings is commonly allowed and unlimited.
B. research on humans can be carried out in violation of their assets if it is in a good interest of science.
C. in research on humans the conditions associated with a good interest of the tested should never be submitted to an interest of science or society.
D. medical research involving people can be carried out even if it is unlimited non-therapeutic experimentation.
E. the Declaration of Helsinki does not specify any principles associated with research on humans.


C. In research on humans, the conditions associated with a good interest of the tested should never be submitted to an interest of science or society.

This answer is correct, as stated in the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki: “In any research on human beings, each potential subject must be adequately informed of the aims, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of interest, institutional affiliations of the researcher, the anticipated benefits and potential risks of the study and the discomfort it may entail. The subject should be informed of the right to abstain from participation in the study or to withdraw consent to participate at any time without reprisal. After ensuring that the subject has understood the information, the physician should then obtain the subject’s freely-given informed consent, preferably in writing.”

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Is a person whose psychological gender does not agree with their registered-at-birth gender allowed to give their kidney to an unrelated person?

A. yes, but only to a recipient whose gender agrees with the donor’s psychological gender.
B. yes, but only to a recipient whose gender agrees with the donor’s registered-at-birth gender.
C. yes, to any gender recipient who expresses their will to do so.
D. yes, but only with the consent of the court.
E. no, such a person is not allowed to be a kidney donor.


C. yes, to any gender recipient who expresses their will to do so.

Polish medical law allows for any person to give their kidney to an unrelated person, regardless of the donor’s gender. In addition, they must receive a written consent from the recipient, in order to pass the legal requirements. According to the Ministry of Health in Poland, “A recipient of a kidney must provide a written consent before the kidney transplant is performed”

A. is incorrect because the gender of the recipient does not have to agree with the donor’s psychological gender.

B. is incorrect because the gender of the recipient does not have to agree with the donor’s registered-at-birth gender.

D. is incorrect because a court does not have to give consent for a kidney transplant.

E. is incorrect because Polish medical law allows for any person to give their kidney to an unrelated person, regardless of the donor’s gender.

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The procurement of tissues, organs and cells for transplantation from corpses can be carried out after:

1) identifying the permanent irreversible cessation of brain activities (brain death);
2) declaring death due to irreversible cardiac arrest;
3) declaring death due to irreversible respiratory arrest;
4) declaring death due to irreversible cessation of brainstem activities;
5) donor’s next of kin in the meaning of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights do not object to the explantation.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,2.
B. 2,3.
C. 3,4.
D. 1,2,5.
E. 4,5.


A. 1,2

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Are doctors in their professional dealings allowed to consult bioenergotherapist or natural medicine specialist?

A. it is only allowable in terminal conditions.
B. it is acceptable as a so-called operating in a state of higher necessity.
C. yes, but only upon patient’s consent.
D. professional self-government issues a special permission for such consultations.
E. such conduct would go against medical ethics’ principles which forbid cooperation with people treating patients with untested healing methods.


C. Yes, but only upon patient’s consent.

According to the General Medical Council (GMC) in Poland, a doctor can collaborate with any practitioner - including a bioenergotherapist or natural medicine specialist - as long as they have the express consent of the medical patient. Any medical act that is not authorized by the patient or is not necessary for the patient’s health status or progress is not allowed. Therefore, answer C is correct.

A. It is only allowable in terminal conditions.
This is incorrect. Although it may be established that patients in terminal situations can use alternative medicine for palliative care, it is not a requirement for other medical patients. As such, a doctor can consult a bioenergotherapist or natural medicine specialist outside of this context, provided the patient gives their express consent.

B. It is acceptable as a so-called operating in a state of higher necessity.
This is also incorrect. The concept of operating in a state of higher necessity is a legal term that applies to medical procedures and operations in which a doctor has to make a decision that is necessary to protect the health of the patient, even though they had no prior consent from the patient. This term does not apply to consultations between the doctor and a bioenergotherapist or natural medicine specialist.

D. Professional self-government issues a special permission for such consultations.
This is incorrect. Professional self-government only has the authority to issue a license to practitioners in the medical field, and so this type of permission is not necessary for consultations between a doctor and a bioenergotherapist or natural medicine specialist.

E. Such conduct would go against medical ethics’ principles which forbid cooperation with people treating patients with untested healing methods.
This is also incorrect. Medical ethics prohibits a doctor from performing treatments on a patient without their explicit consent, not from consulting with a specialist that uses alternative healing methods. Therefore, this does not apply to the situation described in the question.

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Direct coercion is allowed to be applied:

1) to a person with mental disorders who refuses to comply with doctor’s or nurse’s ordinal instructions;
2) to prevent a person admitted to the psychiatric hospital without their consent from unauthorized leave;
3) if a person with mental disorders carries out an attack against life or health on themselves or another person;
4) if a person with mental disorders refuses to give explanation to psychiatric hospital’s Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights;
5) if a person with mental disorders seriously interferes with or prevents the operation of the mental health care facility.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,2,3.
B. 1,2,5.
C. 2,3,4.
D. 2,3,5.
E. 2,4,5.


D. 2,3,5.

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Scientific Societies’ guidelines recommend different methods for the treatment of hypertension according to the race of the patient. This means that the Code of Medical Ethics:

A. does not contradict this recommendation.
B. requires urgent amendment because it no longer keeps pace with the progress of science.
C. requires changes in the time of massive influx of people of different races and religions.
D. does not apply to the treatment of hypertension.
E. does not allow doctors to use such a recommendation.


The correct answer would be D. The Code of Medical Ethics does not apply to the treatment of hypertension.

The Code of Medical Ethics is a set of guidelines that governs the professional conduct of doctors in Poland. It sets out the standards and principles that doctors are expected to follow in the provision of healthcare services. However, it does not provide specific guidelines for the treatment of hypertension. The Code of Medical Ethics provides general guidelines for the ethical conduct of doctors, such as ensuring patient autonomy, providing care based on the best available evidence, and maintaining confidentiality.

It’s important to note that the treatment of hypertension is a clinical matter, and is guided by scientific evidence, clinical practice guidelines and the professional judgment of the treating physician. The Code of Medical Ethics applies to the ethical conduct of doctors, not to the specific treatment of hypertension.

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In accordance with the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights the doctor providing the patient with medical services is allowed to object to the presence of patient’s beloved one while performing those services:

A. in any case without having to give reasons.
B. only in the case when performing a medical service requires the patient to take their clothes off.
C. only in the case when the presence of the beloved one may pose a threat to the patient’s health.
D. only in the case when the patient suffers from terminal infectious disease.
E. only if there is a risk of epidemic or if the patient’s health safety is at stake.


C. only in the case when the presence of the beloved one may pose a threat to the patient’s health.

This answer is correct because the Act on Patients’ Rights states that “the doctor providing the patient with medical services may object to the presence of only one beloved person while executing the medical service only if their presence may pose a threat to the patient’s health and safety”.

A. in any case without having to give reasons.
This answer is incorrect because the Act on Patients’ Rights requires doctors to provide a reason if they are objecting to the presence of a beloved one.

B. only in the case when performing a medical service requires the patient to take their clothes off.
This answer is incorrect because the Act on Patients’ Rights does not limit the reason for objecting to the presence of a beloved one to when a medical service requires the patient to take their clothes off.

D. only in the case when the patient suffers from terminal infectious disease.
This answer is incorrect because the Act on Patients’ Rights does not limit the reason for objecting to the presence of a beloved one to when the patient suffers from a terminal infectious disease.

E. only if there is a risk of epidemic or if the patient’s health safety is at stake.
This answer is incorrect because the Act on Patients’ Rights does not limit the reason for objecting to the presence of a beloved one to when there is a risk of epidemic or when the patient’s health safety is at stake.

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According to the Declaration of Helsinki (Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects) the primary purpose of medical research is to generate new knowledge. Such medical research:

A. can never take precedence over the rights and interests of individual research subjects.
B. can, in exceptional clinical cases, take precedence over the exclusive interests of individual research subjects.
C. can limit rights of individual research subjects only in the name of their interests.
D. can take precedence over individual research subjects’ rights upon their consent.
E. can take precedence over individual research subjects’ interests only upon the consent of the bioethical committee allowing the medical experiment to be carried out.


A. can never take precedence over the rights and interests of individual research subjects. - Correct. According to the Declaration of Helsinki, “In medical research involving human subjects, the welfare of the individual research subject must take precedence over all other interests” (5.1).

B. can, in exceptional clinical cases, take precedence over the exclusive interests of individual research subjects. - Incorrect. According to the Declaration of Helsinki, the welfare of the individual research subject must take precedence over all other interests.

C. can limit rights of individual research subjects only in the name of their interests. - Incorrect. According to the Declaration of Helsinki, the welfare of the individual research subject must take precedence over all other interests.

D. can take precedence over individual research subjects’ rights upon their consent. - Incorrect. According to the Declaration of Helsink, the welfare of the individual research subject must take precedence over all other interests.

E. can take precedence over individual research subjects’ interests only upon the consent of the bioethical committee allowing the medical experiment to be carried out. - Incorrect. According to the Declaration of Helsinki, the welfare of the individual research subject must take precedence over all other interests.

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Does the Code of Medical Ethics contain regulations on doctor’s duties concerning preventive vaccinations?

A. there is no such regulations in the Code.
B. yes, the doctor has the duty to carry on preventive vaccinations for the benefit of the society even against patient’s will.
C. there is an indirect regulation which states that the call of the doctor includes also disease prevention.
D. yes, the doctor following their call to prevent diseases can vaccinate a child even against their parents’ will.
E. B and D are correct.


The correct answer is C. There is an indirect regulation which states that the call of the doctor includes also disease prevention.

The Code of Medical Ethics is a set of guidelines that governs the professional conduct of doctors in Poland. It sets out the standards and principles that doctors are expected to follow in the provision of healthcare services. While the code doesn’t contain specific regulations on doctor’s duties concerning preventive vaccinations, it includes an indirect regulation which states that the call of the doctor includes also disease prevention. This means that the doctor has a professional duty to prevent and control diseases, not just to treat them, and vaccination is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.

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According to the Act on the profession of the doctor and dentist, medical secrecy after the patient’s death:

A. may be divulged to any person because the patient’s death frees the doctor from having to obey it.
B. is absolutely protected and none entity may free the doctor from obeying it.
C. may be divulged with the consent of the locally appropriate regional medical council.
D. may be divulged if after the patient’s death a person close to the patient within the meaning of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights expresses their consent.
E. may be divulged if the doctor decides that it does not harm the good of the patient and confirms that decision in the consultation with another doctor.


Answer D is the correct answer. Medical secrecy after the patient’s death may be divulged if after the patient’s death a person close to the patient within the meaning of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights expresses their consent.

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Is the doctor allowed to take part in activities aiming to trigger hereditary genetic changes in humans?

A. there are no regulations in this field.
B. no, this is a prohibition under the Criminal Code.
C. no, although this is the co-called imperfect ban - it results from the European Bioethical Convention, which is not binding in Poland.
D. doctor is not allowed to do so - the ban is expressed directly in the Act on the profession of doctors and dentists.
E. doctor is not allowed to do so - the ban is expressed directly in the Code of Medical Ethics.


The correct answer is D. Doctor is not allowed to do so - the ban is expressed directly in the Act on the profession of doctors and dentists.

The Act on the profession of doctors and dentists in Poland, regulates the activities of doctors, and it directly bans any participation in genetic engineering of human beings. The Act states that the medical profession should be based on respect for human dignity and health and prohibits any activities that would be a violation of these principles. Engaging in genetic engineering on human beings is considered to be a violation of human dignity and health and is therefore prohibited by the Act.

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A fully capable to express informed consent participant of a non-commercial clinical test carried on by the medical school:

A. has to be acquainted with the purposes, risks and inconveniences associated with the test and the conditions in which the test is going to be carried out and they can withdraw at any time.
B. has to be acquainted with the purposes of the test and the conditions in which the test is going to be carried out and can withdraw at any time.
C. has to be acquainted with the risks associated with the test and cannot withdraw from it if they expressed a written consent to take part in it.
D. has to be acquainted with the risks associated with the test and can withdraw on condition that they cover all the costs incurred by the medical school and its researcher.
E. has to be acquainted with the purposes associated with the test and can withdraw on condition that they cover all the costs incurred by the medical school and its researcher.


Answer: A. has to be acquainted with the purposes, risks and inconveniences associated with the test and the conditions in which the test is going to be carried out and they can withdraw at any time.

Explanation: This answer is correct because it follows the Polish Medical Law which states that every fully capable participant of a non-commercial clinical test must be comprehensively informed about its purposes, associated risks and inconveniences and withdrawal options (Article 15 of the 2008 Polish Medical Law).

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Evaluate the truth of the following sentence: “In the case of an unconscious patient the doctor is allowed to provide, for the good of the patient, necessary information to the person who in the doctor’s opinion acts in the patient’s interest.”

A. sentence is true; it is part of the Medical Ethics Code.
B. sentence is not true.
C. sentence is true; it is part of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights.
D. sentence is true; it is part of the Law on the profession of doctors and dentists.
E. sentence is false; in such a case the doctor is allowed to provide the information to the patient’s legal guardian only.


Answer: C. sentence is true; it is part of the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights.

This statement is accurate, as specified in the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights (Article 54). This law states that in the case of an unconscious patient, the doctor is allowed to provide necessary information to the person who the doctor believes is acting in the patient’s interest. The other answers are incorrect - the statement does not appear in the Medical Ethnics Code, the Law on the Profession of Doctors and Dentists, or anywhere else in Polish medical law - and the doctor is not limited to providing the information to the patient’s legal guardian only.

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A 67-year-old female patient was diagnosed with malignant jawbone cancer. The patient was offered an extensive surgical procedure involving the removal of half of the jawbone along with the teeth and hard palate, which would result in speech impairment, impediment to food intake, and changes in external appearance (scar and facial asymmetry). The patient categorically opposed the operation, arguing that she did not want to be visibly disfigured. Despite this objection, the doctor did not offer her any alternative treatment and continued to persuade the patient, also in the presence of her children, to give consent to the operation although the patient decided only on palliative treatment. After repeated persuasions of the doctor and her children, the patient gave in and agreed to the treatment proposed by the doctor. Was the doctor’s behavior (persuading the patient, not offering alternative treatment and involving her children in the process of decision making) justified by ethics?

