Latin Vocabulary Ch 15 Flashcards
annus, -ī, m.
year (annual)
ēducātiō, ēducātiōns, f.
upbringing, rearing; education (education)
lūdus, -ī, m.
school, game (ludicrous)
mēnsa, mēnsae, f.
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctum
to teach (doctrine)
discō, discere, didicī
to learn (discern)
scrībō, scrībere, scripsī, scriptum
to write (scribble)
ācer, ācris, ācre
3-3 adj. sharp, eager; severe, fierce (acrid)
aptus, -a, -um
2-1-2 adj. fitting, proper, apt, suitable (aptitude)
brevis, breve
3-3 adj. short, brief (brevity)
celer, celeris, celere
3-3 adj. swift, quick, rapid (accelerate)
fortis, forte
3-3 adj. strong, brave (fortitude)
ingēns, ingentis
3 adj. huge
iuvenis, iuvenis
3 adj. young, youthful (juvenile)
omnis, omne
3-3 adj. all, every (omnibus, omnipresent)
senex, senis
3 adj. old, aged; (as a noun) old man (senate, senile)
gravis, grave
3-3 adj. serious, important, weighty (grave)
pūblicus, a, um
2-1-2 adj. public (publicity)