🟨 Latin Vocabulary - Aenidos Lib. I. lxxxvi-clvi Flashcards
fas (n.)
right, divine law
accumbo, accumbere, accubui, accubitum
(to) recline
agmen, agminis (n.)
a train; an army considered as in motion, on the march
latus, lateris (n.)
side, flank
(even) as, just as
incubo, incubare, incubui (-avi), incubitum (-atum)
(to) lie upon, brood over (+dat.)
creber, crebera, creberum
thick, close, frequent, crowded
ater, atra, atrum
black, gloomy
aether, aetheris (n.)
upper air, sky, ether
ingemo, ingemere, ingemui
(to) groan, lament, bewail
sidus, sideris (n.)
occumbo, occumbere, occubui, occubitum
(to) fall, sink down; die
ferio, ferire
(to) strike, smite, beat, knock, cut, thrust, hit
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum
(to) raise, lift up; take away, remove; destroy
remus, remi (m.)
furo, furere, furui
(to) rage, rave, be frantic
harena, harenae (f.)
sand, beach
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum
(to) turn, twist, whirl
vertex, verticis (m.)
top, summit, whirlpool
no, nare, navi
(to) swim
imber, imbris (m.)
rain, flood, water
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum
(to) mix, confuse, stir
lateo, latere, latui
(to) lie hidden, escape the notice (of)
dolus, doli (m.)
deceit, wiles, trick, fraud
for, fari, fatus
(to) say, tell, utter
pelagus, pelagi (n.)
the open sea
auris, auris (f.)
(not to be confused with [aura, aurae (f.) - breeze, air] or [aurum, auri (n.) - gold])
fax, facis (f.)
firebrand, torch
right, divine law
fas (n.)
accumbo, accumbere, accubui, accubitum
a train; an army considered as in motion, on the march
agmen, agminis (n.)
side, flank
latus, lateris (n.)
(even) as, just as
lie upon, brood over (+dat.)
incubo, incubare, incubui (-avi), incubitum (-atum)
thick, close, frequent, crowded
creber, crebera, creberum
black, gloomy
ater, atra, atrum
upper air, sky, ether
aether, aetheris (n.)
groan, lament, bewail
ingemo, ingemere, ingemui
sidus, sideris (n.)
fall, sink down; die
occumbo, occumbere, occubui, occubitum
strike, smite, beat, knock, cut, thrust, hit
ferio, ferire
raise, lift up; take away, remove; destroy
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum
remus, remi (m.)
rage, rave, be frantic
furo, furere, furui
sand, beach
harena, harenae (f.)
turn, twist, whirl
torqueo, torquere, torsi, tortum
top, summit, whirlpool
vertex, verticis (m.)
no, nare, navi
rain, flood, water
imber, imbris (m.)
mix, confuse, stir
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtum
lie hidden, escape the notice (of)
lateo, latere, latui
deceit, wiles, trick, fraud
dolus, doli (m.)
say, tell, utter
for, fari, fatus
the open sea
pelagus, pelagi (n.)
(not to be confused with [aura, aurae (f.) - breeze, air] or [aurum, auri (n.) - gold]
auris, auris (f.)
firebrand, torch
fax, facis (f.)