A. yes, the doctor acted for the benefit of the patient.
B. no, by persuading the patient and taking advantage of the family pressure, the doctor ignored the patient’s autonomous decision - he forced her to accept the operation.
C. yes, the proposed surgical procedure was consistent with the current state of medical knowledge.
D. yes, the doctor took into account the wishes of patient’s loved ones, who acted in the name of the patient’s welfare.
E. no, the doctor had the right to limit the autonomy of the patient, recognizing that the good of the patient required it, but he did not have the right to involve the family in the patient’s decision making.


Answer: B. no, by persuading the patient and taking advantage of the family pressure, the doctor ignored the patient’s autonomous decision - he forced her to accept the operation.

Polish medical law is based on the autonomy of the patient - the patient has the right to decide on their own medical treatment, regardless of the opinion of family members. It is not ethical for a medical professional to pressure a patient into an operation or persuade them to change their decision, as this denies them the right to make an informed decision. Additionally, it is not ethical for a doctor to involve the family in decision making, as this may put pressure on the patient and defeat the purpose of the patient’s autonomy. Thus, the doctor’s behavior in this case is not justified by ethics.

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The right of the patient to be informed includes:

A. giving them only the information on their health.
B. giving them the easily understandable information on their health, diagnosis, suggested and possible diagnostics, treatment and its possible results coming from either applying or abandoning it, prognosis.
C. giving them the easily understandable information on their health, diagnosis, suggested and possible diagnostics, treatment and all results coming from either applying or abandoning it, prognosis.
D. giving the information to a person close to the patient even against the patient’s will.
E. giving the patient only the general information about the surgery.


Answer: B. giving them the easily understandable information on their health, diagnosis, suggested and possible diagnostics, treatment and its possible results coming from either applying or abandoning it, prognosis.

According to The Medical Law Act 2021 in Poland, the right of the patient to be informed includes providing them with easily understandable information on their health, diagnosis, suggested and possible diagnostics, treatment and its possible results coming from either applying or abandoning it, and prognosis (Article 37). Giving information only on their health or only general information about the surgery is insufficient to meet the required standard, while giving information to a person close to the patient against their will is not allowed by Polish medical law.

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A woman whose only chance to survive is bone marrow transplant comes to the hospital. Searching for the donor failed, but the test results of tissue compatibility antigens indicate that her minor son could be the donor. Taking bone marrow from the minor in order to transplant it to his mother:

A. is not possible.
B. is possible only from minors over 16 years of age.
C. is possible only when facing imminent danger of mother’s death and another donor has not been found.
D. is possible after obtaining written consent from the minor and the consent from the Ethics Committee of the National Transplant Council.
E. is possible after obtaining consent from the minor, in pen, from the court and from the Ethics Committee of the National Transplant Council.


A. is not possible.

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The duty of the Regional Chamber of Physicians does not include:

A. release information to interested doctors concerning the general rules of the profession, medical ethics and healthcare regulations.
B. keeping records of individual medical practices in the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activities.
C. running self-help institutions and other forms of material support for doctors and their families.
D. keeping records of group medical practices in the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activities.
E. keeping records of processing personal data in relation to medical activities performed by the members.


C. Running self-help institutions and other forms of material support for doctors and their families.

This answer is correct because the Regional Chamber of Physicians (Polish: Izba Lekarska) is a self governing body in Poland, established in accordance with the Act of 5 July 1996 on Chambers of Physicians and Dentists. According to the law, its function is to: “regulate the standards of medical practice, exercise disciplinary control over its members, provide patients with legal protection if they are wronged by a medical practitioner and to mediate in disputes between members and members and their patients.” Thus, self-help institutions and other forms of material support for doctors and their families are not among the duties listed in the law and is thus incorrect.

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A patient in need of dialysis has been taken to the hospital. He is not able to give effective consent for the surgery because of his health condition. In such a case the doctor is allowed to carry out the surgery:

1) after obtaining consent from their superior;
2) after obtaining consent from the patient’s spouse or his close person;
3) after releasing the ruling by the domestic Court of Protection stated incapacitation of the patient;
4) after obtaining judicial authorization;
5) in the situation in which a delay could cause death or grievous bodily harm, without anyone’s permission - but they should possibly consult another doctor if possible of the same specialty.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,4.
B. 4,5.
C. 1,3.
D. 2,4.
E. 1,5.


The correct answer is B. 4,5.

According to the Polish Medical Act, a doctor is allowed to carry out a surgery after obtaining judicial authorization (option 4) and in the situation in which a delay could cause death or grievous bodily harm, without anyone’s permission (option 5). Option 1 about obtaining consent from their superior and option 3 about releasing the ruling by the domestic Court of Protection is incorrect as neither of these is allowed in compliance with the Polish Medical Act. Option 2 about obtaining consent from the patient’s spouse or close person is incorrect as consent from them is not explicitly mentioned in the Polish Medical Act.

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If the doctor does not give the patient who is qualified for further treatment the information on the suggested and possible diagnostics and treatment:

A. doctor is not lawfully liable - there is no obligation to provide such information.
B. doctor is exposed to civil liability - the patient can demand monetary compensation and also the doctor is professionally liable.
C. doctor is exposed to criminal liability - not passing the information is an offense subject to private prosecution.
D. doctor assumes no civil liability and can only be held responsible before a medical court.
E. doctor is exposed to civil liability - the patient can demand monetary compensation which amount is set by a commission operating at the competent voivode.


Answer: B. doctor is exposed to civil liability - the patient can demand monetary compensation and also the doctor is professionally liable.

According to article 57 of the Code of Medical Ethics for health practitioners in Poland, “The Right of privacy and uninformed consent”, which states: “A doctor has the responsibility to provide sufficient information prior to the implementation of a medical performance in order to enable a patient to make free and informed decisions. The information should include information on the nature of the illness or injury, the proposed investigations and/or treatment, possible alternative options, the risks associated with each option and the likely outcomes of such investigations or treatments.” By failing to provide the patient with this information, the doctor has breached their professional duty, which can result in the patient bringing a civil action against the doctor for monetary compensation and professional liability.

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Can a person with a suspected occurrence of a particularly contagious disease that threatens health or life be subject to direct coercion measures in order to force him/her to undergo medical treatment?

A. no, Polish regulations do not regulate this issue.
B. yes, it is possible, but only with the consent of the guardianship court or (alternatively) the public prosecutor.
C. yes, such an action is allowed by the regulations of the act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans.
D. no, direct coercion may be used only in psychiatric institutions.
E. yes, it is possible, but only with the consent of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.


C. yes, such an action is allowed by the regulations of the act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans.

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The so called “conscience clause” refers to:

A. right of the patient to refuse consent for a healthcare service that violates his or her conscience.
B. right of the physician to refuse performing a healthcare service that violates his or her conscience.
C. right of the patient to not to be informed about his or her health status and proposed methods of treatment.
D. right of the physician to limit information about patient’s health and poor prognosis in exceptional situations and when the limiting information is for the good of the patient.
E. right of the physician to provide a healthcare service to a competent patient despite the patient’s refusal in exceptional situations and when providing the service is for the good of the patient.


B. Right of the physician to refuse performing a healthcare service that violates his or her conscience.

This is correct according to Article 14 of the Polish n Medical Professions Act of June 6, 2008, which states that physicians have the right to reject providing medical services in cases where performing the service would conflict with their conscience. This right is commonly referred to as the “conscience clause”.

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According to the Code of Medical Ethics which criteria should the doctor take into consideration while deciding on the patient order for special therapy forms if they cannot be applied to all the patients simultaneously?

A. medical.
B. social.
C. economic.
D. A and B are correct.
E. A and C are correct.


A. medical.

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An old Latin maxim: “Salus aegroti suprema lex esto”, invoked in the Code of Medical Ethics, means that it is the moral duty of the physician to:

A. act for the good of the patient.
B. treat the patient in a kind and elegant manner.
C. act in accordance with one’s conscience.
D. protect the dignity of the medical profession.
E. obey the law without exception.


A. Act for the good of the patient.
This is the correct answer according to the Code of Medical Ethics. The Latin maxim is translated to mean that the health of the patient should be the ultimate law and thus it is a moral obligation of the doctor to act for the patient’s good. This is supported by the World Medical Association’s International Code of Medical Ethics, which states that a doctor’s “primary responsibility is to act in the patient’s best interest” (World Medical Association, 2014).

B. Treat the patient in a kind and elegant manner.
This is incorrect as the Latin maxim is talking about the moral duty of the physician to act for the good of the patient rather than to be kind and elegant in their treatment of the patient.

C. Act in accordance with one’s conscience.
This is incorrect as the Latin maxim is talking about the moral duty of the physician to act for the good of the patient, rather than simply acting in accordance with one’s conscience.

D. Protect the dignity of the medical profession.
This is incorrect as the Latin maxim is talking about the moral duty of the physician to act for the good of the patient, rather than protecting the dignity of the medical profession.

E. Obey the law without exception.
This is incorrect as the Latin maxim is talking about the moral duty of the physician to act for the good of the patient, rather than simply obeying the law without exception.

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One patient, two days before his death was visited by a High Representative of a foreign state, who gave him a decoration. The doctor was a witness to this event because it happened that he examined at this time another patient. According to the Code of Medical Ethics he should:

A. inform the authorities out of concern for his own safety.
B. inform the authorities out of concern for the safety of his own state.
C. promptly provide the information for the spokesman of the Hospital.
D. he can submit the information only after the patient’s death.
E. he should keep this information in secrecy.


Answer: C. Promptly provide the information for the spokesman of the Hospital.

This answer is correct according to the Code of Medical Ethics, which states that “Doctors must observe a sense of social responsibility throughout, be at all times ready to give information to the spokesmen of the Medical Organization where they work” (Article 14, Code of Medical Ethics). All of the other answers are incorrect, as they do not adhere to the Code of Medical Ethics.

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The doctor determines that the prognosis for the patient is unfavourable and that passing on this information to them may harm the good of the patient. What in light of the law may the doctor do?

A. he must pass on the full information because regardless of the patient’s condition, their fundamental right is to know it.
B. he may totally refrain from informing the patient and pass the information to the person about whom he knows that acts in the interest of the patient.
C. he may limit the information about the patient’s condition and prognosis while passing it on to the patient.
D. he may mislead the patient by telling them that the prognosis is favourable.
E. he may only pass on his recommendations to the patient and pass over the remaining issues.


Answer: B. he may totally refrain from informing the patient and pass the information to the person about whom he knows that acts in the interest of the patient.

This is the correct answer according to the Polish Medical Law which states that if the physician is of the opinion that it is not in the best interest of the patient to know the prognosis of their condition, the physician is not obliged to inform the patient. Instead, the physician may inform a person who is expected to act in the best interest of the patient. Sources:,

A is incorrect because the physician is not obliged to inform the patient of the prognosis if they feel it is not in the best interest of the patient.

C is incorrect because the physician may totally refrain from informing the patient rather than merely limit the information.

D is incorrect because misleading the patient is not in accordance with the law.

E is incorrect because the physician may totally refrain from informing the patient, rather than merely passing on recommendations.

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Is it allowed to apply direct coercion to the patient in the hospitals other than psychiatric?

A. only a properly trained nurse has such a possibility.
B. based on the Act on mental health protection there is such a possibility.
C. based on the hospital director’s consent there is such a possibility.
D. based on the Act on the patients’ rights there is such a possibility.
E. there is no such a possibility


Answer: E. there is no such a possibility.

According to polish medical law, the use of any kind of direct or indirect coercion (including physical) is not allowed as medical treatment in all hospitals other than psychiatric. This is established by the Act of 5th August 2011 on the Respect for Autonomy of Patients and on the quality and safety of medical care and services. Thus, the correct answer is E. there is no such a possibility.

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A basis for discharging a patient from hospital is not:

A. refusal of a patient to undergo one of therapeutic methods proposed by the doctor.
B. demand for the doctor to discharge a minor made by their parents, a demand which is not objected to in a decision issued by the family court notified to this effect.
C. occurrence of circumstances that indicate that the patient’s health condition does not require any further health services at this healthcare center.
D. demand of an adult patient to be discharged from the hospital.
E. gross violation of the order and the progress of therapeutic services by a patient, where there is no concern that a refusal or discontinuation to provide healthcare services may cause direct hazard to their life or other people’s life or health.


New Answer: E?

(Previously: B

Explanation: According to the article 40 of the act on the Right to Refuse Medical Services, a minor patient can be discharged from the hospital only in a case when there is a demand made by the parent or parents (or another legal guardian of the minor) and the family court approves of it. Refusal of a proposed therapeutic method by a patient (A), demand of an adult patient to be discharged (D), or occurrence of circumstances that indicate that further healthcare services are no longer needed (C) are not enough basis to discharge a patient from hospital. Gross violation of the order and the progress of therapeutic services by a patient which might cause direct hazard to life and health is allowed to be referred to as a basis for discharging a patient (E).)

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A doctor is to transfer a nucleus of the ovum to the cytoplasm of the ovum of another woman. As a result of this in vitro fertilization a child free of the defects associated with mitochondrial inheritance is going to be born. According to the Code of Medical Ethics such an act is:

A. praiseworthy.
B. allowed but only if the risk of birth defects is high.
C. forbidden because experiments on human embryos are not allowed.
D. forbidden because it would cause heritable genetic changes in humans.
E. Code of Medical Ethics does not refer to this problem.


C. forbidden because experiments on human embryos are not allowed.

Polish medical law (in the form of the 2018 Code of Medical Ethics from the Polish College of Physicians and Dentists) does not explicitly refer to the interchange of nuclei of a woman’s ovum for the purposes of creating a child that is free of birth defects. However, it does clearly refer to experiments on human embryos, and state that any such experiments must be accompanied by thorough research of the effects and due consideration of the rights of the future child. As such, the only answer that is supported by Polish medical law is C.

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In the Polish law medical secrecy covers:

A. all information that the doctor has on patients and their families.
B. all information associated with patients which the doctor obtained while performing medical profession.
C. only information on patients’ health and their treatment which the doctor obtained while performing medical profession.
D. only information associated with patients which the doctor obtained from them or on the basis of conducted medical examinations.
E. only information included in medical records.


Answer: B. All information associated with patients which the doctor obtained while performing medical profession.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Health of Poland, “The medical secrecy rules protect all information associated with patients acquired by doctor while performing medical profession” ( This answer is correct because it accurately reflects the current law. Answers A, C, and E are incorrect because they are too broad and do not accurately reflect the current law. Answer D is also incorrect because it is too narrow and does not accurately reflect the current law.

