Law 2 - Holding Flashcards
What is the ICAO definition of a holding fix? (1)
A geographical location that serves as a
reference for a holding procedure
(ICAO PANS ATM (Doc 4444))
What is the definition of a holding procedure? (1)
A predetermined manoeuvre which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance
ACC Controllers may instruct an aircraft to hold along ATS routes or within defined Controlled airspace. True or False?
Reasons for Holding aircraft? (3)
- Weather
- Traffic Management
- Accident at airfeld. etc.
Standard holding pattern diagram
- One minute per part of a leg
- This hold is 4 mins
(Right hand shown, left hand symmetrical)
where may a holding fix be placed? (2)
- May be over a point source nav-aid
- Defined as an intersection of VOR radials or as a VOR/DME position
What does a holding axis need?
Where can it be placed? (2)
- Required inbound track to the holding fix
- VOR radials > Axis must lie on
one of the radials (may be orientated towards or away)
What are the specifications of a holding pattern - turn? (2)
- Turns made at Rate 1 (3°/sec) or with 25° of bank
- Aircraft holding >170kts may turn at less than 3°/sec
Holding speeds diagram
Speeds are in “IAS”
What are the aircraft approach category speeds? (5)
- Cat A - <91 kts IAS
- Cat B - 91-120 kts IAS
- Cat C - 121-140 kts IAS
- Cat D - 141-165 kts IAS
- Cat E - 166-210 kts IAS
What is VaT? (1)
Velocity at Threshold
What is the speed for VaT? (1)
1.3x the stalling speed (maximum certificated landing MASS)
What duration is the outbound leg? (2)
1 minute
1½ above 14,000ft
When does time commence on an outbound leg? (2)
- Abeam the fix
- Completion of outbound turn
(whichever is later)
Where DME is available, limiting the range for the outbound leg may be specified. True or False?
A limiting radial may also apply
VOR DME - Holding TOWARDS the station diagram
VOR DME - Holding AWAY the station diagram
Entry procedure diagram
1 2 3
Parallel entry procedure diagram
Offset entry procedure diagram
Offset of 30° from beacon
Direct entry procedure diagram
What other entry methods are available? (3)
- Along Holding Radial
- Via a DME Arc
- Via a Secondary Fix
What factors may affect a holding pattern? (5)
- Wind
- Speed(rates of turn)
- Effect of level (temp and pressure)
- Effect of Navigation aid in use
- Turbulence
Why is there a different distance displayed on an A/C based on their actual position? (1)
Slant range
Are pilots required to adjust headings and timings to allow the affect of wind? Yes or no
(Must inform ATC if they cannnot comply)
When will an aircraft be told of an Expected Approach Time (EAT)? (1)
A time at which to expect to leave the hold to commence an instrument approach - 10 minutes or more
What is an Expected onward Clearance time? (1)
Time to leave the hold to continue enroute
What will a pilot do when told a specified time to leave the hold? (1)
Pilot will adjust timing within the pattern to leave at a specified time
What is the normal separation from a holding pattern? (1)
1. 5 minutes
2. From the flight path of the holding aircraft
What should a Holding area provide? (1)
Separation from aircraft in the hold from aircraft outside of the holding area
Protected area of a holding pattern diagram
What will ATC need to know with a holding pettern? (1)
Be aware of the dimensions of the holding area in order to calculate this
What will the Authority calculate & determine with a holding pettern? (1)
Which of adjacent holding patterns can be “deemed” as separated
Where may VFR aircraft commence VFR holding? (1)
Visual Reference Points
What do VRP’s do? (1)
Assist ATC routing VFR traffic and integrate it with IFR flights
What must ATCO’s do with VRP’s outside controlled airspace? (1)
ATCOs should not instruct an A/C to hold / route OVER such VRPs
What may A/C be told after they are allowed to commence an approach? (1)
May be told to orbit until sufficient spacing has been achieved or the pilot reports visual with the aircraft he is following