LAW Flashcards
Hvad er formålet med ICAO?
ICAO er ansvarlig for at fastlægge globale standarder og retningslinjer for international civil luftfart.
Hvad er Chicago-konventionen?
Chicago-konventionen er en international traktat, der regulerer civil luftfart og etablerede ICAO i 1944.
Hvad er forskellen mellem SARPs og nationale love?
SARPs er internationale standarder, som medlemslandene skal implementere, mens nationale love er de specifikke reguleringer, som et land vedtager for at overholde SARPs.
Hvad er Cabotage-reglen?
Cabotage-reglen forhindrer udenlandske luftfartsselskaber i at operere indenrigsflyvninger i et andet land uden tilladelse.
Hvad er DOC 4444 og DOC 8168?
DOC 4444 regulerer Air Traffic Services (ATS), og DOC 8168 indeholder specifikationer for flyoperationer.
What is the main focus of Annex 19 in aviation?
Safety management systems (SMS), ensuring proactive safety strategies.
How does ICAO view compliance with safety regulations?
Overholdelse af regler sikrer ikke sikkerhed; systemerne skal tolerere fejl og tillade retablering, før de bliver kritiske.
What must organizations balance according to Annex 19?
The balance between production and safety, acknowledging that eliminating all risks is impossible.
How can technological advances affect aviation safety?
They require human factors training, teamwork, and error management to effectively manage the increasing complexity of systems.
What is a key factor in aviation system safety?
Viewing safety as the presence of positive capacities within an organization, not just the absence of accidents.
What was one reason for the introduction of the Single European Sky initiative?
To manage the increasing air traffic in Europe while enhancing safety through harmonized regulations.
What does the Swiss Cheese model represent in aviation safety?
How accidents happen when latent conditions and active failures align, allowing hazards to bypass barriers.
What does the SHELL model in aviation safety focus on?
The interaction between the individual (Liveware) and other system components like hardware, software, and the environment.
How do stress and fatigue affect aviation safety?
Stress and fatigue erode the barriers designed to prevent errors and accidents, impacting human performance.
What does the SRK model categorize?
The SRK model categorizes human errors based on skills, rules, and knowledge levels.
Why is balancing performance and safety crucial in aviation?
It ensures that operations are efficient while minimizing the risk of accidents.
How does the complexity of air traffic affect aviation safety systems?
Increased complexity requires a systemic approach using models like Swiss Cheese and Shell to manage human errors and risks.
Hvilken type flight plan er RPL?
RPL (Repetitive Flight Plan) bruges til regelmæssige flyvninger med identiske parametre.
Hvornår skal en flight plan indsendes?
En flight plan skal indsendes mindst 2 timer før afgang.