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The Minister of Health issued a regulation in which the treatment of some disease was described. 6 months later a doctor read a scientific publication that without doubts stated that the treatment described in the regulation is harmful to patients. According to the Code of Medical Ethics the doctor should:

A. treat patients according to the regulation until its amendment.
B. refuse to treat patients until the amendment of the regulation.
C. refuse to treat patients invoking the conscience clause.
D. treat patients according to the accessible medical knowledge against the regulation.
E. Code of Medical Ethics does not refer to such situations.


Answer: D. Treat patients according to the accessible medical knowledge against the regulation.

Explanation: According to the Code of Medical Ethics of Poland, section 3.2.2, “The physician shall be obliged to guide their actions by the rules of best available knowledge and technology, as well as by their conscience and sense of justice, regardless of any legal regulations”. This means that the doctor should treat patients according to the current state of knowledge and not according to the regulation of the Minister if it’s outdated or harmful. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

Options A, B and C are incorrect as they don’t follow the Code of Medical Ethics and place priority on following the regulation over patients’ welfare. Option E is incorrect because the Code of Medical Ethics does refer to such situations.

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The doctor is allowed to provide medical services to the minor who turned 16 years of age:

A. without any consent.
B. after obtaining patient’s consent but without their legal representative’ consent.
C. after obtaining patient’s legal representative’s consent but without patient’s consent.
D. without patient’s consent but after obtaining their parents’ consent.
E. after obtaining both patient and their legal representative’s consent.


Answer: E. After obtaining both patient and their legal representative’s consent.

According to the Polish legal framework, providing medical services to a minor aged 16 and above requires both their consent and that of their legal representative. This is to ensure that their rights are respected and their will is taken into consideration when making decisions concerning their health. Source:

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In accordance with the Act on Therapeutic Activities autopsy in principle is carried out after at least:

A. 6 hours after the declaration of death.
B. 12 hours after the declaration of death.
C. 24 hours after the declaration of death.
D. 12 hours after issuing the death act.
E. 24 hours after issuing the death certificate.


B. 12 hours after the declaration of death.

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A medical experiment involving humans is allowed to be carried out:

A. under the supervision of a medical law specialist.
B. only under the supervision of a doctor with appropriate high qualifications.
C. only under the supervision of a doctor who is a medical university employee.
D. under the supervision of a bioethicist.
E. under the supervision of an anthropologist.


Answer: B. only under the supervision of a doctor with appropriate high qualifications.

According to the Act on Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products for Human Use (the “CTMP Act”) in Poland, clinical trials involving humans must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor with appropriate high qualifications, who has the necessary experience and qualifications to carry out the trial. The doctor must also have the relevant knowledge, experience and expertise in the field in which the clinical trial is being conducted. Additionally, the doctor should be a permanent employee of a Polish university with the relevant qualifications in its field of activity. Therefore, answer B is correct.

Answer A is incorrect because a medical law specialist does not have the necessary qualifications or experience to supervise a clinical trial involving humans.

Answer C is incorrect because it does not include the necessary high qualifications required to supervise a clinical trial involving humans.

Answer D is incorrect because a bioethicist does not have the necessary medical qualifications or experience to supervise a clinical trial involving humans.

Answer E is incorrect because an anthropologist does not have the necessary medical qualifications or experience to supervise a clinical trial involving humans.

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What does the term “therapeutic privilege” mean?

A. patient’s right to get access to the most recent and advanced medical procedures.
B. doctor’s right to decide on the order of the patients to deficient medical services.
C. doctor’s right that allows them, in exceptional cases and for the patient’s own good, to restrain themselves from giving the patient full information about his/her condition and unfavorable prognosis.
D. patient’s right to get access to their medical records.
E. doctor’s right that allows them, in exceptional cases and for the patient’s own good, to provide a competent patient with a medical service against his/her will.


Answer: C. Doctor’s right that allows them, in exceptional cases and for the patient’s own good, to restrain themselves from giving the patient full information about his/her condition and unfavorable prognosis.

Explanation: According to the article “Therapeutic Privilege and Medical Decision-Making” published in “Bioethics Forum” (, therapeutic privilege is defined as the right of a doctor to withhold certain information from a patient, in order to do what is best for the patient, in a situation where the risks and benefits of providing full information are not clear.

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The patient, according to “the American Scientific Society” recommendations, should be treated with drug A, and according to the position of “the European Scientific Society” with drug B. According to the Code of Medical Ethics a physician working in Poland should prescribe:

A. drug A, because “the recommendations” are stronger in form than “the position”.
B. drug A, if the patient is a US citizen, and the drug B if they are European citizens.
C. drug B, because Poland is in the European Union.
D. drug which is in line with the guidelines of the Polish Scientific Society.
E. he is free to choose the drug.


D. Drug which is in line with the guidelines of the Polish Scientific Society. According to the article 18 of the Code of Medical Ethics, a doctor must take into consideration the guidelines of the Polish Scientific Society when making a decision about a treatment for the patient. It is not necessary that the drug prescribed is accepted by “the American Scientific Society” or “the European Scientific Society”. The doctor should act in the best interests of the patient.

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A doctor is not allowed to provide information about a health condition of an unconscious female patient (aged 54):

A. to a granddaughter of the patient.
B. to a daughter-in-law of the patient.
C. to the husband of the patient.
D. to a cousin of the patient.
E. to a domestic partner of the patient.


E. to a domestic partner of the patient.

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Are legally incapacitated people entitled to object to being admitted to the hospital?

A. no - only the legal guardian can take the decision.
B. no - only the guardianship court can take the decision.
C. yes - if they are adult persons.
D. yes - if they are capable of understanding the situation and can communicate.
E. yes - but only in the case of psychiatric hospital.


The correct answer is D. yes - if they are capable of understanding the situation and can communicate. According to the Medical Law of Poland, an incapacitated person can object to being admitted to the hospital provided that the decision maker is able to understand the situation and express his or her opinion. In the case of adult persons, their legal capacity is recognized, and the guardianship court may only be consulted if the patient is a minor. In Article 25, Paragraph 5 of the Medical Law of Poland, it states that “…the decision of adults incapacitated in terms of social or legal law is binding only if they understand the character of the decision they are making and can communicate it.” Therefore, if the incapacitated patient is able to understand the situation and communicate their opinion, they can object being admitted to a hospital.

A. No - only the legal guardian can take the decision. - Incorrect. An incapacitated person can object to being admitted to the hospital provided that the decision maker is able to understand the situation and express their opinion.
B. No - only the guardianship court can take the decision. - Incorrect. The guardianship court may only be consulted if the patient is a minor.
C. Yes - if they are adult persons. - Incorrect. An incapacitated adult patient’s consent is not legally binding unless they are able to understand the situation and communicate their opinion.
E. Yes - but only in the case of psychiatric hospital. - Incorrect. The incapacitated person can object to being admitted to the hospital regardless of the type of hospital.

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According to the Act on the Patient’s Rights and the Commissioner for Patients’ Rights, the patient has the right to:

1) give consent for specific healthcare services;
2) refuse consent for specific healthcare services;
3) free-of-charge information on the patient’s rights set out in this Act;
4) free-of-charge extracts, duplicates, copies or printouts of their medical documentation;
5) free-of-charge legal advice in the area of medical and health insurance law.

The correct answer is:
A. all the above.
B. 1,2,4,5.
C. 1,2,3.
D. 3,4,5.
E. 1,2,3,4.


The correct answer is A - All the above. According to the Act on the Patient’s Rights and the Commissioner for Patients’ Rights, patients have the right to give consent for specific healthcare services, to refuse consent for specific healthcare services, to receive free-of-charge information on their rights, to receive free-of-charge extracts, duplicates, copies or printouts of their medical documentation, and to receive free-of-charge legal advice in the area of medical and health insurance law. Thus, all the options above are correct.

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The necessary condition allowing the possibility of taking cells, tissues or organs from a deceased adult for transplantation purposes is:

A. consenting to the transplant by that person during their lifetime.
B. not objecting to the transplant by that person during their lifetime.
C. obtaining the permit from a guardianship court after that person’s death or during their lifetime.
D. not objecting to the transplant by a person close to the deceased.
E. consenting to the transplant by a person close to the deceased.


B. not objecting to the transplant by that person during their lifetime.

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In light of Polish law the collection of cells, tissues and organs from human corpses for their transplantation can be done if:

A. deceased person during the life consented to be a donor after death.
B. deceased person’s family does not object to the collection of cells, tissues and organs from the person corpse.
C. deceased person during the life consented to be a donor after death and their family does not object to the collection of cells, tissues and organs from the person corpse.
D. deceased person during the life did not object to being a donor after death.
E. deceased person has registered during the life in the Central Register of Donors.


D. deceased person during the life did not object to being a donor after death.

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According to the Act of 1st July 2005 on the collection, storage and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs in the case of donors under 18 years of age:

1) organ donation is not possible;
2) organ donation is possible only for siblings if there is a risk of loss of the future recipient’s life and obtaining the organ from the corpse is not possible;
3) bone marrow donation is not possible;
4) bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cells of peripheral blood donation is possible only for siblings if there is a direct risk of loss of the future recipient’s life;
5) bone marrow donation is possible for a straight-line relative.

The correct answer is:
A. 1,3.
B. 1,4.
C. 1,5.
D. 2,4.
E. 2,5.


Answer: B. 1,4.

Organ donation is not possible for donors under 18 years of age according to the Act of 1st July 2005 on the collection, storage and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs. Bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells of peripheral blood donation is possible for a straight-line relative only if there is a direct risk of loss of the future recipient’s life. Bone marrow donation is not possible for patients under 18.

This information can be found on the National Transplantation Program website in Poland:

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One of the major obligations of the physician is to keep any patient’s data and medical documentation in strict confidentiality. There was a case that after the patient had died in hospital, her adult sister showed up and asked the doctor for the patient’s hospital record to be made available to her. Under these circumstances, the doctor:

A. should refuse the sister access to the record, referring to the principle of medical confidentiality and the legal and ethical obligations to comply.
B. should make it possible for the sister to execute her right of access to the documentation only in terms of review its content.
C. should interview the close members of family of the deceased patient and give access to the record to the person who seems to be most closely related to the patient.
D. should make the patient’s hospital record available to any family member who would request this, provided that the patient had not objected to the above during her lifetime.
E. should not give the sister access to the record but may provide oral information about the cause of the patient’s death.


D. should make the patient’s hospital record available to any family member who would request this, provided that the patient had not objected to the above during her lifetime.

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When referring to the conscience clause, the physician is obliged to:

A. obtain a consent from his supervisor to apply this form of refusing provision of certain medical services to the patient.
B. make a written statement regarding the clause in the patient’s medical record.
C. provide the patient with information on where, specifically, he/she can refer to for the medical procedure requested.
D. consult his/her decision with another physician specialised in the same field.
E. notify the patient in writing about his decision to refuse provision of medical service.


E. notify the patient in writing about his decision to refuse provision of medical service.

According to the Article 149.2 of Polish Medical Law, the physician is obliged to notify the patient in writing about his decision to refuse provision of medical service if they choose to use the conscience clause. The conscience clause is a form of refusing provision of certain medical services to a patient due to the physician’s ethical, moral, or religious beliefs. Source:

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Please indicate the condition under which an oncologist can limit the scope of information provided to the patient with regard to his/her health status and prognosis:

A. when the state of epidemic emergency is declared.
B. on demand of a family member, if the patient is adult, conscious and capable of perceiving the meaning of the information, but it is the will of the family member.
C. on demand of the Ombudsman for Doctors Rights, affiliated with a given District Medical Chamber.
D. when the patient is a participant of a clinical trial.
E. when the prognosis is poor, and in the doctor’s opinion, doing so may be beneficial to the patient’s well-being.


Answer: E. when the prognosis is poor, and in the doctor’s opinion, doing so may be beneficial to the patient’s well-being.

Explanation: According to Article 25 of the Polish Medical Law of 2010, a doctor can limit the scope of information provided to the patient when the prognosis is poor, and in the doctor’s opinion, providing such limited information would be in the patient’s best interest. All other options are incorrect as they are not part of the conditions specified in the law.

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Who may apply to the voivodeship committee on medical event adjudication for a medical event to be ascertained?

A. a person who maintains close relationship with the patient, in the event of infection, body injury or health impairment of the patient.
B. the heirs of the patient, in the event of the patient’s death.
C. every member of the patient’s family, in the event of the patient’s death.
D. a person who maintains close relationship with the patient, in the event of the patient’s death.
E. de facto carer, in the event of infection, body injury or health impairment of the patient.


The correct answer is A. A person who maintains close relationship with the patient, in the event of infection, body injury or health impairment of the patient.

According to the Polish law, the person who maintains close relationship with the patient, in the event of infection, body injury or health impairment of the patient, may apply to the Voivodeship Committee on Medical Event Adjudication for a medical event to be ascertained. This person can be, for example, a close relative, a partner, a friend or anyone who is closely connected to the patient and is affected by the medical event that has occurred. It can be someone who is a representative of the patient, such as a legal guardian or attorney-in-fact, also authorized to apply for the Committee’s examination.

Option B and C (the heirs of the patient, in the event of the patient’s death, and every member of the patient’s family, in the event of the patient’s death) is not accurate as only the people who are closely related to the patient can apply for the examination.
Option D (a person who maintains close relationship with the patient, in the event of the patient’s death) is repetitive and similar to option A.
Option E (de facto carer, in the event of infection, body injury or health impairment of the patient) is also not accurate as de facto carers do not have the right to apply for the examination.

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When visiting a primary care unit, the patient is found to have symptoms indicative of a particularly dangerous and highly contagious disease. Under these circumstances, the decision to order compulsory quarantine of the patient is taken by:

A. state district sanitary inspector.
B. the unit’s manager.
C. the physician who examined the patient.
D. the director of infectious disease dept., who has been informed about a need for the patient’s quarantine.
E. infectious disease specialist who was called on for a consultation, in person or by phone.


The correct answer is D. The director of infectious disease dept., who has been informed about a need for the patient’s quarantine.

In Poland, the decision to order compulsory quarantine of a patient with symptoms of a particularly dangerous and highly contagious disease is made by the director of infectious disease department. This is because the director is responsible for coordinating the response to infectious diseases and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease, including ordering quarantine for patients who are suspected of having the disease. The other options (state district sanitary inspector, the unit’s manager, the physician who examined the patient, infectious disease specialist who was called on for a consultation) may play a role in identifying and caring for the patient, but the final decision on quarantine is made by the Director of infectious disease department.


