Law & Ethics True/false Flashcards
If a husband calls for information about his wife who is in treatment, the therapist
should assert privilege.
False - Not a “Privilege” situation;
A therapist is obligated to break confidentiality if the client is suicidal.
FALSE - One COULD but not necessary
If a client makes a serious threat to harm an identifiable other, the therapist must warn the victim.
FALSE - Must warn police; warning the victim is one of the things you COULD DO, but not appropriate in all cases.
Someone over the age of 60 is considered an elder.
FALSE - 65
If an adult client shares they were a victim of child abuse as a minor and the
perpetrator still has access to children, the therapist must file a child abuse report.
FALSE - not enough reasonable suspicion
Therapists are always required to obtain written consent from a parent or guardian
before releasing any confidential information about a minor client
It is a therapist’s legal responsibility to make an effort to learn and understand
cultural assumptions of their client.
FALSE - Ethical ~Legal
When informed of child abuse, a therapist must make an immediate report and
follow up with a written report within 24 hours.
FALSE - 36 hours
Authorizations to release information must include an end date.
A Tarasoff condition only exists if a client expresses a serious threat to harm an
identifiable victim
FALSE - could be to a venue; can take outside info into account
If a client makes a threat to an unidentifiable victim, the therapist must warn the
If a therapist receives a court order for client records, the therapist should assert
FALSE - Court order comply; Subpoena - assert
Ethically, it is acceptable to wait until the middle phase of treatment to determine
who the unit of treatment is going to be.
FALSE - want to establish early
A clinician can hospitalize a client when the client’s mental or physical state causes
them to be in imminent danger of harming themselves or others.
FALSE - can initiate
Any advertisements must include either the exact title of the practitioner’s license
or the license number.
FALSE - can be initials MUST include license number
Therapists have 3 working days following a written request from a client to allow the client to inspect records.
FALSE - 5 days
If parents were never married, either of them may consent for treatment of a minor
It is unethical but legal to receive compensation for the referral of clients.
It is a therapist’s legal duty to challenge a “denial of services” from an insurance
FALSE - ETHICAL not leagal
The purpose of HIPAA is to standardize electronic patient health, administrative,
and financial data.
A therapist must obtain signed written consent to provide teletherapy.
A therapist should immediately terminate treatment with a client if the therapist is
unable to effectively manage their countertransference.
FALSE - can try for personal support first
HIPAA standards apply if a therapist communicates electronically.
FALSE- that’s one part of it; with a 3rd party Payer is the key
Parents who are in prison lose their rights to access their minor child’s records
A baby who tests positive for drugs at birth would require a mandated child abuse
FALSE - not enough info to report
The font on an authorization to release information must be at least 12 points.
FALSE 14pt