Latin Vocabulary Ch 21 Flashcards
fortūna, -ae, f.
fortune, luck (fortunate)
ratiō, ratiōnis, f.
reason (ration, rational)
dēcipiō, dēcipere, dēcēpī, dēceptum
deceive (deception)
intellegō, intellegere, intellēxī, intellectum
understand (intelligence)
metuō, metuere, metuī, metūtum
nōlō, nōlle, nōluī
to not wish, to be unwilling
volō, velle, voluī
to wish, want be willing (volition, volunteer)
alius, alia, aliud
2-1-2 adj. other, another (alias, alibi)
alter, altera, alterum;
2-1-2 adj. the other (of two) (alternative, alternate)
neuter, neutra, neutrum
2-1-2 adj. neither (neuter, neutral)
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum
2-1-2 adj. no, none, not any (nullify, annul)
sōlus, sōla, sōlum
2-1-2 adj. alone, only (solo, solitude)
tōtus, tōta, tōtum
2-1-2 adj. whole, entire (total)
ūllus, ūlla, ūllum
2-1-2 adj. any
ūnsus, ūna, ūnum
2-1-2 adj. one (unify, union)
uter, utra, utrum
2-1-2 adj. either, which (of two)
ob, prep. +acc.
in front of; on account of, for (obvious)
just as
alter . . . alter
one . . . the other