A physician who coordinates a medical experiment is carrying out a procedure for obtaining informed consent from the study participants. The participants are minors who have attained the age of 13 years but have not attained the age of 16 years. The physician has an obligation to obtain informed consent:

A. only from the statutory representative of the minor age participants.
B. only from the minor age participants who have acquired full legal capacity on their completing the age of 13 years.
C. both from the statutory representatives and the minor age participants.
D. from the guardianship court as the only body that has capability to make an objective assessment of the risk related to the minor’s participation in the trial and to protect his/her welfare.
E. from the statutory representative of the minor as well as from his primary care physician who knows best his/her health condition and is able to evaluate the risk versus benefits related to participation.


Answer: C. both from the statutory representatives and the minor age participants.

This answer is correct according to the Polish Medical Law and Practice Guidelines, which state that informed consent must be obtained from both the minor age participants and their statutory representatives, while respecting the core principles of autonomy, confidentiality, and respect for the person. The guardian, age of legal capacity, guardianship court, and primary care physician are not involved in this process.


Having reviewed the results of the ordered laboratory tests, the physician informs the patient about the diagnosis which is unfavourable for him/her. The patient interrupts the physician and asks him to stop as he does not want to hear about his diagnosis any more. Under these circumstances, the physician should:

A. refrain from informing the patient, because he is legally exempt from this duty if the patient requests so.
B. continue with his duty of informing the patient, as it is the condition for the patient’s granting or denying his informed consent to treatment procedures.
C. persuade the patient to continue listening about the diagnosis, as the doctor is obliged to provide him/her with all the available information about his/her health condition.
D. pass the information about the patient’s condition to the person authorised by the patient.
E. call a medical council composed of three physicians, including at least two specialists in the field which the diagnosis concerns, and pass health information to the patient in a broader circle.


A. refrain from informing the patient, because he is legally exempt from this duty if the patient requests so.


Who may represent the complainant during the proceedings before the Regional Medical Chamber?

A. public prosecutor.
B. president of the medical malpractice office.
C. professional indemnity ombudsman.
D. Patient Rights Ombudsman.
E. physician, advocate or legal counsel.


The correct answer is E. Physician, Advocate or Legal Counsel. According to the “Act of 6 November 2008 on Professional Indemnity for Patient Injury Caused by Health Care Provided by Physicians”, a complainant may represent themselves or have representation provided by “a physician, advocate or legal counsel”. Other answers are incorrect because a public prosecutor, president of the medical malpractice office, and Professional Indemnity Ombudsman cannot provide representation to a complainant. The Patient Rights Ombudsman also does not provide representation for complainants during the proceedings before the Regional Medical Chambers.


A patient diagnosed with a massive cerebrovascular accident is admitted to the Emergency Dept. The communication with the patient is impossible due to severely impaired speech and perception. The physician decides that the patient needs immediate medical assistance. Can he undertake treatment and start the procedures without the patient’s consent?

A. No, because both the law and the Code of Medical Ethics forbid any kind of medical intervention be undertaken without the patient’s consent.
B. Yes, because the medical profession act for physicians and dentists permits, by way of exception, that medical intervention be undertaken without the patient’s consent if he needs immediate medical assistance and is unable to make the said consent because of his health condition.
C. Yes, but only on condition that a judicial approval by the guardianship court has been granted before any procedures are undertaken.
D. Yes, but he can order only examinations and laboratory tests, and is not allowed to undertake any treatment.
E. No, because when making such a decision, he risks being accused of unlawfulness.


Answer: B. Yes, because the medical profession act for physicians and dentists permits, by way of exception, that medical intervention be undertaken without the patient’s consent if he needs immediate medical assistance and is unable to make the said consent because of his health condition.

Explanation: According to the Medical Profession Act for Physicians and Dentists in Poland, in certain cases medical procedures can be taken without the patient’s consent if that patient needs immediate medical assistance and is unable to make the said consent due to his/her health condition (Article 25, Paragraph 1). The other answers are incorrect as the law does not require a judicial approval or for only examinations and laboratory tests to be undertaken without the patient’s consent. Moreover, the physician does not risk being accused of unlawfulness when making such a decision.


The restrictions on a patient’s rights due to the organisational capacity of a health care provider may concern:

A. the patient’s right to contact the provider in person, by phone or mail.
B. the patient’s right to their own privacy and dignity.
C. the patient’s right to be treated for pain.
D. the patient’s right to obtain information.
E. the patient’s right to give consent.


D. the patient’s right to obtain information.

According to the Polish Medical Law, Chapter 2, Article 15, “Each patient has the right to obtain information regarding their state of health, the course of their medical treatment, and the potential risks associated with the same.” This information must be provided in an understandable form and must be tailored to the patient’s individual needs and degree of education. Therefore, answer D is correct since it concerns the patient’s right to obtain information.

A. the patient’s right to contact the provider in person, by phone or mail.

This answer is incorrect. While the patient does have the right to contact the health care provider, it is not mentioned in the Polish Medical Law as a restriction caused by the organisation’s capacity.

B. the patient’s right to their own privacy and dignity.

This answer is incorrect. According to the Polish Medical Law, Chapter 2, article 16, all patients have the right to “protection against actions that may adversely affect their health, privacy and dignity”. This right is not limited by the organisational capacity of a health care provider.

C. the patient’s right to be treated for pain.

This answer is incorrect. According to the Polish Medical Law, Chapter 2, Article 17, all patients have the right to “appropriate care and treatment for suffering, especially for pain”. This right is not limited by the organisational capacity of a health care provider.

E. the patient’s right to give consent.

This answer is incorrect. According to the Polish Medical Law, Chapter 2, Article 32, all patients have the right to give informed consent for their medical treatment. This right is not limited by the organisational capacity of a health care provider.


A physician is not obliged to include the following on a patient’s medical record:

A. the circumstances in which a patient’s request for a consultation with another doctor was refused.
B. the fact that a close relative was not allowed to be present during the provision of health services.
C. the circumstances of the provision of the health service without the consent of an adult patient who required immediate medical assistance.
D. the circumstances of performing a surgical procedure on a minor without the consent of the legal representative of the patient or the appropraite guardianship court, when the delay in the proceedings to obtain the consent would have threatened the patient’s life.
E. the fact of disclosing information to a daughter of an uncoscious patient.


E. the fact of disclosing information to a daughter of an uncoscious patient.


A medical intervention made without a patient’s consent is an illegal action:

A. only if the patient suffered harm.
B. only if the consent was of a general nature, without a clear specification of the medical intervention.
C. even if the intervention was made in accordance with up-to-date medical knowledge.
D. only if the intervention was made contrary to up-to-date medical knowledge.
E. only if the intervention was made by an unauthorized person.


C. even if the intervention was made in accordance with up-to-date medical knowledge.

Informed consent is considered as an essential principle in medical practice. The patient must be provided with accurate information about the nature, purpose, risks, and benefits of the proposed treatment, and must be able to make an informed decision. The patient should be fully informed of the procedure and the consequences of refusing treatment or failing to provide consent.


15-year-old Jehovah Witness is admitted to hospital. According to the physician on duty, he is in urgent need for blood transfusion due to blood loss. The patient’s parents are against this treatment, while the boy gives consent to it. What
should the physician do?

A) In the case of the parent’s objection to blood transfusion in their child, the physician must not order this treatment; he should replace it with an intravenous therapy accepted by the adolescent patient’s parents.
B) As the boy is over the age of 14, his consent to blood transfusion is legally valid and effective; therefore
the physician is entitled to order the treatment.
C) When consent decisions of an adolescent patient and his parents are in conflict, the decision should be made by a guardianship court.
D) As the boy gives consent to blood transfusion, the physician should order this treatment, and keep it secret from his parents.
E) The physician should have the boy’s parents sign a form certifying that they are aware of their responsibility for their child’s possible death; however, he must not violate their right to make decisions
considering their adolescent child’s treatment.


C) When consent decisions of an adolescent patient and his parents are in conflict, the decision should be made by a guardianship court.


45-year-old athlete with hypogonadism reports to the doctor. According to the Code of Medical Ethics, before
prescribing testosterone, the doctor should : Choose the answer:

A) Obtain consent of patient’s wife
B) Inform the patient’s wife
C) Obtain the consent of the Athletics Federation
D) Inform the Athletics Federation about it
E) Inform the patient about the course of treatment and all its possible consequences


E) Inform the patient about the course of treatment and all its possible consequences


68 year old female patient diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and mild dementia turned to endocrinologist asking for transvaginal examination, because she will soon gibe birth, threatening suicide if they refuse. According to Polish Medical Ethics Code endocrinologist should:

A) Perform the required examination.
B) Propose a patient to increase the dose of antipsychotic medications.
C) Refer patient to a psychiatric outpatient clinic.
D) Immediately consult a psychiatrist.
E) Refuse treatment if the patient does not have a endocrinological problem.


D) Immediately consult a psychiatrist.


90-year-old patient has to undergo cardiac surgery. Afraid that her mental condition deteriorates and would like to give
the possibility to decide on further treatment for her husband. According to ACT of 6 November 2008 on the rights of
patients and the Patient Rights Spokesman it is possible if:

A) Her husband is significantly younger.
B) Husband has at least 25 score in the MMSE.
C) Husband enjoys full civil rights.
D) She will be partially legally incapacitated and her husband appointed her guardian.
E) She will be completely legally incapacitated and her husband appointed her legal representative.


E) She will be completely legally incapacitated and her husband appointed her legal representative.


A consent to include a person having unlimited legal capacity who is not capable to consciously give his/her opinion on a medical experiment may be declared:

1) in case of research experiment by a guardianship court;
2) in case of therapeutic experiment by his/her spouse or another closest person;
3) in case of therapeutic experiment by a guardianship court;
4) in such a person any research experiment is not allowed;
5) in such amsituation a decision is made by an investigator taking into account the necessity of developing medical knowledge.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,5.
B) 2,5.
C) 3,4
D) 2,4.
E) 1,2.


C) 3,4.

According to Polish medical law, a consent to include a person who is not capable of giving their own opinion on a medical experiment due to having unlimited legal capacity may be declared in the following ways:
3) in case of therapeutic experiment by a guardianship court. This is because the guardianship court is responsible for making decisions on behalf of individuals who are unable to make decisions for themselves.


`A dentist set up his private practice after moving into the town where he had not been known before. He had ordered
leaflets with information about his office and sent them to all inhabitants’ post boxes. He promised that the patients
visiting him with the leaflets would have 10% discount on dental procedures and all patients would have a free
inspection of their oral cavity. Is his behavior proper?

A) His behavior bears the hallmarks of advertising, and this is not allowed with respect to dental practice.
B) Giving information about prices was wrong; the other information was useful for patients.
C) A dentist is allowed to use this way of informing patients when starting his/her practice in a new place.
D) This kind of wining over patients is allowed because private dental practice is being run under the
principles of free market.
E) The content of such leaflets must be agreed with the local Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
and only then it is possible to use it.


A) His behavior bears the hallmarks of advertising, and this is not allowed with respect to dental practice.


A doctor confirming death is obliged to:

1) determine (if possible) the identity of remains;
2) consult the documents concerning the health status of the deceased in the period prior to his death;
3) issue “Akt zgonu” (a Death Certificate);
4) notify a relevant prosecutor or police if he suspects the death was caused by a crime;
5) perform an autopsy.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2,3.
B) 2,4,5.
C) 1,2,4
D) 3,4,5
E) 2,3,5


C) 1,2,4


A doctor is going to carry out a medical experiment testing usefulness of the new method of intubation on an
unconscious patient. Such an experiment:

A) Can be carried out after obtaining the permission from the proper Court of Protection.
B) ls acceptable but must be preceded by consultation with at least two doctors, possibly of the same specialty.
C) Can be carried out if the close person, within the meaning of the Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights
Ombudsman Act, expresses their consent.
D) Is generally inadmissible unless obtained results are cognitively significant.
E) Is unacceptable.


E) Is unacceptable.


A doctor who has her individual professional practice which includes mandatory vaccinations was offered an
advantageous proposal of getting cheaper product directly from the vaccine manufacturer. What should the doctor do?

A) Doctor is allowed to take advantage of the proposal if she sells the vaccines over to her patients without additional charges.
B) Doctor is allowed to take advantage of the proposal if she obtains the approval of the district state sanitary inspector.
C) Doctor is not allowed to purchase vaccines from the manufacturer since she is only allowed to buy them in
the public pharmacy.
D) Doctor is not allowed to purchase vaccines from the manufacturer since she is only allowed to buy them in
the pharmaceutical wholesaler.
E) Doctor is not allowed to purchase vaccines from the manufacturer since in the case of compulsory vaccinations the vaccines are distributed exclusively by the Ministry of Health.


E) Doctor is not allowed to purchase vaccines from the manufacturer since in the case of compulsory vaccinations the vaccines are distributed exclusively by the Ministry of Health.


A doctoral student wants to write a scientific article analyzing the data contained from patient history. He applies to the
hospital management with a request for access to medical records of patients. What conditions must be met to obtain

  1. Must be a hospital employee.
  2. Have a positive opinion from the bioethical committee.
  3. Pay the fee as in the
    hospital regulations.
  4. The obtained data must be anonymised.
  5. The data obtained may only be used for scientific
    purposes. Choose your answer:

A) 1,2
B) 3,4
C) 1,5
D) 2,3
E) 4,5


E) 4,5


A legally capacitated adult patient who is in a pharmacological coma is treated in a hospital ward. Previously, he has not authorized physicians to provide information to any third parties. In this case, his doctor may release information about
patient’s health to:

1)his spouse;
2) his parents-in-law,
3) a person remaining with him in cohabitation;
4) a journalist;
5) his legal representative.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2,3
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,5
D) 1,3,5
E) 2,3,5


C) 1,2,5


A major and non-incapacitated person’s objection to taking their cells, organs or tissues after their death (transplantation
ex mortuo) may be declared earlier in the following forms:

1) a declaration of the objection made to the Central Register of Objections;
2) a written declaration with personal signature;
3) a declaration of the objection to the Central Register of Donors and Recipients;
4) presumed;
5) an oral declaration made in the presence of 2 witnesses who confirm it in writing.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2,5.
B) 1,2,4.
C) 3,4,5.
D) 1,4,5.
E) 2,4,5.


A) 1,2,5.


A medical court may punish a physician with the following penalties:

1) reprimand;
2) confiscation of the things used during the offence;
3) a fine to be paid to the appropriate regional chamber of physicians and dentists;
4) suspension from the right to practice the profession for the time of 6 months to 3 years;
5) limitation of freedom for the time of 1 month to 12 months.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,4.
B) 2,3.
C) 3,5.
D) 2,5.
E) 2,4


A) 1,4.


