DSM-5-TR Flashcards
Central Sleep Apnea
Person stops breathing when they are asleep (up to 1 minute), which disrupts the quality of their sleep
A sudden attack of sleep (accompanied by loss of muscle tone)
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
When someone has problems controlling their aggressive impulses
Can be destructive
Disproportionate response to the trigger
Rule out drugs
Compulsive stealing
Not done for a needed purpose (not actually poor)
Gets a rush from stealing clothes
Substance Use Disorder
Continuum of mild to severe
Failure to perform major role or obligations at work or home
Impacts social interactions
Made efforts to stop, but cannot stop (increased tolerance or dependence)
Substance Induced Disorders
(two types)
Substance Intoxication
Person is on the substance and is using the substance
Substance Withdrawal
Person is getting off of the substance
Substance induced mild nerocognitive disorder
Neurocognitive symptoms (difficulty learning, memory or executive functioning) associated with prolonged cocaine or meth use
Gambling Disorder
Compulsive gambling even when it is damaging to their life
Preoccupation with gambling
Even when losing, they keep going
Lie about gambling
**Rule out mania
Autism Spectrum Disorder
-0-5 years old
-Deficiency in social communication and interaction
Babies: poor eye contact, no back and forth play, not taking the toy
Older kids: do not play with kids, or poor play; no company play
-Repetitive behavior
Hand flapping
Hard time with transitions
Obsessed with one or a few things
Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli
Sound, smell, tactile
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
JUST Impaired social communication
DD: NO repetitive behavior
Specific Learning Disorder
Specific to difficulty learning basic academic skills (compared to normal)
Shown in math or reading
May need to gain info in different way
DD: First Rule out a LD
Need to present before the age of 12
Symptoms present in at least 2 settings (school and home)
Problems with sustained attention (Hard to sit and read, often interrupt others)
Problems with hyperactivity (cannot sit still, need to be moving)
Rumination Disorder
repeated regurgitation of food
persistent eating of NON-food substances
Language disorder
hard time building vocabulary (reduced vocabulary)
below what is considered normal for the developmental age
Often skip words in sentence (i.e. me go bathroom now)
Child onset fluency disorder
Seen at 0-5 yo
Can be repeated word (I, I, I, I, etc)
Long pauses between words
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
Motor: physical hand movement that they cannot control
Vocal: shout out a word uncontrollably
BOTH Motor AND Vocal tic
poop in bed or cloths (age 4+)
Urine in bed or cloths (age 5+)
R/O trauma or sexual molestation
Separation Anxiety Disorder
-anxiety specific to separating from primary caregiver
-Kids: Sx needs to be present for 4 weeks
-Adults: Sx needs to be present for 6 months; can be anticipatory
-How it presents: constant worry when caregiver is not around
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
worrying about a lot of different things across multiple domains
(school + work + etc.)
Physical symptoms (tension, sweating, peeing)
Sx present for 6 months minimum
Selective mutism
person fails to speak in a particular situation (i.e. school hard to speak, but at home fine)
Social anxiety disorder
anxiety specific to being in social situation
Worry of being rejected, judged
Will decline or avoid specific situations/events
Reactive attachment disorder
Failure to thrive
9 months to 5 yo
Result from persistent neglect or abuse OR change in caregivers
Do not seek comfort and do not respond to comfort
Sadness, fear
Hard to engage
Do not act out, sit by them selves, gave up
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
ODD: defiant, problems with authority, do not want to do what is told
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Attach too easily
9 months to 5 yo
Result from persistent neglect or abuse OR change in caregivers
No boundaries (sit on new person’s lap and saying “take me home”)
Easily interact with others
Conduct Disorder
CD: law breaking activity, destroying property, no remorse, fights (violations of others)
Feeds into antisocial personality disorder:
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
DMDD: used to be called bipolar in children
Dx between 6-10 (17) yo
Chronical irritability, or moody
Frequent temper tantrums (at least 3 times per week)
Brief Psychotic Disorder
0-1 month
Delusion: belief that is false
Hallucinations (auditory or visual)
Disorganized speech (rambling or not making sense)
Disorganized behaviors (gestures that make no sense)
Negative Sx (flat affect, lost in thought)
Schizophreniform Disorder
