Law Flashcards
What action must be taken after flight if you have found a defect
Enter details in aircraft technical log
What six documents (one may be exempt) shall be carried in all aircraft
Airworthiness certificate Aircraft flight manual Technical log Certificate of registration Weight and balance data form Copy of general radio users licence
Does a child under 4 require a separate seat and seat belt
Does not need a separate seat if held by an adult and seatbelt attached to adult seat belt
What are the minimum instruments required for night flight
Airspeed Altitude Direction Turn & slip All must be illuminated
Within what distance from shore must radio be carried
Must have radio if > 30 mins from shore
What are requirements for carrying oxygen
Required if flying above 13000 ft or if flying above 10000 ft for more than 30 mins
Min instruments required
Must all be operable and visible to pilot in seated position
- airspeed
- altitude
- direction
- time
- fuel contents
- rpm
- oil pressure
- coolant temp if liquid cooled
- manifold pressure if applicable
- cylinder head temp if > 250hp
- flap position
- undercarriage position
- power generation
- carbon monoxide detector
Min equipment required
Seat and safety belt
Shoulder harness for aerobatic, training and low flying
Checklists if > 5700 kg or > 10 pax
Additional equipment required for night flight
Position lights and anti-collision light system
Torch for each crew member
Can pax be on board during refuelling
No if using Avgas. Engine should be off and pax should not be boarding or disembarking
What maintenance can pilot do
Replace tyres Grease where no disassembly Simple fairing repairs Replacement of oil and oil filter Replacement of spark plugs Battery Fuses and lights GPS removal and updates Hydraulic fluid Brake pads Seats and doors Routine maintenance intended by the manufacturer to be done by pilot that does not require special tools Self test of ELT
What are the minimum flight experience requirement for a private pilot to carry passengers by day and by night
3 take offs and landings in last 90 days or have completed a proficiency check - day and night are separate requirements
Costs may be shared only if
- not advertised
- pilot receives no payment
- costs are shared equally
- no other person is paid
Passengers should not be carried
- practicing forced landings commencing >1000ft AGL and descending below 500ft in a low flying area
- low flying zone
- flight check after maintenance
- towing other than glider
- aerobatics unless hold aerobatics rating
- display flying at event
Pax must be seated and belted when
- during takeoff and landing
- when flying below 1000AGL
- when PIC says so
- during aerobatic flight
- at all times in open cockpit
RPL pilot limitations
No more than 1 pax
Pax must be advised pilot has no class 1 or 2 medical
RPL can not
Night fly
IFR fly
Controlled airspace
Congested areas
Currency requirement for PPL
- medical class 1 or 2
- to carry pax 3 takeoff sand landings within 90 days unless had proficiency check
- biennial flight review within last 2 years
PPL may operate commercial aircraft for glider towing or parachuting as long as
Holds current activity rating
Not paid
Under direct supervision of approved organisation
Class 2 medical validity
- 5 years if under 40
- 2 years if over 40
Upper and lower limits of low flying zones
500ft and surface
Min viz for dual low flying
1500 metres
Requirements in CFZ
Transmit position and intention at regular intervals
Switch on lights
Not mandatory
MBZ requirements
Report at entry, when joining circuit, before entering runway, and at prescribed intervals
- call sign
- position
- altitude
- intentions
Activate anti-collision or landing lights
In class C ATC separates
IFR from IFR, SVFR and VFR
SVFR from SVFR when viz <5 km
VFR avoidance advice on pilot request
In class D ATC separates
IFR from IFR and SVFR (not VFR)
SVFR from SVFR when viz <5km
No VFR from VFR
VFR avoidance advice on pilot request
General aviation areas are active
Only during day. May require ATC approval or notification
In class A ATC separates
All traffic
Transponder codes
VFR fixed wing 1200 VFR heli 1500 VFR gliders and balloons 1300 VFR operating in circuit of controlled aerodrome 2200 Unlawful interference 7500 Radio failure 7600 Emergency 7700