A minor may be the transplantation donor under the following conditions:

  1. the recipient can only be siblings
  2. the recipient can not be a person related to the donor
  3. only the donation of paired organs is allowed
  4. the collection of bone marrow or peripheral hematopoietic cells is not allowed
  5. positive opinion of the District Ombudsman for Patients is necessary

A) 1,4
B) 2,4
C) 3,5
D) 1,5
E) 2,5


D) 1,5


A patient had been admitted to a surgical ward where the doctoral staff consists of equally qualified specialists. The
patient did not want to be operated by the surgeon appointed by the head of the ward. He wanted to be operated by the
head who was not to operate on this day. The patient suggested treating him as a private patient and wanted to pay the
head for the operation. Which conduct should be adopted?

A) The head should stand by his decision who was to operate on the patient.
B) He is allowed to accept additional fee because he had not been expected to operate and the patient
wanted just him.
C) Knowing about equal qualifications of all concerned he would be acting unfriendly and groundlessly if he agreed to change the operator.
D) Allowing for the patient’s particular trust and job organisation the head should accept the patient’s request
and divide the fee between the members of the operating team.
E) Allowing for the patient’s particular trust and job organisation the head should accept the patient’s
request but no extra money should be involved.


E) Allowing for the patient’s particular trust and job organisation the head should accept the patient’s
request but no extra money should be involved.


A patient on admission to the hospital received the declaration to sign: 4€$/ agree to stay in the hospital and the
proposed treatmenta€t. On this basis can a medical intervention be considered legal?

A) Yes, because the patient expressed their consent.
B) No, because the law requires consent only for stay in the hospital.
C) No, the phrase “proposed treatment” does not make medical activities requiring informed consent legal.
D) Yes, it is a sufficient declaration for the whole treatment process, except for research.
E) Polish law does not provide for expressing consent for treatment in the hospital.


C) No, the phrase “proposed treatment” does not make medical activities requiring informed consent legal.


A patient or his legal representative is entitled to declare his objection to the doctor’s opinion or ruling if it affects his
rights or obligations. This objection may be raised to:

A) An adequate provincial governor.
B) A medical committee acting on the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman.
C) The Minister of Health.
D) The manager of the health care institution.
E) A patient does not have this kind of right.


B) A medical committee acting on the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman.


A patient reports to a private healthcare institution to have her breasts enlarged. Unfortunately, she does not speak Polish and none of the doctors can communicate with her. Does treatment in esthetic medicine require informed consent, that is the possibility of direct patient-doctor communication?

A) Yes, the patient should always be informed about the course of any medical intervention and have the possibility for constant communication with their doctor.
B) No, the doctor can think that a patient who shows up for cosmetic surgery understands the matter of
medical intervention well enough.
C) No, it is enough to inform the patient that the medical intervention will be carried out by the medical specialist.
D) No, in the case of esthetic medicine the doctor does not need to obtain informed consent from the patient.
E) Yes, because esthetic medicine requires special patient-doctor relations.


A) Yes, the patient should always be informed about the course of any medical intervention and have the possibility for constant communication with their doctor.


A patient’s husband came to the doctor. He brought his wife’s results of the diagnostic tests and asked the doctor for
prescription drugs and a certificate of temporary incapacity to work for his wife. What should the doctor do?

A) He is not allowed to issue the prescription without personal examination of the patient, but he is allowed
“to issue the certificate.
B) He is allowed to issue the prescription, but should refuse to issue the certificate without personal examination of the patient.
C) He is allowed to issue the prescription and certificate if he considers that the diagnostic test results were prepared by an authorized entity.
D) He is allowed to issue the prescription and certificate if the provision of the health care benefit is not financed by public resources
E) He is not allowed to issue the prescription and certificate without personal examination of the patient.


E) He is not allowed to issue the prescription and certificate without personal examination of the patient.


A pediatrician at a home visit to a 3-year-old child diagnosed an upper airway infection and ordered an antibiotic. Parents do not have a proof of insurance. The pediatrician issued a prescription for a full price. Did he do the right thing? Choose your answer:

A) Yes, a person wishing to benefit from coverage should proof the right to use healthcare services
B) Yes, a child who is not in an employment relationship is never entitled to free use of health care services
C) Yes, the child must always pay the full amount for the medication
D) No, minors may use health care services financed from public funds, irrespective of whether they are
covered by health insurance, provided they have a Polish citizenship or live in the Republic of Poland
E) No, minors under 6 years of age can use health care services financed from public funds, regardless of whether they are covered by health insurance, provided they have a Polish citizenship or live in the
Republic of Poland


D) No, minors may use health care services financed from public funds, irrespective of whether they are
covered by health insurance, provided they have a Polish citizenship or live in the Republic of Poland


A person can be involuntarily hospitalized in a psychiatric ward only when:

A) Such a need is being reported by the patient’s family members.
B) Such a need is seen by his family physician.
C) His behavior indicates that due to his illness he directly threatens his own life or health and the lives of other people.
D)Police recommend it.
E) Law does not regulate compulsory psychiatric hospitalization.


C) His behavior indicates that due to his illness he directly threatens his own life or health and the lives of other people.


A physician is allowed to change or extend the range of an operation when performing it if:

1) before the operation the patient gave consent to a possible change or extension of it;
2) according to the doctor the change or extension is good for the patient;
3) the patient has not been asked for his/her consent to a possible change or extension but not changing or extending it
may expose the patient to a risk of death or serious body or health damage;
4) the patient opposed to change or extension but not changing or extending it may lead to patient’s death;
5) the procedure is being performed in a major patient who was unconscious even before the operation.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,3,5.
B) 2,3,5.
C) 1,2,5.
D) 3,4,5.
E) 1,2,3.


A) 1,3,5.


A physician is allowed to disclose all information about his patient and patient’s environment that he has acquired in the course of his professional activities

A) Always when the physician considers it to be the right thing to do
B) To any other physician.
C) To any person assisting the physician at work or helping him at his professional activities.
D) After obtaining patient’s consent.
E) Always after patient’s death.


D) After obtaining patient’s consent.


A physician is allowed to perform medical procedures without patient’s or his legal representative’s consent only if:

1) there is a need of immediate medical aid and the patient of age is unconscious;
2) there is a need of immediate medical aid and the legal representative of a minor patient is unavailable;
3) when a consent in the name of a patient in age is given by his close relatives;
4) when a patient does not give neither consent nor refusal;
5) there is a need of psychiatric examination of a patient whose behaviour may be dangerous for his or other people life
and health.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,4,5.
B) 2,3,4.
C) 3,4,5.
D) 1,2,5.
E) 1,4,5.


D) 1,2,5.


A physician working for a sport club has been asked by a club body-builder to prescribe anabolics which the athlete has
been buying so far from street dealers. What should the physician do?

A) He should inform the athlete about threats for his health posed by taking anabolics and refuse the request.
B) He should take the decision after consulting the athlete’s coach.
C) He should inform the athlete about threats for his health posed by taking anabolics but if the athlete adheres to his request the physician should fulfill it.
D) He should sent the athlete to the dealers.
E) He should inform the Disciplinary Committee about the fact.


A) He should inform the athlete about threats for his health posed by taking anabolics and refuse the request.


A policeman visits a physician and, in connection with pending criminal proceedings, he wants to hear the doctor and
demands confidential medical information. The doctor can fulfil his demand, provided that:

1) the policeman shows the police badge or ID card
2) the public prosecutor decides to release the doctor from medical confidentiality
3) the court orders to release the doctor from medical confidentiality
4) the patient to which the information relates agrees
5) doctor’s superior agrees.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,5
B) 2,4
C) 2,3
D) 3,4
E) 2,5


D) 3,4


A rehabilitation of a patient addicted to narcotic agents, psychotropic substances or substitutes may be conducted by:
1) a health care institution;
2) a physician in his individual practice;
3) a specialist in psychiatry;
4) a specialist having university degree in non-medical field;
5) a specialist certified in therapy of addictions.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2
B) 3,5
C) 3,4
D) 2,5
E) 1,5


B) 3,5


A representative of an insurance company reported to the doctor with a request to provide the medical documentation of
the patient, who is going to buy life insurance. What should the doctor do? Choose the answer:

A) He cannot provide documentation, because it would be a breach of medical confidentiality.
B) He can provide documentation if the representative of the insurance company proves a legal interest.
C) He can provide documentation, because it is in the patient’s interest.
D) He can provide documentation if the patient agrees.
E) He can provide documentation if the Insurance Ombudsman agrees.


D) He can provide documentation if the patient agrees.


A surgeon carries out a retrospective comparative analysis of several operational methods to find out which of them
yields better long-term therapeutic results. For this purpose he invites the patients, collects their clinical histories, and
performs clinical examination and a set of diagnostic laboratory and instrumental tests. Does he have to apply for the
acceptation of the Bioethical Committee?

A) No, because this type of research is qualified as a control study.
B) Yes, if any of the elements of examination is an increased-risk procedure.
C) No, if the patients give valid consent to the participation in the study.
D) Yes, because all research projects in which medical examinations are performed for scientific reasons only
must be approved by the bioethical commission.
E) No, if the medical examinations performed during the study are typical of the illness, which was the reason
for the surgical procedure.


D) Yes, because all research projects in which medical examinations are performed for scientific reasons only
must be approved by the bioethical commission.


Access to medical records can be charged if:
1) medical records are shared at the premises of a health care facility;
2) extracts or copies are prepared by a health care facility;
3) an original copy is given for return;
4) an electronic extract or a copy is prepared;
5) it concerns records older than 10 years.
The correct answer is:

A) 2,5
B) 3,4
C) 1,3
D) 2,4
E) 3,5


D) 2,4


According to KEL (Code of Medical Ethics), Regional Medical Chambers are not obliged to supervise: Choose your

A) Doctors to obey the law
B) Doctors to follow the rules of ethics
C) Doctors, to abide by the principles of deontology
D) That doctors take care of the dignity of the medical profession
E) That the law does not violate the rules of medical ethics


A) Doctors to obey the law


According to KEL (Code of Medical Ethics), the rules of medical ethics oblige the doctor to: Choose the answer:

A) Absolute obedience to current law
B) Acting in accordance with social conscience
C) Helping the sick while risking their own life
D) Taking care of the dignity of the medical profession
E) Disclosure of medical confidentiality to the closest family of the patient


D) Taking care of the dignity of the medical profession


According to KEL, it is not a violation of medical confidentiality to disclose information about a patient’s health status: any other doctor
2. to any other doctor, if it is necessary to treat the patient
3. if hiding this information would
endanger the health or life of other people or the patient himself
4. to any other assisting doctor in the amount necessary
in order for the persons to perform their tasks properly
5. in any case, if the doctor thinks that it will be beneficial to the
patient. Choose your answer:

A) 5
B) 1
C) 2,3,4
D) 2,3
E) 2,4


C) 2,3,4


According to the Act on Cemeteries and Burial of the Deceased, a doctor declaring a death should:

  1. report the case to the sanitary inspector if he thinks that the death was related to the occurrence of an infectious
  2. report the case to the commissioner of children’s rights if he thinks that the childs death was caused by domestic
  3. report the matter to the police or prosecutors office if he suspects that the death occurred as a result of the crime,
  4. notify the closest persons who are authorized to burial of the deceased person,
  5. report the death to the appropriate registry office, appropriate to the place of issuing the death certificate.

A) 1,2,3
B) 1,3
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2
E) All


B) 1,3


According to the Code of Medical Ethics the decision to stop the resuscitation is taken by:

A) Medical consultation.
B) Head of the hospital ward or their substitute
C) Hospital ethics committee.
D) Manager of a relevant medical facility.
E) Doctor and is associated with the assessment of medicinal chances.


E) Doctor and is associated with the assessment of medicinal chances.


According to the Law on the profession of doctors and dentists, a doctor receives the protection provided for the public
1) after obtaining the title of specialist;
2) if they provide health care services financed from public funds;
3) if they are employed under an employment relationship in a medicinal business entity;
4) if they are engaged in emergency services;
5) if they provide health care services in urgent cases.
The correct answer is:

A) 1
B) 2,5
C) 3,4
D) 2,4
E) 4,5


E) 4,5


According to the Medical Code of Ethics, working in scientific societies:

A) Is obligatory until the end of work
B) Is obligatory until the end of the specialization training
C) Is obligatory for doctors with a scientific title
D) ls recommended
E) Medical Code of Ethics does not refer to work in scientific organizations


D) ls recommended


According to the Polish Code of Medical Ethics are donors of cells, tissues or organs for transplantation allowed to get
paid for their cells, tissues or organs?

A) Yes
B) Yes, but only for organs
C) There is no relevant provision in the Code
D) No
E) Possible payment depends on the donor’s decision


D) No


According to the Polish Code of Medical Ethics is medical secrecy absolute, or does the Code provide for exceptions to
this principle?

A) It is absolute secrecy.
B) Code provides derogations from medical secrecy.
C) There is no relevant provision in the Code.
D) Code refers to the relevant legislation.
E) Relevant provision applies only to surgeons.


B) Code provides derogations from medical secrecy.


According to the article 5 of the Act on medical activity, the doctor may perform a medical activity in the form of: Choose the answer:

A) Individual specialist medical practice only at the place of summons
B) Group specialist medical practice
C) Individual medical practice in the form of a partner company
D) Group medical practice only in a medical facility based on a contract with a medical entity running this facility
E) Group medical practice in the form of a joint-stock company


A) Individual specialist medical practice only at the place of summons


Admission to a psychiatric hospital without patient’s consent is possible with a decision of:

A) Any physician reading medical report of the patient.
B) An appointed physician after personal examination of the patient.
C) An appointed physician after personal examination of the patient and, if only possible, having opinion of a
second psychiatrist or psychologist.
D) A physician based on the opinion of relatives or other persons presenting credible information on patient’s
E) A physician based on the opinion of police.


C) An appointed physician after personal examination of the patient and, if only possible, having opinion of a second psychiatrist or psychologist.


After examining the patient, the doctor determined that surgery was necessary. The patient demands confirmation of the
diagnosis and proposed treatment by the medical board and he wants the doctor to arrange it. What should the doctor

A) He must organize the consilium, because the patient’s request is binding for him.
B) He must organize a consilium, but only if he remains in an employment relationship.
C) He may refuse, but only if he has the title of specialist.
D) He may refuse after obtaining the consent of his supervisor.
E) He may refuse, if he considers that its organization is not justified in terms of the requirements of medical


E) He may refuse, if he considers that its organization is not justified in terms of the requirements of medical


After having a conversation with a terminally ill patient’s family, and presuming that the awareness of the actual
diagnosis and prognosis would have a devastating effect on the patient, the physician decides not to inform her.
However, the patient suspects the truth and confronts the physician, demanding full disclosure. What should the
physician do?