1-6 months
Delusion: belief that is false
Hallucinations (auditory or visual)
Disorganized speech (rambling or not making sense)
Disorganized behaviors (gestures that make no sense)
Negative Sx (flat affect, lost in thought)
6 months or more
Delusion: belief that is false
Hallucinations (auditory or visual)
Disorganized speech (rambling or not making sense)
Disorganized behaviors (gestures that make no sense)
Negative Sx (flat affect, lost in thought)
Has had a psychotic episode
Major Depressive Disorder
MDD: depression Sx present for at least 2 weeks
Anhedonia, lack of motivation, change in Bio-functioning (sleep, change in appetite), SI, worthlessness
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Depression without meeting criteria for MDD
Mild bio-functioning impairment
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Chronically and mildly depressed (like Unspecified for 2 years)
Kids: depressed mood for at least **1 year
Adults: Depressed mood for at least ** 2 years
Bipolar I Disorder
Needs to have manic phase (elevated mood for at least 1 week)
Grandiosity, risky behavior, lack of need for sleep, excessive energy, euphoria
In denial that they are in a manic phase
Usually followed by depressive phase (but not required for bipolar 1)
Bipolar II Disorder
Needs to have a hypomanic phase and major depressive episode
Hypomania: like lesser than mania for 4 days
Elevated mood but not impaired
Cyclothymic Disorder
Sx present for 2 years
Hypomanic state alternates with low level mild depressive episode
Unspecified Mood Disorder
Mood disorder significant, but does not meet criteria for other mood disorder not met
Unspecified Bipolar Disorder
Does not meet the criteria for bipolar I, II or cyclothymia but has still experienced periods of clinically significant abnormal mood elevation.
Schizoaffective disorder
Psychotic Sx present all of the time
Mood Sx come and go
Bipolar 1 with psychotic features
Mood disorder is constant
Psychotic features come and go
Grieving the lost of loved one (person or pet)
loss/anger in response to the death of a loved one
Major Depressive Disorder
Can be present with bereavement if ALSO having problems with bio functioning, worthlessness, self harm or SI
Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood
NOT diagnosed with bereavement
COMORBID with depression or anxiety
Reaction to something that happens with the persons environment
Recent life stressor: Divorce, move, losing a job
Sx have to be present WITHIN 3 months of the stressor
Acute -3mo to 6mo
Persistant +6mo
Prolonged Grief Disorder
Adults: +12 mo
Children: +6mo
Duration and Severity : need to excede social, religious, and cultural norms
Panic Disorder
Reoccurring unexpected panic attacks AND fear they will happen again
Fear of going out in public in at least 2 situations (large crowds, crowded spaces)
obsessive thoughts AND compulsive behaviors, ego dystonic
Perfectionist, controlling, very rigid people, not seen as an issue to the person, ego syntonic
Incident or witnessed incident that is life threatening
Intrusive elements (flashbacks, Nightmares, Negative mood, Shame)
Behavioral: Avoid situations that remind them of incident
Arousal: Hypervigilance
**Diagnosed only AFTER 1 month after the incident
Acute Stress disorder
Same Sx as PTSD
Sx present WITHIN 1 month of incident
Adjustment disorder with anxiety
Sx of anxiety linked to event that is NOT life threatening
NO hypervigilance
NO flashbacks
sx present for at least 6 months
Impact bio-functioning
Anxiety Disorder Unspecified
Sx present for -6 months
Sx over 6 months that are not that severe
Marked shift in someone’s awareness process
Comes on quickly, lasts a few hours to a day
Seen in hospital setting
Impairments: memory, language, executive functioning
Symptoms: delusions or hallucinations
Major Neurocognitive Disorder
AKA “dementia”
Loses ability to function independently
Serious issues with attention, executive functioning, attention
Seen in nursing home or skilled nursing facility
Make sure to rule out depression (typically depressed people are aware of their memory lapses).
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder:
Precursor to major
Noticeable decline in functioning, but can still function independependently
Somatic Symptom Disorder
The individual has excessive thoughts, feelings and behaviors relating to the physical symptoms. The physical symptoms may or may not be associated with a diagnosed medical condition, but the person is experiencing symptoms and believes they are sick (that is, not faking the illness).
The emphasis is on the extent to which the thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to the illness are excessive or out of proportion.
Client has a somatic symptoms from an actual health illness (i.e. pain) & anxiety.