Min radar separation between aircraft at similar levels
5 nm
How is vertical separation assured
1000ft apart at flight levels below FL275 - 500ft may be used in controlled airspace between IFR and VFR when smaller aircraft and lower is 4500ft or below
What 6 things must PIC get before flight
Current and anticipated weather
Fuel requirements
Alternatives if planned flight can’t be completed
Any known or likely traffic delays notified by ATC
Current conditions of any aerodrome to be used (incl NOTAMS)
Take off and landing data from flight manual
Before flight PIC must be familiar with
Flight manual
Any placards etc containing limitations prescribed by manufacturer or the Director
Which crew member is assigned to operate emergency equipment
Procedures for use of emergency equipment
When must a VFR flight plan be filed
Intend flying >50nm from shore
PIC requires an alerting service
Contents of a VFR flight plan
Registration Call sign if different Aircraft type Intended route SARTIME Fuel endurance POB Name and phone of PIC Name of aircraft owner Any additional info useful for search and rescue
Fuel requirements
Sufficient for plan + 30 mins day or 45 mins night
For heli +20 mins or length of flight if < 20 mins
VFR met minima in C and D airspace
2km horizontally from cloud, 1000 ft vertically (500ft in CTRs)
5km viz below 10000ft, 8km above 10000ft
VFR met minima in class G above 3000ft or 1000ft above terrain (whichever is higher)
2km horizontal and 1000ft vertical from cloud
5km viz below 10000ft, 8km above 10000ft
VFR met minima in class G below 3000ft or below 1000ft above terrain (whichever is higher)
Clear of cloud and in sight of surface
5km viz
Definition of ceiling
Height above ground/water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 20000ft covering more than half the sky - more than scattered cloud
SVFR minima in controlled airspace
Viz not less than 1500m
Remain clear of cloud
Below ceiling
SVFR conditions
Clearance required
Must have radio
Daylight only
Ceiling >600ft
Aerodrome VFR met minima - controlled
Ceiling 1500ft
Viz 5km
Unless SVFR
Aerodrome VFR met minima - uncontrolled
Day - 600ft ceiling 1500m viz
Night - 1500ft ceiling 8km viz
Min safe height not less than
Height required to execute emergency landing
Over city/people, not less than 1000ft above highest obstacle within 600m
Over country, not less than 500ft above highest obstacle within 150m
VFR magnetic track altitude
NOSE + 500ft
Doesn’t apply <1000ft AGL (whichever higher)
ATC may assign non-standard levels
Applies to Magnetic Track, not magnetic/compass heading
Transition layer
From FL160 on descent when QNH 980hPa or less
When does an aircraft operated over water need life jackets
When flying more than gliding distance from shore
When multi-engine >50nm from shore
When do life rafts need to be carried
Single engine >100nm from shore
Multi-engine >200nm from shore
Light characteristics- F
Light characteristics- FLG
Flashing - dark more than light
Light characteristics- GpFLG
Group Flashing - groups of brief flashes followed by darkness
Light characteristics- OCC
Occulting- intermittent light and dark ( more light)
Light characteristics- Alternating
A light showing different colours
How many classes of dangerous goods
Rules for flight through danger areas
Only after having obtained all relevant info regarding area use and being satisfied that no risk. Do not require clearance.
Rules for flight in restricted area
Require prior authorisation
Rules for flying in military operating area
Requires clearance from controlling authority, except when not active
Rules for flying through volcanic hazard zone
Only during daylight and in VMC. No clearance required.
If transiting above 3000ft over an uncontrolled aerodrome should you change frequency
PPL may work for parachute so long as
Has parachute rating
Current PPL (CPL required for commercial ops)
Have 200 hrs flight time incl 100 as PIC of aircraft used
White + on runway
Unsafe area
Requirements for student solo
16 yrs
Class 2 medical
Supervision of instructor, first solo A or B cat
A or B certified logbook
Dual instruction within last 5 hrs experience
Flown in last 30 days
For cross country authorised by A or B cat and have passed all exams
Max speed <10000ft
250kts IAS