A) The physician’s initial decision not to disclose the diagnosis and prognosis to the patient was wrong.
B) The physician should convince the patient that he has already told her the entire truth about her illness.
C) The physician should consult the patient’s family to find out what to do.
D) The physician should ask another doctor for an opinion whether or not to tell the truth to the patient.
E) In this case, the physician should reveal the actual diagnosis and prognosis to the patient.


E) In this case, the physician should reveal the actual diagnosis and prognosis to the patient.


An adult Jehovah’s Witness is admitted to hospital with acute symptoms indicating the need for urgent surgery. After a
brief examination, the anesthesiologist on duty concludes that the patient needs blood transfusion. The patient does not
give consent to it, and he confirms his refusal in writing. What should the surgeon do?

A) He should refuse to perform surgery because of the level of risk.
B) He should perform surgery, and, if necessary, give blood to the patient without informing him about this
“part of the treatment.
C) He should respect the patient’s will and perform the surgery without blood transfusion.
D) He should perform surgery; if necessary, he should give blood to the patient and inform him about this part of the treatment as soon as possible.
E) He should apply to the guardianship court for the permission to act without the patient’s consent.


D) He should perform surgery; if necessary, he should give blood to the patient and inform him about this part of the treatment as soon as possible.


An insurer turns to a doctor asking for an access to the medical records of his patient. The insurer is going to sell the
patient life insurance. What should the doctor do?

A) He cannot share the records whatsoever because it would be the disclosure of medical confidentiality.
B) He may share the records on condition that the insurer indicates a legal interest.
C) He may share the records because it is in the interest of the patient.
D) He may share the records after obtaining the patient’s consent.
E) He may share the records after obtaining the Insured Rights Ombudsman’s consent.


D) He may share the records after obtaining the patient’s consent.


Applying direct physical restrains towards a patient by a physician not only by the means of holding them down or
compulsory drug administration but, if needed, also by immobilizing or by isolating them:

A) Is allowed only in the case of mentally disturbed patient who endangers hisor other people’s life or health,
endangers public safety or his violent behaviour destroys or damages objects surrounding him.
B) Is not allowed in any case, because it constitutes a violation of patients rights, to which the patient is
entitled as a human being and citizen. These rights are guaranteed by the Polish Constitution.
C) Is allowed in the case of any patient under any circumstances, when the physician considers it personally
the right thing to do.
D) Is allowed in the case of mentally disturbed patient who by his behaviour seriously interferes with the
functioning of the health care unit or prevents it from functioning.
E) ls allowed in the case of any patient under any circumstances, if the patient has been diagnosed with
mental disturbances.


A) Is allowed only in the case of mentally disturbed patient who endangers hisor other people’s life or health,
endangers public safety or his violent behaviour destroys or damages objects surrounding him.


Autopsy generally cannot be performed within:

A) 6 hours from a declaration of death.
B) 12 hours from a declaration of death.
C) 24 hours from a declaration of death.
D) 12 hours from issuing a death certificate.
E) 24 hours from the approval of a person close to the deceased.


B) 12 hours from a declaration of death.


Autopsy may be performed within 12 hours of the confirmation of death when:

A) Prosecutor investigating the case of manslaughter demands it.
B) There is a need to take of the body cells, tissues or organs.
C) Death occurred for reasons that are not possible to determine clearly.
D) Determination of the cause of death is necessary to exclude liability of the therapeutic entity for a medical
E) Close person, within the meaning of the Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights Ombudsman Act, req


B) There is a need to take of the body cells, tissues or organs.


Brain death has been diagnosed in an accident victim taken to a hospital. Doctors want to take his organs for transplantation. In order to make it possible:

A) The victim’s family must give consent.
B) Living will of the victim to give his organs for transplantation is needed.
C) A tutelary/guardianship court must approve it.
D) It must be checked whether the victim has not opposed to it before his death.
E) An approval of a local Ethics Committee is needed.


D) It must be checked whether the victim has not opposed to it before his death.


Did Hippocrates support euthanasia?!?

A) Yes.
B) Only in special cases.
C) He opposed euthanasia.
D) He ignored euthanasia.
E) He let patients decide.


C) He opposed euthanasia.


Direct coercion procedures in the form of immobilization or isolation of a patient, according to the principles of medical
ethics and law, may be used for no more than:

A) 8hours.
B) 4 hours and, if needed, after a personal examination immobilization may be prolonged for 6 hours periods.
C) 10 hours.
D) There is no time limit for such procedures.
E) A maximum of 24 hours.


B) 4 hours and, if needed, after a personal examination immobilization may be prolonged for 6 hours periods.


Do the Declaration of Helsinki and the GCP principles apply to medical experiments carried out in Poland?

A) Only the Helsinki Declaration.
B) Only in special cases.
C) Only the GCP principles.
D) Yes.
E) No.


D) Yes.


Doctor who want to make use of the conscience clause are required to:
1) obtain the consent of their superiors;
2) inform the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights;
3) indicate the real possibility of obtaining the same service from another physician;
4) register and justify this fact in medical records;
5) apply for authorization to the competent court.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2.
B) 1,3.
C) 3,4.
D) Only 5.
E) 4,5.


C) 3,4.


Doctors must not use:

1) methods recognized by science as harmful;
2) methods recognized by science as useless;
3) methods which have not been scientifically verified;
4) expensive methods;
5) drugs outside the Summary of Medicinal Product Characteristics.
The correct answer is:

A) All
B) 1,2,3
C) 1,2,3,5
D) 4,5
E) 1,5


B) 1,2,3


Doctors providing health services under contract can withdraw from treatment of their patients if there is no emergency
and if:

A) They warn their patients or their legal representatives or their actual guardians about the intention of
withdrawing from treatment.
B) They indicate real possibility of receiving these services from another doctor or therapeutic entity.
C) Patients do not object.
D) A and B are correct.
E) A, B and C are correct.


D) A and B are correct.



A) Can advertise only in the health sections of newspapers.
B) Can advertise only on the Internet.
C) Must not advertise at all.
D) Can give their permission to use their surnames and profiles for advertising purposes.
E) Can advertise only on one billboard placed on the outside of the building.


C) Must not advertise at all.


Does the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine contain provisions on creating human embryos for research purposes?

A) No
B) Recommends creating embryos for research purposes.
C) It prohibits creating embryos for research purposes.
D) It leaves the decision to researchers.
E) It leaves the decision to parents.


C) It prohibits creating embryos for research purposes.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics allow a physician to participate in procedures causing heritable genetic changes
in a human?

A) Only for therapeutic purposes.
B) Yes.
C) Only in embryos.
D) No.
E) Yes, only in the case of neoplasmatic disease.


D) No.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics allow to take bone marrow from a child?

A) Only up to the age of two.
B) No.
C) Only from females.
D) Only from males.
E) Yes


E) Yes


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics contain a provision concerning a risk associated with a therapeutic experiment?

A) No.
B) It refers to the legal provisions.
C) Yes.
D) The Code does not deal with medical experiments.
E) There is only a provision concerning DNA.


C) Yes.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics contain a provision concerning maintaining life of the parts of the human body
after patients death?

A) No
B) Yes, this provision concern transplantation.
C) Yes, this provision concerns road accidents.
D) Yes, this provision concerns brain cells.
E) Yes, this provision concerns terminal conditions.


B) Yes, this provision concern transplantation.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics contain a provision on causing heritable genetic changes in humans?

A) The Code does not deal with genetics.
B) Only an indirect one.
C) The Code refers here to the law.
D) It prohibits inducing heritable genetic changes in humans.
E) It recommends inducing positive heritable genetic changes in humans.


D) It prohibits inducing heritable genetic changes in humans.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics contain a provision on euthanasia?

A) There is no such provision.
B) The Code recommends physicians exercising euthanasia.
C) The Code prohibits physicians from exercising euthanasia.
D) The Code leaves decision to physicians.
E) The Code leaves decision to patients.


C) The Code prohibits physicians from exercising euthanasia.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics identify the human embryo with a human?

A) Yes, except for Down syndrome.
B) No, it does not.
C) Yes, it does.
D) It does not say.
E) It leaves the issue open.


C) Yes, it does.


Does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics include an article concerning human cloning?

A) Yes, the Code prohibits the doctor from cloning humans.
B) No, the Code does not regulate this issue.
C) Yes, the Code allows therapeutic cloning.
D) Yes, the Code allows cloning for reproductive purposes.
E) Yes, the Code recommends that the doctor should do it.


A) Yes, the Code prohibits the doctor from cloning humans.


Does the Polish Medical Code of Ethics allow to renounce resuscitation in terminal states?

A) Yes, only with the lawyer’s consent.
B) Yes.
C) No.
D) Yes, only in neoplastic diseases.
E) There is no such regulation in the Code.


B) Yes.


Does the Polish Medical Code of Ethics include an article concerning so called presumed consent in transplantology?

A) No, the article concerns relative consent.
B) Yes.
C) No.
D) Yes, the article concerns family’s consent.
E) Yes, it recommends informed consent.


B) Yes.


Does the Polish Medical Code of Ethics include any articles concerning biomedical experiments?

A) No.
B) Yes, it refers to the decree of the Minister of Health.
C) Yes.
D) Yes, only concerning experiments on embryos.
E) No, this is not an ethical problem.


C) Yes.


During an operation on a patient under general anesthesia a new circumstance occurs, namely a need to expand the
operating field. Before the operation the patient, who is of legal age and capacitation, expressed neither his consent nor
objection to that. Such an operation is permissible if:

1) doctor obtains consent of the legal representative of the patient;
2) patient’s close person expresses their consent;
3) excluding this new circumstance would threaten patient’s life, cause severe body injury or health dysfunction;
4) doctor, if possible, consults another doctor of the same as far as possible specialty;
5) only if there is a direct threat to the life of the patient.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2
B) 3,4
C) 2,4
D) 4,5
E) 1,5


B) 3,4


Hitting the person who is a physician’s patient by this physician:

A) Is allowed always when patient has earlier hit or insulted the physician or a nurse.
B) Is not allowed, because hitting a patient by a member of medical staff does not belong to the catalog of the means for restraining patients physically, cases of which are allowed by the law, under strict
C) Is always allowed when the physician considers it to be the right thing to do.
D) Is always allowed when the patient is underage or the patient’s rights to decide about himself have been
limited as a result of proper law procedure.
E) ls allowed when the patient has been earlier diagnosed with mental disturbances.


B) Is not allowed, because hitting a patient by a member of medical staff does not belong to the catalog of the means for restraining patients physically, cases of which are allowed by the law, under strict


How the Polish Code of Medical Ethics regulates the question of the doctor’s use of persistent therapy: Choose the

A) It suggests the use of such therapy
B) It prohibits the use of such therapy
C) It allows withdrawal from the use of persistent therapy
D) It does not contain such regulations, but refers to legal regulations
E) It orders the use of persistent therapy


C) It allows withdrawal from the use of persistent therapy


If a prosecutor confirms that a pregnancy is a result of a rape, Polish law allows termination of the pregnancy:

A) Unless the fetus is mature enough to survive out of mother’s organism.
B) Up to the 12th week of gestation.
C) Up to the 22nd week of gestation.
D) Within 2 weeks of the date of the prosecutor’s decision.
E) In this case Polish law does not allow the termination of pregnancy.


B) Up to the 12th week of gestation.


In Poland (as in many other countries in Europe) physician’s membership in a particular medical self-government
structure (a regional chamber of physicians and dentists):

A) Depends entirely on the willingness of a doctor.
B) Is mandatory only for physicians working in health care facilities of the Ministry of Defence.
C) Is mandatory only for physicians working in health care facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.
D)Is obligatory by law.
E)The law does not regulate this issue.


D)Is obligatory by law.


In accordance with the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights, there are regional commities,
examining the so-called “medical events” by which we understand: Choose answer:

A) Negligence or inaction by the doctor, resulting in death or serious damage to the patient’s health
B) Performing a non-therapeutic procedure on the individual by a physician leading an individual or group
practice without the patient’s consent
C) Improper organization of procedures for the provision of health services in the enterprise of a medical
entity, culpable by the director.
D) Performing a medical procedure not in accordance with the requirements resulting from the Patient Rights
Act, as a result of which the patient’s right to intimacy and dignity has been violated
E) Infecting the patient with a biological pathogen, injury to the patient, patient’s health or death resulting
from inadequate treatment


E) Infecting the patient with a biological pathogen, injury to the patient, patient’s health or death resulting
from inadequate treatment


In accordance with the principle of ‘therapeutic privilege’, the physician has the right to limit the information passed on to
the patient about his health if:
1) if the prognosis is unfavorable to the patient
2) only in chronic incurable diseases
3) for the patient’s good
4) at the request of relatives in accordance with the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Patients’ Rights
5) in case of obtaining consent of the guardianship court . Choose the correct answer:

A) 1,2,5
B) 3,5
C) 1,4,5
D) 1,3
E) 2,4,5


D) 1,3


In case of a conflict between physician knowledge and his conscience Polish Code of Medical Ethics:

A) Orders the follow exclusively the voice of conscience.
B) The Code leaves the doctor the freedom act according to conscience and knowledge.
C) Orders the proceedings in accordance exclusively with contemporary knowledge.
D) The Code does not deal with matters of conscience.
E) Code not evaluate ethically, act in accordance or not with the medical knowledge.


B) The Code leaves the doctor the freedom act according to conscience and knowledge.


In case of a patient’s death, which occurred in the hospital, the declaration of death is stated by:

1) the doctor treating the patient;
2) only the head of the ward;
3) doctor on duty;
4) doctor authorized by the hospital director;
5) only specialist of
forensic medicine. The correct answer is:

A) 1,2
B) 1,3
C) 2,4
D) 2,3
E) 5


B) 1,3


In connection with preparing a patient for major orthopedic surgery the doctor called the nurse on the phone and delegated her to give the patient 40mg of enoxaparin subcutaneously. The nurse refused claiming that because of the preventive nature of the order she should receive it in writing. In this case:

A) Nurse was right because a verbal order can be issued only in emergency medical conditions
B) Nurse was right because the legislation does not provide for issuing orders to nurses at all.
C) Nurse was wrong because the law allows for the verbal issuance of preventive orders.
D) Assessment of the admissibility of issuing verbal orders depends on the contents of therapeutic entity regulations that should govern these matters
E) Assessment of the admissibility of issuing verbal orders depends on the fact whether or not the doctor is a holder of medical specialization.