Persistent concern about the medical symptoms of their issue
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Client does not have somatic symptoms, or if they do, then they are very mild
Exaggerated fear of getting an illness despite a doctor reassuring them they won’t
R/o: make sure they do not have a documented health condition.
Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder
When a psych issue turns into a physical issue. A psych stressor converts to a somatic condition.
i.e. “bilnd rage” and they actually go blind
i.e. trauma in the body, and it feels like you no long have functioning in the limb.
Factitious Disorder
(Formally known as Münchausen Syndrome)
person likes the attention from being sick
faking an illness to get out of something; not sick but looking to get out of responsibility’s
i.e. claim mental illness to get insurance money
Factitious Disorder by Proxy
(Formally known as Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy):
parent likes the attention given to them if their child is sick…but, child is not actually sick.
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Person feels disconnected to reality…feel like a dreamlike state
The world feels surreal
Dissociative Amnesia
Sudden forgetting of their pertinent personal information
Occurs post shocking event (i.e. natural disaster)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Formally known as multiple personality disorder
When a person has 2 or more distinct personality states
They cannot remember the other personalities
Comes from extreme abuse
Rare disorder
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Females report pain or fear of pain during intercourse
Great displeasure at thought of having sex
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Lack of sexual interest or arrousal
Insomnia Disorder
Difficulties sleeping for 3 nights per week for 3 months
Difficulties falling asleep, staking asleep, or messed up sleep cycle
Rule out mania, MDD, or anxiety disorder
Hypersomnolence Disorder
Someone has excessive sleepiness more that 7 hrs (up to 9hrs)
Nightmare Disorder
When someone wakes up with a nightmare, can recall the nightmare upon waking up
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disorder
(aka sleep terror disorder)
Recurrent episodes of incomplete waking
Cannot remember what they were dreaming about and do not fully wake up
Seen in people who sleep walk
Client is aware of and they do not want it there
i.e. depression, anxiety, OCD
this is the client’s view of themselves
They do not see these personality characteristics are a problem
i.e. someone with a PD, usually do not see it is a problem (others see it is a problem
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Irrational suspicions and distrust of others
Pervasive across all domains
Others are out to get them
World is hostile, and out to get them.
Delusional Disorder
When someone experiences delusions (bizzare or non-bizzare)
Only delusions (no other schizophrenia symptoms)
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Lack interest in social relationships
No interest in wanting to change
pervasive over time
Avoidant Personality Disorder
LONELY people
Ego syntonic
They WANT to connect to others, but they are socially inhibited.
Think people will not like them, so they avoid social interactions for fear they will be evaluated negatively
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Viewed as a precurser to schizophrenia
Odd behavior or thinking
i.e. conspiracy theorists
magical thinking
bizarre fantasies
Lack close friends
Can dress weird
DD: Have NOT had a psychotic episode
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Must be 18 or over to be diagnosed
Has to have history of conduct disorder (at least by the age of 15)
Pervasive pattern and disregard for the rights of others
i.e. law breaking behavior, lying, impulsive, aggressive, irresponsible, lack of remorse (after they did something harmful, they do not feel bad)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Pervasive pattern of GRANDIOUSITY
Lack of empathy (not at all understanding what another person can think or feel)
Exaggerate achievements
Fantasies that they are special, unique, are entitled.
Can fly into a rage if they are put down
Common diagnosis for DV perpetrators
Borderline Personality Disorder
Instability in relationships**
Suicidal Gestures
Black and white thinking
They love you, then they hate you
Frantic fear of real or imagined abandonment
If they feel like they are being abandoned, they can engage in self harm.
Can idealize the therapist, and devalue others
Sense of self fluctuates in relation to others
Feelings of emptiness and intense rage
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Pervasive attention seeking behavior
Needs to be in the center of the attention
Seductive behavior (dress in a way to be seen)
Rapid shifting and shallow expression of emotion
Can be dramatic
Dependent Personality Disorder
Difficulty making decisions without the reassurance from others
Need others to take control of their lives (basically a big baby)
Difficulty disagreeing with others, because they can loose support
Going along with the program without question
Hard time initiating problems or doing things on their own
Will take on unpleasant tasks to get people to like them
When alone, they are uncomfortable and helpless
Seek relationship for support (cannot be single at all)
Timeline of:
Brief psychotic disorder
less than 1 month
1–6 months
over 6 months
a period of at least 2 weeks in which there are depressive or manic symptoms