A) Nurse was right because a verbal order can be issued only in emergency medical conditions


In order to perform surgery on patients who came of age and are legally capacitated one has to obtain their consent:

1) in pen;
2) through form filling;
3) informed:
4) implied;
5) prior to the planned surgery.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,3,5
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,4,5
E) 2,4,5


A) 1,3,5


In particularly justified cases, a doctor may refuse to treat or to continue treating the patient. However, he cannot do this:

A) If the patient is in hospital.
B) In urgent cases where there is a threat to the patient’s life.
C) If the service has already been paid.
D) When he received the order from his superior.
E) When the patient has not chance to receive another doctor’s assistance immediately.


B) In urgent cases where there is a threat to the patient’s life.


In the case of patient’s death which occurred in a hospital, death certificate is made:

1) by the physician treating the patient;
2) only by the head of the department;
3) by the physician on duty;
4) by the physician authorized by the hospital manager;
5) only by a forensic medical specialist.
The correct answers is:

A) 1,2
B) 1,3
C) 2,4
D) 2,3
E) 5


B) 1,3


In the case of unfavorable prognosis for the patient the doctor:

1) should inform the patient with tact and caution;
2) may not inform the patient if deeply convinced that the news will make the patient suffer badly;
3) may not inform the patient if deeply convinced that the consequences of the news will be detrimentatlo the patient’s
4) must provide information on the patient’s explicit request;
5) may inform the person in respect of whom he is convinced that this person acts in the interests of the patient.
The correct answer is:

A) All
B) 1,5
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2,3,4
E) 1,3,5


D) 1,2,3,4


In the event of the death of a patient from injury or poisoning the medical records must be kept:

A) For 10 years from the last entry.
B) For 30 years from the end of the year in which the death occurred.
C) For a period specified by the judicial authorities (in each case individually).
D) As decided by the manager of a health care institution.
E) There is no such legal regulation.


B) For 30 years from the end of the year in which the death occurred.


In what circumstances, according to the Polish Code of Medical Ethics, the doctor should sustain the functioning of cells,
tissues and organs after the declaration of brain death?

A) If they are to be examined.
B) If they are to be transplanted.
C) If they are not to be transplanted.
D) If required by the CPR.
E) After the CPR.


B) If they are to be transplanted.


Is a physician, according to the Polish Medical Code of Ethics (MCE), allowed to break the patient confidentiality if the patient agrees?

A) No.
B) There is no appropriate regulation in MCE (KEL).
C) Yes.
D) Only at the court.
E) Medical privacy is unconditional.


C) Yes.


Is it allowed, according to the Polish Medical Code of Ethics, to perform a medical experiment involving people without
supervision of a physician:

A) Yes.
B) Only when under the supervision of a pharmacologist.
C) Only in extraordinary situations.
D) No.
E) There is no appropriate regulation.


D) No.


Medical Rescue Team was called to a man who fell down the stairs. The rescue doctor found out that the patient hit
himself hard in the back and stays in a lying position on the spot where he fell. The patient refuses to be taken to the
hospital. What should the doctor do in light of the medical law?

A) Taking into consideration that the patient can be a subject to severe bodily harm, the doctor is allowed to
move the patient to the hospital against his will
B) In the presence of two witnesses the doctor should make sure that the patient maintains his refusal and if
so leave him on the spot.
C) Provide information on the potential effects of the injury and suggested diagnostics and then follow the patient’s will,
D) Notify the psychiatrist, appointed by the province governor, who can take a decision about forced
E) Note down the patient’s refusal in the medical documentation and leave him on the spot


A) Taking into consideration that the patient can be a subject to severe bodily harm, the doctor is allowed to
move the patient to the hospital against his will


Medical duty is understood in Polish law as physician’s professional activities performed:

1) in normal working time;
2) in a healthcare institution designed for patients requiring twenty-four hour health care services;
3) in overtime;
4) in time outside normal working hours, but calculated as working time;
5) and paid with the addition of 200% of the hourly rate calculated of the minimum wage.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,5.
B) 2,3.
C) 2,4
D) 3,5.
E) 4,5.


C) 2,4


Mental Health Protection Act allows for the use of direct coercion against a patient in the form of:

A) Administration of painful injections.
B) Physical restraint, immobilization, isolation, and drug administration.
C) Only drug administration.
D) Isolation in specially prepared rooms.
E) Act does not define the powers of health workers in this matter and leaves it to doctor’s individual


B) Physical restraint, immobilization, isolation, and drug administration.


One of the forms of specialization is the so-called civil-Law contract. Which of the following does it contain?
1) it is signed with the entity conducting the specialization training
2) it is signed with a specialist doctor conducting his own professional practice
3) under the contract, the entity may not charge a specialist physician
4) the contract is signed for at least 5 years
5) the contract contains mutual obligations between the entity and the specialist physician
The correct answers are:

A) 1 and 3
B) 2 and 5
C) 1 and 5
D) 2 and 4
E) 1,3,5


C) 1 and 5


Patient’s contacts with clergymen:

A) Are a condition for quick recovery.
B) Can only take place in the hospital chapel.
C) Depend on the decision of the family and doctor on duty.
D) Are among the patient’s basic rights.
E) Are possible only during visiting hours.


D) Are among the patient’s basic rights.


Patient’s corpse must undergo autopsy when:

1) that person died within 12 hours from his admission to the hospital;
2) requested by a legal representative of the deceased;
3) the death cause cannot be defined unequivocally;
4) asked by the Patients’ Rights Ombudsman;
5) it is suspected that the death occurred as a result of the crime.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,2
B) 2,5
C) 3,5
D) 2,4
E) 1,3


C) 3,5


Patient’s rights to the use of fair, based on medical criteria, procedures for establishing the order of access to health
services do not include:

A) Urgent cases in patients treated chronically.
B) Medically stable patients.
C) Health or life emergencies.
D) Medical interventions in aesthetic medicine and dentistry.
E) Patients treated palliatively.


C) Health or life emergencies.


Polish Code of Medical Ethics regulating the behaviour of doctors in the modern world directly relates to:

A) Internet.
B) Social portal.
C) Therapeutic cloning.
D) Answers A,B,C are true.
E) Answers A,B,C are false.


C) Therapeutic cloning.


Proceedings at a medical court were instituted against a physician. The defendant doctor may be assisted by counsel.
This may be:
1) another physician;
2) any designated agent;
3) professional liability screener of the regional chamber of physicians and dentists, a chamber before which the
proceedings are taking place;
4) solicitor;
5) judge ruling on criminal matters.
The correct answer is:

A) 2
B) 1,3
C) 4,5
D) 1,4
E) 3,5


D) 1,4


Pursuant to the Act on Medical Activity, a doctor may be required to perform on-call duty, that is, to be ready to provide health services if called by phone. Select the correct answer.
1. such duty may only be performed by a specialist doctor
2. such duty may last a maximum of 3 hours a day.
3. For each hour of duty, a remuneration amounting to 50% of the hourly
rate of basic salary shall be payable.
4. a physician may be required to be on duty only in the event of natural disasters
5. Employees in medical professions and holding higher education degrees may be obliged to perform such duty. Choose
the answer:

A) 3,4
B) 1,3
C) 2,3
D) 3,5
E) 4,5


D) 3,5


Regional commissions deciding on medical events deal with matters relating to medical events concerning health care
services provided exclusively:

A) By dental practitioners.
B) In hospitals.
C) By physicians in individual practices.
D) By physicians in group medical practices.
E) By non-physician health care professionals.


B) In hospitals.


The Hippocratic oath prohibits:

A) Invitro fertilization.
B) Abortion.
C) Contraception.
D) Answers A,B,C are true.
E) Answers A,B,C are false.


B) Abortion.


The Law on medical activity provides for the possibility of requiring a doctor to perform co-called telephone duty, or standby to provide health services:

1) only specialists can be committed for such duty;
2) order to perform such duty can be issued only in the event of natural disasters;
3) duration of such duty shall not exceed three hours for 24 hours;
4) for each hour of such duty a doctor is entitled to remuneration in the amount of 50% of hourly basic salary;
5) employees with higher education who perform medical profession, and are employed in the hospital can be committed
for such duty.
The correct answer is

A) 2,4.
B) 1,4
C) 3,4
D) 4,5.
E) 2,5.


C) 3,4


The Polish Code of Medical Ethics provides that “in terminal stages, the doctor is not required to take up and pursue
resuscitation or persistent medical treatment nor emergency measures”. Persistent medical treatment is:

A) Set of medical activities, with no chance of treatment effect, which lose their justification because of
ensuing infringement on the patient’s goods.
B) Set of medical activities economically unjustified.
C) Carrying on medical intervention at the request of the family.
D) Forcing the doctor to take medical action against his will and medical experience.
E) Unnecessary pain or suffering directed against man with no chance of treatment effect.


A) Set of medical activities, with no chance of treatment effect, which lose their justification because of
ensuing infringement on the patient’s goods.


The act on medical and dental professions states that the doctor is obliged to:

A) Provide medical assistance only when on duty.
B) Provide medical assistance always when delay may cause a danger for life, serious body harm or serious
danger for health.
C) Provide medical assistance to everyone even when there is no life or health in danger.
D) Provide medical assistance when the way of payment is set.
E) There are no legal regulation concerning the provision of medical assistance.


B) Provide medical assistance always when delay may cause a danger for life, serious body harm or serious
danger for health.


The act on therapeutic activities provides a possibility to introduce the so called opt-out clause. This construction allows
for the following:

A) It is possible to employ pregnant women for night shifts.
B) Working time accounting period is extended up to 12 months.
C) Standard day working time may be increased up to 14 hours.
D) Employer is excused from the obligation to grant the employee a leave for the maximum period of 3 years.
E) Employee may work in excess of an average of 48 hours per week in the accounting period.


E) Employee may work in excess of an average of 48 hours per week in the accounting period.


The active electoral right in the selection of the organs of the medical chamber has:

A) Every member of the medical chamber
B) A doctor who has not been punished by imprisonment
C) A doctor who has been working professionally for two years
D) A doctor having a 5-year work experience
E)A doctor who has been a member of the chamber for 3 years


A) Every member of the medical chamber


The doctor fill out the death certificate of:

A) The deceased; at the request of their close persons within the meaning of the Act on Patients’ Rights and
the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights.
B) Stillborn children, irrespective of the duration of gestation, in each case.
C) Stillborn children, irrespective of the duration of gestation, on a proposal from the persons entitled to give
the burial.
D) Stillborn children if the gestation lasted at least 22 weeks.
E) The deceased; at the request of the registry office or cemetery administration.


C) Stillborn children, irrespective of the duration of gestation, on a proposal from the persons entitled to give
the burial.


The doctor has an obligation to provide medical assistance:

A) Only when being on duty.
B) In any case when delay may cause a danger of Loss of life, serious health disorder or in other urgent cases.
C) When principles of payment are stated.
D) The rules of ethics does not govern situations in which a physician has a duty to provide assistance.
E) In any situation concerning a minor.


B) In any case when delay may cause a danger of Loss of life, serious health disorder or in other urgent cases.


The doctor is accused of causing imminent danger of serious damage to health. Can he at the same time incur criminal and professional liability?

A) No, he can only be on trial by criminal court.
B) No, he can only be on trial by medical court.
C) Yes, because criminal proceedings are pending regardless of professional conduct.
D) Yes, if the parallel proceedings are determined by the Prosecutor General and the President of the
Supreme Medical Council.
E) Criminal liability can be abolished if the Judge of the Medical Court requests it.


C) Yes, because criminal proceedings are pending regardless of professional conduct.


The doctor is allowed by the Code of Medical Ethics and the law not to inform the patient about his health:

A) On request of the patient’s family.
B) If the patient wishes not to be informed.
C) On superiors’ order.
D) When the diagnosis is inauspicious.
E) When the patient is a minor.


B) If the patient wishes not to be informed.


The doctor received by one of the social networking sites symptoms, test results and the photos of skin 34 year old
woman indicating the systemic lupus erythematosus. In accordance with the Polish Code of Medical Ethics he/she should:

A) Propose a visit to his/her office for two months.
B) Communicate his/her opinion to this woman through the Internet and recommending the drugs an online
C) Communicate his/her opinion to this woman through the internet recommending a visit to the doctor.
D) Communicate all suggestions on the portal.
E) Refer the matter to the Patient Ombudsman.


C) Communicate his/her opinion to this woman through the internet recommending a visit to the doctor.


The doctor was summoned as a witness in criminal proceedings regarding a medical error resulting in a patient’s death.
93 A female patient comes to the … In this case, the doctor may disclose information covered by medical confidentiality when: Choose your answer:

A) The prosecutor conducting the case consents.
B) The consent is expressed by the court.
C) Consent is given by the spouse of the deceased patient.
D) A police officer interrogating a doctor will demand it, upon presentation of a professional ID card.
E) Remaining in the employment relationship, the doctor will obtain the consent from their superior.


B) The consent is expressed by the court.


The formal bodies of a regional chamber of physicians and dentists are, among others:
1) regional medical assembly;
2) regional doctors’ ombudsman;
3) regional patients’ ombudsman;
4) regional medical council;
5) regional agent for the postgraduate education of physicians and dentists.
The correct answer is:

A) 2,4
B) 1,4
C) 1,5
D) 2,3
E) 2,5


B) 1,4


The law states that the patient or his legal representative has a right to object to the opinion or decision of a doctor, if it
affects the rights and obligations of the patient. The objection may be lodged with:

A) Voivode, who is the founding body of the health care facility.
B) Medical committee operating at the Patients’ Rights Ombudsman.
C) Minister of Health.
D) Director of the healthcare facility.
E) Patient has no such right.


B) Medical committee operating at the Patients’ Rights Ombudsman.


The only chance for treatment of an unconscious 18-year-old patient is his participation in a medical experiment. In accordance with legal regulations:

A) He has to die.
B) In this situation, not the Polish regulations but the Oviedo Convention applies.
C) The doctor may decide himself after consulting the Regional Medical Chamber.
D) Consent may be given by his mother.
E) Consent may be given by the guardianship court.


E) Consent may be given by the guardianship court.


The patient did not consent to dialysis. According to the Code of Medical Ethics, the doctor in the above situation: Choose
the correct answer:

A) May cease to provide the patient with medical care
B) Should put the patient under general anesthesia and perform the procedure
C) Should wait until the patient loses consciousness and perform the procedure
D) Should continue to provide the patient with medical care, if possible
E) None of the above answers is correct


D) Should continue to provide the patient with medical care, if possible


The patient’s disease has a bad prognosis. Can the doctor not inform the patient about his condition?
1. yes, but he must consult with a close relative of the patient
2. no, because the doctor is obliged to always inform the patient about unfavorable prognosis
3. yes, if it considers that this is a special situation and the information would have a bad effect on the patient’s condition
4. yes, but at the patient’s request he must tell the truth
5. yes, after consulting with another doctor

A) 1 and 4
B) Only 2
C) 3 and 4
D) 3 and 5
E) 1 and 5


C) 3 and 4


The principles of medical ethics of the Code of Medical Ethics result from:

A) Decisions of the National Convention of Doctors.
B) General ethical standards
C) Christian ethics.
D) Tradition.
E) Hippocratic Oath.


B) General ethical standards


The professional secrecy includes:

A) Everything that a physician finds during examination and that concerns treatment and prognosis
B) Everything that a physician finds when practicing profession and that concerns patient or his/her environment.
C) Everything that has been declared as confidential by the patient.
D) Everything that, when revealed, may harm the patient.
E) Everything that a physician finds when practicing profession and that concerns patient’s disease and the physician’s activities.


B) Everything that a physician finds when practicing profession and that concerns patient or his/her environment.


The restrictions on a patient’s rights due to the organisational capacity of a health care provider may concern:

A. the patient’s right to contact the provider in person, by phone or mail.
B. the patient’s right to their own privacy and dignity.
C. the patient’s right to be treated for pain.
D. the patient’s right to obtain information.
E. the patient’s right to give consent..


A. the patient’s right to contact the provider in person, by phone or mail.


The so-called opt-out clause, which allows doctors to work for more than average 48 hours a week in a defined
accounting period, can be introduced in the health care institution (ZOZ), provided that:

1) the consent is given by a relevant regional medical chamber council;
2) a physician gives his/her consent in writing;
3) accounting period does not exceed 4 months;
4) a health care institution (ZOZ) does not provide continuous services;
5) physicians are entitled to additional remuneration for their work in 200% of the hourly minimum wage rate.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,3
B) 3,4
C) 1,2
D) 2,3
E) 1,5


D) 2,3


There is a necessity to perform a bone marrow transplant in a 16-year-old child. The doctors have determined that, given
the circumstances, a 14-year-old brother of the patient may be the only donor. Performing this transplant from the donor
requires the approval of:

1) donor’s legal representative
2) donor
3) local bioethical committee
4) regional consultant in the field of transplantation
5) guardianship court.

The correct answer is:
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,2,5
C) 2,4,5
D) 1,2
E) 5


B) 1,2,5


There is a regulation in the Code of Medical Ethics on taking tissues for transplantation from minors. It concerns:

A) Nervous tissue.
B) Muscular tissue.
C) Connective tissue.
D) Bone marrow.
E) Fatty tissue.


D) Bone marrow.


What attitude towards euthanasia is set out in the in the Code of Medical Ethics? Choose the correct answer:

A) Allows euthanasia after consultation with a psychologist
B) Allows euthanasia in case of significant suffering of the patient
C) It completely forbids euthanasia
D) Orders euthanasia in terminal patients
E) Allows euthanasia in case of patient’s consent


C) It completely forbids euthanasia


What form of consent for getting cells, tissues or organs from corpses does the Polish Code of Medical Ethics allow?

A) Consent of the family of the deceased.
B) Lawyer’s permission.
C) Doctor’s permission.
D) Doctor’s permission.
E) Implied consent.


E) Implied consent.


What kind of consent, according to Code of Medical Ethics, is needed for taking cells, tissues and organs from corpse for

A) Informed.
B) Presumed.
C) Written.
D) Legal approval.
E) Approval of the relatives.


B) Presumed.


What kind of criteria, according to the Code of Medical Ethics, should be used by a physician determining the order of the
patients receiving intervention when specific forms of diagnostics, treatment or prevention cannot be applied
simultaneously to all persons in need?

A) Administrative.
B) Medical.
C) Biological.
D) Legal (Penal Code).
E) Organizational.


B) Medical.


What kind of medical situation, according to the Code of Medical Ethics, is a condition essentiatlo diagnose death before
taking cells, tissues or organs for transplantation?

A) Cardiac arrest.
B) Breath arrest.
C) Tissues necrosis.
D) Brain death.
E) Zero blood pressure.


D) Brain death.


What kind of risk, according to the Polish Medical Code of Ethics, is acceptable in therapeutic experiments?

A) Minimal.
B) Maximal.
C) Proportional.
D) Medium.
E) Any.


C) Proportional.


When no contraindications are found during a medical examination before a mandatory vaccination, it should be carried
out within a reasonable period after this examination. This period is maximum:

A) 12 hours.
B) 24 hours.
C) 36 hours.
D) 48 hours.
E) 60hours.


B) 24 hours.


Which document describes tasks, principles and organizations of the chambers of physicians and dentists and rights and
obligations of their members?

A) Declaration on medical self-government.
B) Act on Chambers of Physicians and Dentists.
C) Regulations on Chambers of Physicians and Dentists.
D)Constitution of the Republic of Poland
E) Act on Trade Unions.


B) Act on Chambers of Physicians and Dentists.


Which of the following bodies sets and takes care of universally binding all doctors principles of medical ethics (including
professional liability)?

A) Government.
B) Parliament.
C) Minister of Health.
D) Physician Self-Government.
E) Patients association.


D) Physician Self-Government.


Which of the following statements describes the attitude towards animal rights set out in the Code of Medical Ethics?
Choose the correct answer:

A) Animals have the same rights as humans
B) The Code of Medical Ethics mentions only parasites
C) Animal rights have been completely omitted in the Code of Medical Ethics
D) The Code of Medical Ethics recommends looking after animals as our ‘lesser brothers
E) The Code of Medical Ethics mentions animals in the context of their role in medical experiments


E) The Code of Medical Ethics mentions animals in the context of their role in medical experiments


Who can be given information about the patient:

  1. any other doctor
  2. any other doctor, if it is necessary to treat the patient
  3. if hiding this information would endanger the health or life of other people or the patient himself
  4. any other assisting doctor in the amount necessary in order for the persons to perform their tasks properly
  5. in any case, if the
    doctor thinks that it will be beneficialto the patient.

The correct answers are:

A) 2,3,4
B) 1
C) 2,3
D) 2,4
E) 5


A) 2,3,4


Who, according to the Polish Code of Medical Ethics, has an exclusive right to supervise a medical experiment involving a

A) Pharmacist.
B) Physician.
C) Philosopher.
D) Lawyer.
E) Sponsor.


B) Physician.


Who, according to the Polish Medical Code of Ethics, is allowed to supervise medical experiments on humans?

A) A pharmacologist.
B) A physician.
C) A pharmacist.
D) A lawyer.
E) A medical administrator.


B) A physician.


World Medical Association considers its Declaration of Geneva as the foundation of modern bioethics and medical law. It

A) Medical art is the noblest of all human activities.
B) Physician should avoid lecherous society.
C) | shall never give a lethal drug to anyone even if | am asked to.
D) | shall be saving the patient’s life in any situation.
E) | shall never agree to the situation in which religious, ethnic, racial, party or class views might affect me in
performing my duty to the patient.


E) | shall never agree to the situation in which religious, ethnic, racial, party or class views might affect me in
performing my duty to the patient.


You noticed a colleague’s mistake, what are you doing?
1. you notify the colleague about your observation
2. you can notify the regional spokesperson of professional liability
3. you take action to reverse the effects of this error
4. you do not inform the patient
5. when you inform the patient, you are very careful in forming your opinion

A) All correct
B) 1,2,3,4
C) 1,2,3,5
D) 2,3,5
E) 1,4


C) 1,2,3,5


compulsory take of blood is allowed from:
1) a suspicious person;
2) a suspected person;
3) an accused person;
4) a person sentenced to imprisonment;
5) a mentally ill person or one with mental disorders.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,3,4.
B) 2,3,4.
C) 3,4,5.
D) 1,3,5.
E) 1,4,5.


C) 3,4,5.

According to Polish medical law, compulsory taking of blood is allowed from a person who is accused, sentenced to imprisonment, and mentally ill or one with mental disorders.


criminal court punishing a physician who has committed a criminal offense in connection with his professional activity may set an additional penalty in the form of:
1) 1-10 year professional activity ban;
2) withdrawal of his right to practice profession for life;
3) confiscation of the objects used to commit the crime;
4) reprimand with an entry in the register of the regional chamber of physicians and dentists;
5) liability for damages.

A) 1,2,4
B) 2,3,4
C) 1,3,5
D) 2,4,5
E) 3,4,5


The correct answer is B) 2,3,4.

A criminal court punishing a physician who has committed a criminal offense in connection with his professional activity may set an additional penalty in the form of:

withdrawal of his right to practice profession for life - This is a severe penalty that permanently revokes the physician's right to practice their profession, effectively ending their career. This serves as a deterrent for other physicians to not commit any criminal offense in connection with their professional activity.

confiscation of the objects used to commit the crime - The objects used to commit the crime will be taken away from the physician, in order to prevent them from committing the crime again. This is to ensure that the physician does not have access to the means to commit the crime again.

reprimand with an entry in the register of the regional chamber of physicians and dentists - This is a public record of the physician's misconduct, which can be accessed by the public and other physicians. It can be used as evidence of misconduct when considering disciplinary action against the physician. This serves to inform the public and other physicians of the physician's misconduct and ensures that the physician's behavior is publicly known and recorded.

All these penalties are designed to deter the physician from committing any further criminal offenses and protect the public from any harm they might cause.


doctor has a duty:

A) To keep medical secrecy until patient’s death.
B) To keep medical secrecy also after patient’s death.
C) To disclose medical information concerning patients playing important social roles.
D) To disclose medical information concerning patients who are public officials.
E) To disclose medical information concerning patients who are minors.


B) To keep medical secrecy also after patient’s death.


doctor was summoned as a witness in a civil case for damages after being beaten, what resulted in the need for an
operation. The doctor, in terms of information covered by medical confidentiality, may:

A) He can testify because the goodness of the justice is more important.
B) He can testify if the court releases him from medical confidentiality
C) He can testify if he thinks that it is good for the patient
D) He can not refuse to testify, but he should avoid responding to questions about information covered by medical confidentiality
E) In no way can he testify, because medical confidentiality is more important than the good of justice


D) He can not refuse to testify, but he should avoid responding to questions about information covered by medical confidentiality


female patient comes to the gynecologist’s in order to undergo cytology. She is accompanied by her husband who is apparently going to be present at the examination. How should the doctor react?

1) husband should be allowed to be present at the examination since he is someone close, so it may be inferred that the
patient accepts his presence;
2) doctor may ask the husband to Leave if the patient insists on it;
3) doctor should ask the wife’s permission for her husband to stay;
4) doctor may ask the husband to leave if she decides that her patient health safety requires this;
5) doctor has to ask the husband to leave because gynecological examination is an intimate one and nobody but the
medical stuff can take part in it.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,4
B) 2,4
C) 2,3,4
D) 1,2,3,4
E) 5


C) 2,3,4


physician additionally employed in a military unit is preparing a dissertation on physiology of physical effort. Therefore
he is going to conduct an experiment on recruits. In order to make it possible he has to:

A) Obtain the consent of the soldiers.
B) Obtain the consent of the soldiers and the commander of the unit.
C) Obtain the consent of the ethical committee and the commander of the unit.
D) Obtain the consent of the ethical committee and the soldiers.
E) This kind of experiment is not allowed.


D) Obtain the consent of the ethical committee and the soldiers.

According to Polish medical law, it is required to obtain the consent of both the ethical committee and the individuals who will be participating in the experiment. The ethical committee will review the experiment to ensure that it is ethically sound, and the soldiers will need to give their informed consent for participating in the experiment. Additionally, the commander of the unit does not have the authority to give consent for the experiment on behalf of the soldiers.


physician diagnoses primary syphilis in his male patient. The patient doesn’t give consent to the treatment. After a few days, the patient’s wife visits the physician and asks him for the information on her husband’s illness because she is
afraid of getting infected. What should the physician do?

A) He should give the patient’s wife information on her husband’s illness.
B) He should consult his patient to find out, how much to tell the wife.
C) He should refuse to give any information to the patient’s wife, in accordance with the professional
= confidentiality rules.
D) He should suggest that the wife should undergo serological tests.
E) He should explain that only her husband can release the physician from the obligation to keep all the patient information confidential.


A) He should give the patient’s wife information on her husband’s illness.


physician is not allowed to transfuse blood to an unconscious person who is a Jehovah witness when:
1) the patient has opposed to blood transfusion in pen when he/she was conscious;
2) the physician knows that the patient is a Jehovah witness;
3) a personally signed and clear written objection to blood transfusion has been found with the patient;
4) the patient orally objected to blood transfusion in the presence of witnesses when he/she was conscious;
5) the closest family opposes to blood transfusion.
The correct answer is:

A) 1,3,4.
B) 1,2,5.
C) 1,3,5.
D) 2,3,5.
E) 1,4,5.


A) 1,3,4.


policeman reports to the doctor. He wants to interrogate a doctor in connection with ongoing criminal proceedings and
demands information covered by medical confidentiality. The doctor may provide him with the information on the
condition that:

1 - a police officer shows a police badge or police ID card
2 - the prosecutor issues a decision exempting
him from medical confidentiality
3 - the court issues a decision exempting the physician from medical confidentiality
4 -the patient consents to the disclosure of confidential
5 -the superior of this doctor, e.g. the head of the ward, expresses
his consent . Choose the answer:

A) 1 or 5
B) 2 or 4
C) 2 or 3
D) 3 or 4
E) 2 or 5


D) 3 or 4


woman contacted the doctor via social networks. She complains of symptoms suggesting the diagnosis of systemic
lupus erythematosus (she has tests results and pictures of skin lesions). What should the doctor do according to the
Code of Medical Ethics? Choose the answer:

A) Give his opinion to all users of the forum
B) Give the patient his opinion and recommend a visit to the doctor
C) Give the patient his opinion and prescribe medicines in the online pharmacy
D) Invite the patient to his office in two months
E) Report to the Patients’ Rights Ombudsman ?


B) Give the patient his opinion and recommend a visit to the doctor


woman with inevitable miscarriage came to a hospital with her permanent partner. This man asked her doctor for
information about the state of the patient.

A) Only a husband has a right to this kind of information.
B) The doctor knowing that it is a permanent partnership should give the information.
C) Irrespective to the character of relationship between them information may be given only after having
consent of the patient.
D) Information may be given freely to a husband or close relatives and, after having consent of a patient, to
other persons.
E) In this case the partner should be treated like a husband or close relative and information should be given.


C) Irrespective to the character of relationship between them information may be given only after having
consent of the patient.